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2 Hour Dungeon Crawl

2 Hour Dungeon Crawl

No smoke, no mirrors, just a great game! What: Dungeon Crawl Scale: 1 figure or counter represents 1 man or creature Your Role: Players lead a party of Adventurers into a dungeon in search of Treasure and Fame. Save the Princess, kill some Monsters or grab some Loot, the choice is yours! Playability: Designed for solo, same side and head to...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 A Night at the Fights Scenario Book

5150 A Night at the Fights Scenario Book

5150 A Night at the Fights Scenario Book New Hope city is many things, but boring isn’t one of them. You go to the pub and recreation area of the city to taking the fights and decide to get a nightcap afterwards... You’re not looking for any trouble, so you go to the financial district. Better class of people, and better than many of the shadier parts of New Hope City... what...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Alien Fight Night

5150 Alien Fight Night

Nobody likes a punch in the face! Except for the crowds in New Hope City! Because of the demographics in New Hope City the entertainment entrepreneurs wanted a sporting event that would appeal to everyone, both Basics (Humans) and Aliens, so they chose boxing. Alien Fight Night is game within a game. Not only is it a fast paced stand-alone boxing game, it's a great diversion for...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $4.95

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5150 All She Wants to Do is Dance

5150 All She Wants to Do is Dance

“WILD-EYED PISTOL WAVERS…Who Ain’t Afraid to Die!”  You run a Private Security Company (PSC ) and the “flavor of the month” government contracted you for a job. But things are going “south” in a hurry and your easy security job is anything but… The job description has changed, and you find yourself working the “gray areas”. But the money is good, and your reputation...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Back Alleys, Bright Lights

5150 Back Alleys, Bright Lights

Welcome to New Hope City, where everyone deserves a second chance. Back Alleys, Bright Lights is the blend of lite Role-Playing with a quick and easy set of combat rules. Combined, these will enhance your games and move your Story along at a brisk pace. New Hope City is home to over a dozen different Races, some friendly and some not so. You can choose to...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $4.95

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5150 Battalion Commander

5150 Battalion Commander

5150 Battalion Commander - THE Big Battle Sci-Fi Game! Congratulations Colonel! You've just been promoted. In 5150 Star Army you were a Platoon Leader in charge of three squads and with a little experience it became a company. But now all that’s changed.  In 5150 Battalion Commander you’re in control of a battalion. Three companies!...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Carrier Command

5150 Carrier Command

The "Big Ship" supplement for 5150: Fighter Command *You must have 5150: Fighter Command to play.* What: Sci Fi Space Combat Game with "Big Ships".  Scale: 1 model equals 1 Capital Ship or Fighter/Bomber. Your Role: Players command a Capital Ship. Playability: Designed for solo, same side and head to head play. 5150: Carrier Command can be...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Dark Planet

5150 Dark Planet

5150 Dark Planet After the Great War on Earth, nations crumbled, and governments fell. Corporations soon began to fill the vacuum where these once mighty powers had ruled. In 2124, at the Brazil Accords, it was decided that the 4 largest Corporations would take control of all Earth Citizens under Corporate Law. This law would empower these Corporations to establish a police and military force to establish...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $14.95

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5150 Fighter Pilot

5150 Fighter Pilot

BE A FIGHTER PILOT! It's not a job, it's an adventure! “Yeah right, whatever. Okay, listen up kid. I'm not gonna sugar-coat it for you. Being in the Star Navy is hell and being a Fighter Pilot is even worse. You're the first to arrive and the last to leave. What do you really do? Well, let me tell you son…” Simply put, you're a Fighter Pilot trying to stay...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 First Contact Supplement

5150 First Contact Supplement

THE WARS HAVE BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS. First Contact is a supplement to 5150, the original set of sci-fi rules from Two Hour Wargames. First Contact revolves around a rebellion on a small planet where the colonists have decided to break away from their home world. It documents the war between Earth and her first colony, Mars. But what starts out as a local conflict erupts into...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $4.95

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5150 Fleet Commander

5150 Fleet Commander

Fleet Commander “Captains; I expect you to do your jobs. Engage!” Your Captains move their ships, fire missiles, launch fighters or torpedoes and perform damage control. That is their job! Your job is to decide where and when to engage the enemy, and more importantly, when to cut your losses and leave, while keeping the fleet  together. In 5150: Fleet Commander, the rules...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Fringe Space

5150 Fringe Space

5150 Fringe Space 5150 Fringe Space is about living life on the edge. Sometimes that means salvaging space wrecks, hunting space pirates, or hauling cargo and passengers from one world to the next. But it also means carousing in a city, rescuing crewmembers from Alien abductors, and fistfights in a low end bar. 5150 Fringe Space is a RPG Lite game that can also be played as a man to...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Gaea Prime - First Defense

5150 Gaea Prime - First Defense

We Take the War to the Enemy. Gaea Prime considers her proper place to be in the center of the First Ring, the center of the 5150 universe. But that is now. In the beginning there was only Gaea Prime, floating in space in a dream of isolation, waiting to be awakened. Then the Hishen Came. Attacked by a Race of Slave Traders with superior technology and weapons Gaea Prime...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 New Hope City PI Supplement

5150 New Hope City PI Supplement

When the Cops Just Won't Do. In New Hope City PI you’re a Private Investigator. When the cops won’t do, they hire you. If you want to be a Police Detective instead, you can still use these rules. In fact you can use these rules for investigating in any gaming period, with any Two Hour Wargames rules. As a PI you’ll be offered a variety of Crimes to solve from Robbery to Murder....   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 No Limits: Maiden Voyage

5150 No Limits: Maiden Voyage

No Limits! 5150: No Limits - Maiden Voyage is the Core Rules for unlimited adventures in a complete Sci-Fi Universe. With Maiden Voyage you have the rules for all of the Scenario Books to follow. Inside you'll find: 14 Use as you want scenarios 16 Linked Scenarios taking you on one connected Story Includes New Hope City - a Metro where an opportunity lies behind every...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 No Limits: The Cool Coolie (Scenario Book)

5150 No Limits: The Cool Coolie (Scenario Book)

You own a spaceship - The Cool Coolie! You start in New Hope City where there's a fine line between an interplanetary Merchant Trader and a Smuggler. Your ship is costing you some credits when it's sitting empty and you need to find a few jobs. But that's the least of your problems as your 1st mate just told you ...The cops are looking for you! WHO: Play as Gus P. Jones, the owner/operator...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $4.95

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5150 No Limits: The Night Terror (Scenario Book)

5150 No Limits: The Night Terror (Scenario Book)

A FUTURE WITH NO LIMITS! You look up at the holo-ad playing across the skyscraper in New Hope City as you slurp your noodle bowl and think “Yeah, I could use a future with no limits”. WELL WHAT’S STOPPING YOU? The Night Terror is our second 5150: No Limits scenario book. 5150 is our Sci Fi universe where opportunities await behind every danger. With an unlimited number of...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $4.95

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5150 No Quarter - Mecha Combat

5150 No Quarter - Mecha Combat

5150 No Quarter - Mecha Combat What: Mech specific Sci Fi military combat. Scale: Mech on Mech combat. 1 model equals 1 Mech. Your Role: Players can command from one Mech up to ten or more. Playability: Designed for solo, same side and head to head play. 5150 No Quarter can be played in a variety of ways: · You can play as...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Platoon Leader

5150 Platoon Leader

THE WARS HAVE BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS. The Gaea Prime Empire is still hungry and still has many enemies, including a new one – the Zhuh-Zhuh. The Bug menace is at its worst and everyday there are reports of Hishen gains, closer and closer to the Home World. Darkness is coming and the body count is growing. I like to think we’ve got them where we want them....   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Star Army 2nd Tour

5150 Star Army 2nd Tour

5150 Star Army 2nd Tour "JOIN THE STAR ARMY!" It's not a job, it's an adventure! "Yeah right, whatever. Okay, listen up kid. I'm not going to sugar-coat it for you. The Star Army is hell. You're the first to arrive and the last to leave. What do you really do? Well let me tell you son..." Simply put you're a Platoon Leader trying to keep...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95 $4.95

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5150 Star Army Total War

5150 Star Army Total War

****5150 Star Army Total War - the updated 2022 edition****   5150 STAR ARMY – TOTAL WAR "It's not a job; it's an adventure!" What: Wargame rules for Sci-Fi. Scale: Man to man combat. 1 figure equals 1 man or creature. Your Role: Players can command from one squad to a platoon of infantry. Playability: Designed for solo, same side and head to head play. 5150...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Star Army Total War: Tanks & Mechs

5150 Star Army Total War: Tanks & Mechs

5150 TANKS AND MECHS TOTAL WAR "Ground pounders are the Anvil, but we're the Hammer!" What: Wargame rules for Sci-Fi. Scale: Tank and Mech Combat. 1 counter or mini equals 1 Tank or Mech. Your Role: Players can command up to a company of Tanks or Mechs. Playability: Designed for solo, same side and head-to-head play. 5150 TANKS AND MECHS TOTAL WAR can be played in a variety...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Star Army: Cestus V Campaign

5150 Star Army: Cestus V Campaign

5150: Star Army – Cestus V  In 5150: Star Army – Cestus V you start as a Private and have want to rise in the Ranks and become a Gaea Prime Citizen with all the benefits. Cestus V is a small planet in the 4th Ring claimed by Gaea Prime but not in Gaea Prime space. It’s seen its share of hard times as it’s always been a lawless place and then got invaded by Bugs. Well the...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Star Army: Citizen Soldier

5150 Star Army: Citizen Soldier

So you want to be a Citizen? “Well that’s easy enough. Just join the Gaea Prime Star Army and once you complete your training, assuming you don’t wash out, you’re in. Serve your quick ten years…What? Yeah, ten years and you’re a Citizen with all the benefits. In fact, you’re set for life! I just have one question.”  ************ ************   Do you have what...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Star Marine

5150 Star Marine

5150: Star Marine "Special People for Special Jobs" “Yeah, yeah, we know all about them. You got the Star Army and you got the Interplanetary Special Services, but sometimes you need something more. Combat in floating space hulks, airless moons, and planets with an atmosphere so nasty you’ll be dead if your suit is breached. That’s what I’m talking about,...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Star Navy

5150 Star Navy

"Without the Star Navy there is no Star Army!" "The Star Army motto is “We take the war to the enemy; one planet at a time.” They do a fine job of it but we take them to those planets and we get them back. And unless we do our job they can’t do their job. So listen up Cadet and I’ll tell you how we do it…” In 5150-Star Navy you can command a squadron of ships or a fleet...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Star Navy -Total War

5150 Star Navy -Total War

5150 Star Navy Total War - the updated 2022 edition “Without The Star Navy, There Is No Star Army!” “The Star Army motto is “We take the war to the enemy; one planet at a time.” They do a fine job of it, but we take them to those planets, and we get them back. And unless we do our job, they can’t do their job. So listen up Cadet and I’ll tell you how we do it…”  ...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 The Usual Suspects

5150 The Usual Suspects

“Who Are They Exactly?” New Hope City is a large city with eleven distinct Areas and lots of residents and visitors. Although we have written and will be writing LOTS of Encounters, sometimes you might just want to create your own. But what if you want your Story scripted out for you? What if you just want to go from Encounter to Encounter, down the road as I like to call it? That’s where...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150 Working Grave

5150 Working Grave

5150 WORKING GRAVE Want to be a member of the New Hope City Police Department? We have the job for you! Welcome to the Graveyard shift or the “Grave” as we call it. For us it’s midnight to 0800 hours. The handbook says... “The Graveyard shift took its name from the spookiness of working the ghostly hours after midnight, perhaps in a nearly deserted factory with only a skeletal...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Don’t Call Them Bugs! “Listen up newbie! I know what you unwarranted high regard for yourself recruits call our enemy – Bugs. A bug is something very small you see crawling on the ground. Something insignificant that you step on and keep doing whatever you’re doing. I got news for you. That’s not what these things, these Bugs, are. We’re going down into the Tunnels looking for real...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Don’t Call Them Bugs! “Listen up newbie! I know what you unwarranted high regard for yourself recruits call our enemy – Bugs. A bug is something very small you see crawling on the ground. Something insignificant that you step on and keep doing whatever you’re doing. I got news for you. That’s not what these things, these Bugs, are. We’re going down into the Tunnels looking for real...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Don’t Call Them Bugs! “Listen up newbie! I know what you unwarranted high regard for yourself recruits call our enemy – Bugs. A bug is something very small you see crawling on the ground. Something insignificant that you step on and keep doing whatever you’re doing. I got news for you. That’s not what these things, these Bugs, are. We’re going down into the Tunnels looking for real...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: Fighter Command

5150: Fighter Command

5150: Fighter Command 5150: Fighter Command is THW’s game of Fighter combat in deep space. Yes, there are rules for Destroyers, Battleships, and other Capital Ships but the Stars are the Fighter Pilots. Start in command of a Flight of 2 or 3 Fighters and, if you stay alive, maybe you work your way up to Squadron Leader. Fighter Command introduces some new game mechanics for...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: Hammer & Anvil - Sci-Fi Vehicle Combat The companion book to 5150: Star Army 2nd Tour. Includes 40 full color counters!  What: Vehicle specific wargame/RPG rule Sci-Fi vehicle. combat  Scale: Vehicle combat. 1 model/figure equals 1 vehicle. Your Role: Players can command from one vehicle up to a company of vehicles. Playability: Designed for solo, same side...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: Missions - Infestation

5150: Missions - Infestation

5150: Missions - Infestation "5150: Missions - Infestation" is a miniature wargame Core Rules system for unlimited military Missions in a complete Sci Fi Universe. With Infestation you have the rules for all of the Scenario Books to follow. Inside you'll find: 7 Use as you want scenarios. 16 Linked Scenarios taking you...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: New Beginning “NEW HOPE CITY, WHERE EVERYONE GETS A SECOND CHANCE.” In 5150: New Beginnings you're thrust into a bustling, living urban environment hundreds of years in the future. Or maybe it's just a place far, far away. In any case, your goal is to take your characters; we call them Stars, as far as they can go. Acquire wealth, fight crime, commit crime, or something in between;...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: Send Lawyers, Guns and Money

5150: Send Lawyers, Guns and Money

RPG lite Cyberpunk Adventure set in Two Hour Wargames' New Hope City “I’m Greedy, and I’m Angry and I Don’t Care Who I Cross.” The Grath brought his knee violently up into Harold’s ribs lifting him up from the floor only to send him crashing back down. An audible crack could be heard as Harold landed with a thud. Mr. B E laughed deeply and said “This ain’t over little...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: Star Marine

5150: Star Marine

5150: Star Marine "Special People for Special Jobs" “Yeah, yeah, we know all about them. You got the Star Army and you got the Interplanetary Special Services, but sometimes you need something more. Combat in floating space hulks, airless moons, and planets with an atmosphere so nasty you’ll be dead if your suit is breached. That’s what I’m talking...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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5150: Urban Renewal

5150: Urban Renewal

Welcome to New Hope City 5150 New Beginnings Urban Renewal is our Sci-Fi RPG. Players adventure in and around New Hope City gaining Fame and Fortune while increasing their abilities.  NHC is a complete Blade Runnereque urban environment inhabited by over 50 professions, with humans and aliens alike. The game includes a low bookkeeping complete campaign system to link your adventures and track your...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Able, Baker, Charlie -WW2 Squad Level Combat

