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 Inside the OSS with an American Agent in Europe
Here is the wartime diary of Wayne Nelson, an OSS officer who served in North Africa and Europe during World War II. A prewar colleague of Allen Dulles, Nelson joined an infant OSS after failing to join the Navy because of a vision disability, and he went on to serve in North Africa, Sicily, Sardinia, Italy, Corsica, and mainland France.... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 One of the most significant innovations in modern warfare has been the appearance and development of air power, a technology which demanded technical and financial investment on a whole new scale and which ultimately changed the fundamental nature of war itself.
This book covers the history and development of the German air force from 1935 to 1945, with descriptions and illustrations of almost all... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 A Cockpit View of Air to Ground Battle
Among the offensive aerial missions employed in World War II, air-to-ground gun fighting was one of the most valuable. Strafing, which involved the extensive damage of ground, air and naval forces by pilots flying in deadly, low-altitude skies, helped the Allies to their victory.
This historical text examines the role of strafing in combat,... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 This book provides a concise historical survey of the various types of aircraft used by the United States Army Air Corps, Army Air Forces, and Air Force, and the Navy and Marine Corps to accomplish air attack missions since 1926. The text covers four types of fixed-wing aircraft: designated attack aircraft; light, medium, and tactical bombers; fighter-bombers; and adapted attack aircraft.
Reports... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
Scholars have characterized the early decades of the Cold War as an era of rising militarism in the United States but most Americans continued to identify themselves as fundamentally anti-militaristic. To them, "militaristic" defined the authoritarian regimes of Germany and Japan that the nation had defeated in World War II--aggressive, power-hungry countries in which the military... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 Without the support of airlift, the modern American military machine would be brought to a standstill.
Since World War II--beginning with the Cold War and continuing up to the present day--the U.S. armed forces have come increasingly to rely upon airlift for mobility. The power to rapidly move and thereafter support a military operation--anywhere in the world, at any time--has become a foundational... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 An Illustrated History of Armored Cars, Staff Cars, Motorcycles, Ambulances, Trucks, Tractors and Tanks
In World War I the American motor vehicle industry was tested by the sudden appearance of vast transport challenges. The nation's immense manufacturing capabilities and abundant natural resources combined with increased standardization and mass production to enable the industry... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 This dictionary gives an enormous amount of basic information on the Third Reich era by listing, and often depicting, German terms connected to Nazism and the Germany of World War II.
It includes ranks, badges, insignia, regalia, medals, flags and banners, weapons, uniforms, equipment, vehicles, fortifications, airplanes, battleships, main Nazi concepts and organizations, slogans, sayings, code names,... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 A History of Trickfilm in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945
Among their many idiosyncrasies, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda, remained serious cartoon aficionados throughout their lives. They adored animation and their influence on German animation after World War II continues to this day.
This study explores Hitler and Goebbels' efforts to establish a German... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
In this thorough history, the author demonstrates, via the popular literature (primarily pulp magazines and comic books) of the 1920s to about 1960, that the stories therein drew their definitions of heroism and villainy from an overarching, nativist fear of outsiders that had existed before World War I but intensified afterwards. These depictions were transferred to America's "new"... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 During World War II, aviation was among the largest industrial branches of the Third Reich. About 40 percent of total German war production, and two million people, were involved in the manufacture of aircraft and air force equipment.
Based on German records, Allied intelligence reports, and eyewitness accounts, this study explores the military, political, scientific and social aspects of Germany's... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 From the time the Romans first set foot on England's shore in 55 B.C., the British Isles have faced a constant threat of foreign invasion. As a result, the landscapes of England, Scotland, and Ireland are dotted with ancient defensive fortifications as varied as their makers. Iron Age Celtic "hill forts," Roman castra and Hadrian's Wall, Anglo-Saxon dykes and Alfredian burhs, Norman mottes... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 Although life in the Middle Ages was not as comfortable and safe as it is for most people in industrialized countries today, the term "Dark Ages" is highly misleading. The era was not so primitive and crude as depictions in film and literature would suggest. Even during the worst years of the centuries immediately following the fall of Rome, the legacy of that civilization survived.
This... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 While board games can appear almost primitive in the digital age, eurogames--also known as German-style board games--have increased in popularity nearly concurrently with the rise of video games. Eurogames have simple rules and short playing times and emphasize strategy over luck and conflict.
This book examines the form of eurogames, the hobbyist culture that surrounds them, and the way that hobbyists... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
$15.99 $9.59
 The Allied Surrenders of Wake Island, Bataan, Corregidor, Hong Kong and Singapore
From December 7, 1941, until the Battle of Midway in June 1942, the war with Japan was a losing one. It was to be the darkest period of the almost four-year war. During those days, no times were more trying than the final hours for the men trapped on Wake Island, Bataan, Corregidor, Hong Kong and Singapore.... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 American soldiers and sailors have progressed from simple campfire and ship's deck cooking to today's nutritionally sound, menu diverse, high tech, and ethnically correct feeding options.
This book describes in great detail the development of rations used by America's military war by war from the Revolutionary period to the present, especially the challenges of preserving and transporting the food.... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 This book describes and illustrates French fortifications from 1715 (the death of Louis XIV) to 1815 (the fall of Napoleon), focusing particularly on the Napoleonic era.
After an historical background, it covers the heritage of the Ancien Regime with the important contributions of Vauban (the bastioned defense), Gribeauval's reforms in artillery, and Montalembert's innovations.
Chapters explore... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
Many aspiring game designers have crippling misconceptions about the process involved in creating a game from scratch, believing a "big idea" is all that is needed to get started. But game design requires action as well as thought, and proper training and practice to do so skillfully.
In this indispensible guide, a published commercial game designer and longtime teacher offers practical instruction... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
A History and Analysis of 187 Engagements
With its mixture of famous battles and storied commanders, warfare in 4th century B.C. Greece has long held a fascination for military enthusiasts and the general public alike. Histories, biographies, and popular culture have turned the exploits of noted generals like Xenophon and Iphicrates of Athens, Epaminondas of Thebes, and the father-son... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 A Mud Marine's Memoir of the Pacific Island War
Chronicling the growth of a recruit from boot camp at Parris Island, South Carolina, to a seasoned troop leader, this memoir also relates the experiences of the 200 marines in A Company, First Battalion, Second Marines, as they engaged in island warfare in the South Pacific at Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan and Tinian.
Note: This... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 During the Nazi regime's swift rise to power, no single target of nazification took higher priority than Germany's young people. Well aware that the Nazi party could thrive only through the support of future generations, Hitler instituted a youth movement, the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth), which indoctrinated the easily malleable students of Germany's schools and universities. Along with its female... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
The Sagas of Icelanders are enduring stories from Viking-Age Iceland filled with love and romance, battles and feuds, tragedy and comedy.
Yet these tales are little read today, even by lovers of literature. The culture and history of the people depicted in the Sagas are often unfamiliar to the modern reader, though the audience for whom the tales were intended would have had an intimate understanding... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 Comic books have presented fictional and fact-based stories of the Korean War, as it was being fought and afterward. Comparing these comics with events that inspired them offers a deeper understanding of the comics industry, America's "forgotten war," and the anti-comics movement, championed by psychiatrist Fredric Wertham, who criticized their brutalization of the imagination. Comics--both newsstand... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
$49.95 $29.99
 In medieval and Renaissance Europe, mercenaries--professional soldiers who fought for money or other rewards--played violent, colorful, international roles in warfare, but they have received relatively little scholarly attention.
In this book a large number of vignettes portray their activities in Western Europe over a period of nearly 900 years, from the Merovingian mercenaries of 752 through the... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 This collection of new essays covers the myriad portrayals of the figure of the pirate in historical records, literary narratives, films, television series, opera, anime and games. Contributors explore the nuances of both real and fictional pirates, giving attention to renowned works such as Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan, the Pirates of the... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 Call of Duty is one of the most culturally significant video game franchises of the 21st century. Since the first game was released for PC in 2003, the first-person shooter has sold over 250 million copies across a range of platforms, along with merchandise ranging from toys and comic books to a special edition Jeep Wrangler. Top players can compete for millions in prize money in tournaments... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 A Review of Modern Handguns, Submachine Guns, Personal Defense Weapons, Carbines, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Anti-Materiel Rifles, Machine Guns, Combat Shotguns, Grenade Launchers and Other Weapons Systems
The urbanization of warfare has necessitated the kind of precision targeting that only small arms can deliver. Weapons not often seen on the battlefield can prove useful, even... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
Over the years, board games have evolved to include relatable characters, vivid settings and compelling, intricate plotlines. In turn, players have become more emotionally involved--taking on, in essence, the role of coauthors in an interactive narrative.
