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Roman Building Set 2
All building models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas: Building Set 2 contains a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF ancient Roman building models by renowned RPG and mapping artist, Eric Hotz. All Roman Seas models are based on the buildings from the ancient... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Rural Village Set
All building models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas: The Roman Rural Village Set contains a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF ancient Roman building models by renowned RPG and mapping artist, Eric Hotz. All Roman Seas models are based on the buildings from the ancient... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
The Carthaginian Navy Set
Scale: 1/300th (6mm)
The Carthaginian Navy Set contains a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF ancient ship and building models by renowned RPG and mapping artist, Eric Hotz. All Roman Seas models are based on ships and buildings from the ancient Roman period (264BC - 400AD). Just print out the files... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |

Star Thrust Racers is a fast-paced, dynamic, multi-player game system designed for the use of 3D spaceship models/miniatures (many of which are available via Shapeways.com) on hex gridded game surfaces. Each player controls one Space Racer and will race around a pre-set-up racecourse. The first player to cross the finish line wins but unscrupulous opponents... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
$15.00 $13.00
Whitewash City Building Set #4
The Whitewash City Building Set #4 makes 5 main building models in 30mm, 1/60th scale. 2 Add-On Kits, is included for ONLY $7.00 USD! This is a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building models by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models are based on... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
"There's Gold In Them Thar Hills!"
Gold Town is a unique historical Wild West PDF tile-board game for 2 to 8 players recreating the real-life experience of Old West miners during the early 1870s in the gold mining town of Whitewash City. A lot of care and research was undertaken to ensure the historical accuracy of Gold Town.... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Whitewash City: The Motherlode Set
The Whitewash City: The Complete Set (The Motherlode Set) includes ALL 45 Whitewash City PDF model files. This makes 85 building models from small privies and tents to large stores, houses, hotels, and a lot more, all to 30mm, 1/60th scale. The Mother Lode Set includes ALL 21 Add-On Kits and... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman World: The Complete Set
The Roman World Set comes with every ship, building, and fortification PDF model in the Roman Seas collection. There are currently 17 PDF files in the Roman World collection. You save over $20 USD when purchasing the Roman World set rather than purchasing all the model... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Seas Rulebook: Deluxe Edition
Roman Seas is a fast-paced, dynamic, multi-player miniatures game system designed for use with 6mm (1/300th) scale ship models and miniatures, and played on a hex grid game board. Roman Seas is designed to allow each player to control a squadron of 2 to 10 ships. Players will be able to recreate small naval actions... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
$18.00 $15.00
Roman Seas Fortification Set No. 6: Frontier Fortifications
All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas Fortification Set No. 6 includes two Roman frontier watch tower designs, a Roman Mile Fort, and Roman legionnaire tents. This set is ideal for those who want to create dioramas or who play tabletop games using miniatures.... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Seas Catalog
(6mm; 1/300th Scale)
Roman Seas is a series of historically accurate ancient Roman period naval ships and building models in 1/300th (6mm) scale and is designed for the gamer who always wanted to play ancient Roman period naval games, and wanted to game with large inexpensive ships models but couldn't... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Whitewash City: The Hangman's Gallows
The Hangman's Gallows. No town setup can be considered complete unless it has gallows within the town's limits!
Difficulty Level: 1 out of 5 (Easy) / Time to Build: 45 Minutes
This Whitewash City building PDF file makes 1 model in 30mm (1/60th) scale. This is... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Out Building Set 1
The Outbuildings are often overlooked by players and GMs when setting up Wild West games. This building set includes storage sheds, a small miner's cabin, and the all-important privies (outhouses). Outbuildings will give your players a place to hide after a failed bank robbery. This set also includes a town bath house -- a popular stop for... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |

Hardware Store
The Hardware Store is where your players go to buy their nails, hammers, and barbed wire to mend their employer's fences. Tools, paint, and virtually anything else a pioneer may need or desire for their homestead can be found here.
Difficulty Level: 2 out of 5 (Easy) / Time to Build: 1 Hour
This Whitewash... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Building Set 1
All building models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas: Building Set 1 contains a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF ancient Roman building models by renowned RPG and mapping artist, Eric Hotz. All Roman Seas models are based on the buildings from the ancient Roman... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Seas Fortification Set 2: Large Towers
All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas Fortification Set 2 contains large towers and corresponding wall pieces. All pieces are designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Seas Fortification Set 3: Gate Houses
All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas Fortification Set 3 is designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This is an extensive kit containing five historical Roman gatehouse designs... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Building Set 3
All building models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas: Building Set 3 contains a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF ancient Roman building models by renowned RPG and mapping artist, Eric Hotz. All Roman Seas models are based on the buildings from the ancient Roman... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Seas Fortification Set 4: Fortified Wall Additions
All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas Fortification Set 4 is designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This is a very extensive set containing many different walls... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Building Set 4
All building models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas: Building Set 4 contains a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF ancient Roman building models by renowned RPG and mapping artist, Eric Hotz. All Roman Seas models are based on the buildings from the ancient Roman... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Port Set
All building models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas: Roman Port Set 1 contains a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF ancient Roman building models by renowned RPG and mapping artist, Eric Hotz. All Roman Seas models are based on the buildings from the ancient Roman period... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
The Barbarian vs Roman Navy Set
Scale: 1/300th (6mm)
The Barbarian vs Roman Navy Set contains a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF ancient Roman ship and building models by renowned RPG and mapping artist, Eric Hotz. All Roman Seas models are based on ships and buildings from the ancient Roman period (264BC - 400AD). Just print out the files... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Seas Fortification Set 5: Fortified Wall Additions
Roman Seas Fortification Set 5 gives you various straight walls (5-inch sections) for your fortified town or city design layouts. Print and make as many as you need!
All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
NOTE: All Roman... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
The Roman Navy Set
Scale: 1/300th (6mm)
The Roman Navy Set contains a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF ancient Roman ship and building models by renowned RPG and mapping artist, Eric Hotz. All Roman Seas models are based on ships and buildings from the ancient Roman period (264BC - 400AD). Just print out the files onto paper/card-stock from... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Whitewash City Building Set #9
The Whitewash City Building Set #9 makes 5 main building models in 30mm, 1/60th scale. 2 Add-On Kits, is included for ONLY $7.00 USD! This is a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building models by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models are based on... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Whitewash City Building Set #8
The Whitewash City Building Set #8 makes 5 main building models in 30mm, 1/60th scale. 2 Add-On Kits, is included for ONLY $7.00 USD! This is a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building models by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models are based on... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Whitewash City Building Set #7
The Whitewash City Building Set #7 makes 10 main building models in 30mm, 1/60th scale. 2 Add-On Kits, is included for ONLY $7.00 USD! This is a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building models by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models are based... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Whitewash City Building Set #6
The Whitewash City Building Set #6 makes 5 main building models and 5 sheds in 30mm, 1/60th scale. 2 Add-On Kits, is included for ONLY $7.00 USD! This is a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building models by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Whitewash City Building Set #5
The Whitewash City Building Set #5 makes 8 main building models in 30mm, 1/60th scale. 2 Add-On Kits, is included for ONLY $7.00 USD! This is a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building models by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models are based on... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Whitewash City Building Set #3
The Whitewash City Building Set #3 makes 5 main building models in 30mm, 1/60th scale. 2 Add-On Kits, is included for ONLY $7.00 USD! This is a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building models by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models are based on... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Whitewash City Pioneer (Starter) Set
Whitewash City Pioneer (Starter) Set is a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building models by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models are based on The Real Historical Old West, from buildings of the Wild West of the USA and Canada. You just print them onto paper/card-stock from your own... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
The Roman Merchant Ship Set
Scale: 1/300th (6mm)
The Roman Merchant Ship Set contains a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF ancient Roman merchant ships models by renowned RPG and mapping artist, Eric Hotz. All Roman Seas models are based on ships and buildings from the ancient Roman period (264BC - 400AD). Just print out the... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
The Mark Anthony Navy Set
Scale: 1/300th (6mm)
There are six ship classes/types within the Roman Seas The Mark Anthony Navy Set, and these are the Mark Anthony's Flag Ship (Deceres), the Novares, the Octaries, the Heptares, the Hexeres, and the Quinquereme. It was thought, by modern historians, that the smallest ships in Anthony's fleet were... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
The Gold Star Saloon
The Saloon is probably the most important building in any Wild West game, or western movie, in any frontier town. All campaigns and good stories start and end, or involve visiting, a saloon. The Gold Star Saloon was built in 1871 and is one of many saloons to be found on the streets of Whitewash City.
Difficulty... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
The Grand Hotel
Constructed in 1871 Grand Hotel is the classiest hotel in Whitewash City. It caters to the higher class of citizens, or at least to those who can afford to pay the higher class prices.
Difficulty Level: 3 out of 5 (Moderate) / Time to Build: 1-and-a-Half-Hours
This Whitewash City building... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Sheriff Office and Jail
Eventually, all players will end up either visiting or becoming a guest of the town's Sheriff's Office and Jail. A western town is simply not complete with a sheriff's office and jail.
Difficulty Level: 2 out of 5 (Easy) / Time to Build: 1 Hour
This Whitewash City building PDF... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |

Whitewash City Bank (1870)
Whitewash City Bank This is probably the second most important building in any town, right after a saloon. Since most games eventually involve a bank robbery, or two, a town bank is a MUST for any game or town.
Difficulty Level: 2 out of 5 (Easy) / Time to Build: 1 Hour
This Whitewash... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Roman Seas Fortification Set 1: Small Towers
All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale
Roman Seas Fortification Set 1 contains small towers and corresponding wall pieces. All pieces are designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |
Whitewash City FREE PDF Building Model
This Whitewash City building PDF file makes 1 main model in 30mm (1/60th) scale. This is a high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building model by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models are based on The Real Historical Old West, from buildings of the Wild West of the USA and... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |