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Kev's Lounge
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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: A Day at the Market (Basic Edition)

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: A Day at the Market (Basic Edition)

Between clearing out dungeons and braving the wilderness, a party of adventurers needs to stop in at town to rest up and restock! Being within the walls of the city does not mean that the adventure is over though... There is a lot of room to throw in a challenging encounter while they're in the middle of their shopping sprees and this set includes a nice variety of merchant NPCs perfect for those...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  $1.00

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: A Day at the Market (Deluxe Edition)

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: A Day at the Market (Deluxe Edition)

Between clearing out dungeons and braving the wilderness, a party of adventurers needs to stop in at town to rest up and restock! Being within the walls of the city does not mean that the adventure is over though... There is a lot of room to throw in a challenging encounter while they're in the middle of their shopping sprees and this set includes a nice variety of merchant NPCs perfect for those...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  $3.50

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: A Night At The Tavern (Basic Edition)

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: A Night At The Tavern (Basic Edition)

Taverns are an important setting in the fantasy realm, with many adventures starting out in one and occasionally ending up in another. This set is designed to bring a little life to encounters taking place in one of these interesting venues. This set includes 4 barmaids, an innkeeper and a bouncer to keep the peace! The figures are scaled to 28mm, and will look good alongside most popular...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  $1.00

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: A Night At The Tavern (Deluxe Edition)

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: A Night At The Tavern (Deluxe Edition)

Taverns are an important setting in the fantasy realm, with many adventures starting out in one and occasionally ending up in another. This set is designed to bring a little life to encounters taking place in one of these interesting venues. This set includes 4 barmaids, an innkeeper and a bouncer to keep the peace! This deluxe edition adds the ability to customise the minis and allows you to...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  $2.99

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: Constables on Patrol

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: Constables on Patrol

Any fantasy campaign is likely to have adventurers travelling through many villages, cities or towns, each with a squad of guards to patrol the streets, deal with crime and maintain law and order. With over half a billion possible colour combinations for each mini, this set allows you to create a completely unique set of guardsmen for each settlement they visit! The set is also great for representing...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  $3.75

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: League of Scoundrels

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: League of Scoundrels

This set collects a nice bunch of paper minis previously released as promotional pieces and also includes a brand new figure exclusive to this set. The characters in this set all have an urban feel, and none of them are on the right side of the law! These characters could show up as the members of the rogue's guild, or each could appear on their own to hassle or help the party. It also includes...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  Pay What You Want

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: The Halfling Town Inn (Basic Edition)

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: The Halfling Town Inn (Basic Edition)

Between clearing out dungeons and braving the wilderness, a party of adventurers needs to stop in at town to rest up and restock! Being within the walls of the city does not mean that the adventure is over though... This set of high quality paper miniatures includes a variety of halfling characters that your adventurers might encounter during their visit to the tavern! This paper minis set includes...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  $1.00

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: The Halfling Town Inn (Deluxe Edition)

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: The Halfling Town Inn (Deluxe Edition)

Between clearing out dungeons and braving the wilderness, a party of adventurers needs to stop in at town to rest up and restock! Being within the walls of the city does not mean that the adventure is over though... This set of high quality paper miniatures includes a variety of halfling characters that your adventurers might encounter during their visit to the tavern! This paper minis set includes...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  $3.50

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: The Market in Dwarf Town (Basic Edition)

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: The Market in Dwarf Town (Basic Edition)

Between clearing out dungeons and braving the wilderness, a party of adventurers needs to stop in at town to rest up and restock! Being within the walls of the city does not mean that the adventure is over though... There is a lot of room to throw in a challenging encounter while they're in the middle of their shopping sprees and this set of high quality paper miniatures includes a nice variety...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  $1.00

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: The Market in Dwarf Town (Deluxe Edition)

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: The Market in Dwarf Town (Deluxe Edition)

Between clearing out dungeons and braving the wilderness, a party of adventurers needs to stop in at town to rest up and restock! Being within the walls of the city does not mean that the adventure is over though... There is a lot of room to throw in a challenging encounter while they're in the middle of their shopping sprees and this set of high quality paper miniatures includes a nice variety of...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  $3.50

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: The Marvellous Bazaar (Deluxe Edition)

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: The Marvellous Bazaar (Deluxe Edition)

Between clearing out dungeons and braving the wilderness, a party of adventurers needs to stop in at town to rest up and restock! Being within the walls of the city does not mean that the adventure is over though... This set of high quality paper miniatures includes a variety of interesting and exotic humanoid characters that your adventurers might encounter as they explore the market ! In this...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  $3.50

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Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: Very Important People

Kev's Lounge Paper Minis: Very Important People

This set collects a nice bunch of paper minis previously released as promotional pieces and also includes a brand new figure exclusive to this set. This set contains royals, aristocrats and other powerful political movers-and-shakers! Miniatures in this set: • The Countess • The Ambassador • The Duke • The King • The Queen • The Prince • The Princess The set also includes an...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge  Pay What You Want

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