Through the lens of game studies and narratology--traditional storytelling concepts applied to the gaming world--this book explores the synergy... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 The Ruin and Reconstruction of the Continental Force
The American War for Independence was under way before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but the Continental Army didn't have the force to back up the words.
This history explores the army's early failures in Canada, with desertion and disease common among the ranks, and how new leadership disciplined and reorganized... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 The Boeing B-29 Superfortress lived an operational life of only 26 years, but what a life it was.
The introduction to this book provides basic information on the physical plane: dimensions, specs, leading particulars and operational usages. Then an exhaustive day-by-day chronology of the B-29 is presented--from the earliest designs in 1934 through thousands of missions and aircraft events in World... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 When war broke out between the British and Turkish empires in 1914, the 6th (Poona) Division sailed from India to Basra to bolster Britain's allies, deny the port to enemy shipping, and secure Britain's Persian oil supplies. Further expansion followed: the capture of Al-Amara was the British Army's greatest victory of 1915. When an advance on Baghdad was repulsed, the Siege of Kut became the British... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
For military cartoonists the absurdity of war inspires a laugh-or-cry response and provides an endless source of un-funny amusement.
Cartoons by hundreds of artists-at-arms from more than a dozen countries and spanning two centuries are included in this study--the first to consider such a broad range of military comics.
War and military life are examined through the inside jokes of the men and... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 A United States Army Lieutenant's Account of the Battle for Hamburger Hill, May 1969
As a first lieutenant in Bravo Company of the Third Battalion, 187th Infantry, Frank Boccia led a platoon in two intense battles in the Vietnamese mountains in April and May 1969: Dong Ngai and the grinding, 11-day battle of Dong Ap Bia--the Mountain of the Crouching Beast, in Vietnamese, or Hamburger... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 During World War I, a specialized Russian battalion comprised of ethnic Czechs and Czech and Slovak prisoners of war--the Legion--became a pawn in an international game of power and deceit. The Legion's detour through Siberia became the greatest human interest story of the war, chronicled weekly in the New York Times and New York Herald. More than half of the Legion's troops lost their lives as the... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 Tracing the evolution of fantasy gaming from its origins in tabletop war and collectible card games to contemporary web-based live action and massive multi-player games, this book examines the archetypes and concepts within the fantasy gaming genre alongside the roles and functions of the game players themselves.
Other topics include:
How The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings helped shape fantasy... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 The Normans originally came to Italy and Sicily in the 11th and 12th centuries looking for adventure or a livelihood, but once there, found opportunity for fame and fortune. The story of the Norman conquest in Italy and Sicily is indeed one of knights and adventurers, great battles and lowly pillage, opportunism and statesmanship, and crusade and coexistence.
This rich and often dramatic study focuses... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 A History from World War I to the Present
In addition to port security, ship inspection and safety, law enforcement, and search and rescue, the U.S. Coast Guard assumes an important role in national defense at home and abroad. To that end, the Coast Guard has carried out separate and coordinated missions with other armed forces from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 A History of Domestic and Overseas Actions
At home and overseas, the United States Coast Guard served a variety of vital functions in World War II, providing service that has been too little recognized in histories of the war. Teaming up with other international forces, the Coast Guard provided crewmembers for Navy and Army vessels as well as its own, carried troops, food, and military... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 Aircraft, Airships and Ships Between the Wars
Within six months of the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Navy had checked the Japanese military advance in the Pacific to the extent that the United States could return to its original "Defeat Germany First" strategy. That the Navy was able to accomplish this feat with only six fleet aircraft carriers and little... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
 An Illustrated History of Fortifications and Strategies
A man of inventiveness, versatility and reformist ideas, Marshal Sebastien Le Preste de Vauban built a formidable ring of fortresses to protect France's national frontiers. More than just a fortification designer, Vauban was also a gifted economist, author, and political strategist.
This book tells the complete story of Vauban's... [click here for more] |
McFarland |
A History, 1571-1866
Between the last battle fought entirely under oars in 1571 and the first fought entirely under steam in 1866, naval warfare in the Middle Seas and adjacent Atlantic waters was dominated by the sailing warship.
This exploration of that distinct period in military history begins with an overview of the galley warfare that dominated the Mediterranean for millennia... [click here for more] |
McFarland |