Roman Seas Fortification Set No. 6: Frontier FortificationsAll models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scaleRoman Seas Fortification Set No. 6 includes two Roman frontier watch tower designs, a Roman Mile Fort, and Roman legionnaire tents. This set is ideal for those who want to create dioramas or who play tabletop games using miniatures.... [click here for more]
Roman Seas Fortification Set 2: Large TowersAll models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scaleRoman Seas Fortification Set 2 contains large towers and corresponding wall pieces. All pieces are designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This... [click here for more]
Roman Seas Fortification Set 3: Gate Houses All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scaleRoman Seas Fortification Set 3 is designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This is an extensive kit containing five historical Roman gatehouse designs... [click here for more]
Roman Seas Fortification Set 4: Fortified Wall AdditionsAll models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scaleRoman Seas Fortification Set 4 is designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This is a very extensive set containing many different walls... [click here for more]
Roman Seas Fortification Set 5: Fortified Wall AdditionsRoman Seas Fortification Set 5 gives you various straight walls (5-inch sections) for your fortified town or city design layouts. Print and make as many as you need!
All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scaleNOTE: All Roman... [click here for more]
Roman Seas Fortification Set 1: Small TowersAll models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scaleRoman Seas Fortification Set 1 contains small towers and corresponding wall pieces. All pieces are designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This... [click here for more]