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 Hottest Maps/Terrain from Legionnaire Games
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Close Quarters: The Prometheus Incident

Close Quarters: The Prometheus Incident

Close Quarters is a fast-paced print 'n play boardgame of futuristic man-to-man combat, played on maps created from multiple room tiles. Using easy-to-learn game mechanics, The Prometheus Incident places players in the roles of the defending crewmembers of the Earth Protectorate Ship Prometheus or the troopers of an assaulting rebel faction...   [click here for more]
Legionnaire Games  $7.95

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Close Quarters: Infestation

Close Quarters: Infestation

Close Quarters: Infestation allows players to re-create the overrun of the Earth Protectorate research outpost Contego by a previously unknown alien race, the Llysa'ath. This Close Quarters module includes: New terrain rules, including outdoor terrain such as trees, depressions, bushes, and low walls; Rules for operating the Llysa'ath, a reptilian...   [click here for more]
Legionnaire Games  $7.95

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  Missile Threat (Modern Air Combat)