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A Gentleman's War

A Gentleman's War

A Gentleman’s War is a simple game involving toy soldiers of the classic style. It is a relaxed and relaxing game, where enough depends on the turn of a card and the roll of a handful of dice to say that our disasters are pure chance, but enough cunning decision-making to claim our victories as acts of brilliant generalship. Our model soldiers are very brave, obedient, and...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $19.99

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A Gentleman's War - QRF pages

A Gentleman's War - QRF pages

These are the QRF fpages from A Gentleman’s War as a separate download. ...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  Pay What You Want

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Astounding Adventures #1

Astounding Adventures #1

Astounding Adventures #1, crammed chock-full of thrills and danger! In this issue, face The White Slavers of the Red Empire! Travel to danger with Gimbals Gillespie and the Bloody Night of the Screaming Cannibals. Fight the Screaming Corpses of the desert in Zombie Crime! Brave the dangers of The Phantom Jungle! Join Night Raven and the Secret Masters of the...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $4.99

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Astounding Adventures #2

Astounding Adventures #2

Astounding Adventures #2 – a potpourri of thrills, chills and excitement! In this issue you will combat the Claws of the Cat Goddess, join Gimbals Gillespie on the Island of Terror, investigate the Bride of the Mummy’s Curse, and endure a Féte Worse than Death! Astounding Adventures are scenarios designed for Astounding Tales,...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $4.99

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Astounding Adventures #3

Astounding Adventures #3

Astounding Adventures #3, The Colossal Ape issue! Astounding Adventures #3, The Colossal Ape issue! There’s only one adventure in this issue, but boy, is it a Doozie! Travel to Skull Island and encounter Natives!, Villains!, Monsters!, Chinese gangsters! Vaudevillians! Pirates! Ninjas! And Kang, King of the Apes! Kang, the 8th Wonder of the World! Kang, the 30 foot...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $4.99

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Astounding Adventures 1-3 [BUNDLE]

Astounding Adventures 1-3 [BUNDLE]

THIS IS A BUNDLE PRODUCT. WHEN BUYING THIS ITEM YOU WILL RECEIVE SEPARATE DOWNLOAD LINKS FOR EACH PRODUCT LISTED BELOW... Astounding Adventures #1 Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $4.66 Astounding Adventures #1, crammed chock-full of thrills and danger! In this issue, face The White Slavers of the Red Empire! Travel to danger...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $14.97 $13.97

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Astounding tales 2nd Ed.

Astounding tales 2nd Ed.

Astounding Tales! is a set of rules for mayhem, murder and Weird Horror set in the period between the 1920s and the end of the black-and-white B Movie era - Film Noir, hard-boiled novels, pulp magazines with Charles Atlas advertisements in the back, that sort of thing. A world where private eyes fight hoodlums, but where heroes – often cunningly disguised by wearing a small mask, which fools...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $5.00

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The world of the sagas is a world of proud and irascible men with touchy tempers and big axes, and about how their bad manners as tourists are matched only by an astonishing inability to get along with the neighbors. It’s like the Wild West, without the schoolmarm and the preacher, held on a cold windy coastline. It’s also about blood-feuds, raids, and quarrels, and blood-feuds, and...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $18.00

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Battle-Troll Action Deck

Battle-Troll Action Deck

A full set of fifty-two cards needed to play Battle-Troll. Action Cards for four bands of Vikings, two sets of Combat Cards for attack and defense, and two hand-sized Combat Results Tables. Combat in Battle-Troll is like rock-paper-scissors with swords and axes, with insults thrown in and a chance to fall on your -----. ...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $8.00

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Mexican Jack Squint presents possibly the least evolved set of wargame rules ever. By which I mean "Since the glaciers retreated." Movement? All based on the size of your hand. Missiles? Throw a wadded up paper ball at your opponent across the table. If he's supposed to be in cover, he holds up a chair. Melee? Three rounds of "Rock, paper, scissors'. Or – more historically...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $5.00

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Duck and Bash Deck

Duck and Bash Deck

You'll need this deck for all our ancient/medieval/fantasy games where it's all down to the jabbing and stabbing and occasional use of sharp insults. It's based on a variant of 'rock/paper/scissors', but more lethal, and a lot funnier. ...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $10.00

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Eat Hitler - The Nazi Taste Treat

Eat Hitler - The Nazi Taste Treat

Berlin 1945: When Hitler and his cronies use a time machine to evade the final Soviet attack, things go from bad to ---- something else! In a Jurassic landscape, each player portrays a dinosaur intent on snacking on these yummy jackbooted appetizers. Your aim is to gain points by chomping down Nazis – and some are worth more than others – then move the surviving Aryan supermen so...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $6.00

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Howard's English Civil War game; minimally edited and laid out. That's why it's free! We are interested in feedback from players, for a real publication at some point in the future. ...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  Pay What You Want

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Outlaws of Sherwood

Outlaws of Sherwood

Everyone knows Robin Hood. Now Outlaws of Sherwood lets you play the tales of the legendary outlaw and his dastardly foes, from one-on-one fights to whole campaigns with multiple forces. You can raise your own outlaw band, or become a proud knight with his retinue of men-at-arms. As Robin you can win archery contests, disguise yourself in unlikely ways, and get knocked off a log by people you...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $19.70

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Outlaws of Sherwood Deck Bundle

Outlaws of Sherwood Deck Bundle

The Outlaws of Sherwood Deck Bundle gives you all the cards you need to play Outlaws - the Special Action Deck and the Duck and Bash deck, for a reduced price! ...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $17.00

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Outlaws of Sherwood Special Event Deck

Outlaws of Sherwood Special Event Deck

Special Action Cards for Outlaws of Sherwood. Fade into the forest, ride down the peasants, or split an arrow! ...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $8.00

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Prehistoric Mayhem! [BUNDLE]

Prehistoric Mayhem! [BUNDLE]

Pulp Action Library  $11.00 $10.00

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Science Vs Pluck 3rd ed.

Science Vs Pluck 3rd ed.

Science Vs Pluck is a game of the Sudan Wars set at a “Generalship” level in which Players portray Officers in the service of Queen or Khedive, and seek to solve a variety of problems posed by the Enemy, the harsh terrain and cli-mate and, indeed, their own orders. All the participants serve together in, one would hope, some degree of cooperation, while one or more Umpires, control the wild Sudanese...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $4.99

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The Wooden Hand of Captain Danjou

The Wooden Hand of Captain Danjou

This is a convention-style game about Camerone, the heroic last stand of a company of the French Foreign Legion. The game’s all about the romance of the Foreign Legion. It’s unfair. The French have all the advantages. They shoot whenever they want to, get +1 in melee, and have actual names and personal details. The heroic Mexicans have very basic rules and fall off the table when grazed...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $4.99

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What Luck Cards

What Luck Cards

A combined deck of What Luck and Cameo cards for A Gentleman's War. ...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  $15.04

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What Luck Cards - Free PDF

What Luck Cards - Free PDF

A combined deck of What Luck and Cameo cards for A Gentleman's War. The cards are alrady included in the Gentleman's War PDF, ...   [click here for more]
Pulp Action Library  Pay What You Want

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