Able, Baker, Charlie -WW2 Squad Level Combat

“Charlie, come in! Where are you?” A light machine gun has your squad pinned down. Two of your men have gone out of the fight and the rest are ducked down in cover. All hell’s breaking loose and everyone is looking to you for the answer. Right about now you’re wondering what the heck you’ve gotten yourself into. Welcome to Able, Baker, Charlie! Able, Baker, Charlie were the call signs for...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $14.95

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Adventures in the Lost Lands

Adventures in the Lost Lands

Adventures in the Lost Lands! Take the shot! You hear the whispers. Giant creatures from the dawn of time alive and walking the earth. Dinosaurs! How can it be? As a hunter you have to find out the truth so you follow the rumors to this God-forsaken corner of the world, Lemuria! You've spent days and large sums of money in tracking the Beast and now it's come to this....   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Adventures in the Lost Lands : Motor City BC

Adventures in the Lost Lands : Motor City BC

HIT THE GAS AND TAKE A SPIN IN THE LOST LANDS A Lost Lands Expedition, a Time Warp, who knows why, but when Dinosaurs and Diesels mix it up, you’re in for high octane adventure! The Tyrannosaurus Rex shouldered its way into the clearing, brushing down a small tree, snorting in confusion at the strange beetle-like creature...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Adventures with Captain Nemo

Adventures with Captain Nemo

Be the Captain of the Nautilus! Want to be the Captain of a cutting –edge Steam Punk submarine? Well, here’s your chance! Captain Nemo has decided it’s time to retire and he wants to turn his submarine, the Nautilus, over to someone else. That’s where you come in. In Adventures with Captain Nemo you’ll accompany the Captain on a series of Adventures where you can prove your...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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After the End of Days

After the End of Days

END OF DAYS?  “Yeah right. All those wankers predicting the End of Days. End of the world as we know it. Hey, wasn’t that a song? Anyway, when the Apocalypse did come it wasn’t the End of Days. Us smart folks found ways to keep going. With the Government gone it’s not bad actually. Not a lot of people, some small towns. Cities? Yeah, they’re still around, kind of. Just...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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After the End of Days - Quick play

After the End of Days - Quick play

QUICK PLAY!- SHORT ON TIME? NO PROBLEM! Sometimes you want to play a game but are short on time. No time to pull out the boards, the minis, the counters – yeah, you have dice, but the rest? No time. That´s what After the End of Days Quick Play is made for. Same game mechanics but no need for the bells and whistles as we got you covered. Play the same game but faster? You...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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After The Horsemen: Return of the Horsemen

After The Horsemen: Return of the Horsemen

CONQUEST, WAR , AND FAMINE, OH MY! ...And don’t forget Death. Commonly referred to as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, they rode through the land signaling the end of the world. What caused the end game? Who knows? Who cares? The real question is... WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE HORSEMEN? As one of the few people still alive, it’s your goal to survive, no, thrive,...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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After The Horsemen: The Game Of The Apocalypse 2nd Edition

After The Horsemen: The Game Of The Apocalypse 2nd Edition

“So it's not much of a Fallout style post-apoc, but more like... yeah, like what?” Mahon asked. “More like the dirty, gritty, it-all-fell-apart-apocalypse. More “The Stand” than “Fallout.” Or easily further-future “All Things Zombie” with rougher tech and harder men. More “Mad Max” with fewer bodged-together land-train,” Alexander replied.    CONQUEST,...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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All Things Zombie End of Days: Havasu Nights

All Things Zombie End of Days: Havasu Nights

Havasu Nights Zombie Pit Fighting! Gotta Love it! Love them Pit Fighters! Make a bet, win some bucks. Man, I bet I could win some fights. WAIT. WHAT? Oh wait. You don’t know about Zombie Pit Fighting? You know, one on one with the Zed...machete, lop off a head. WELL, WELCOME TO HAVASU NIGHTS... Lake Havasu AZ. It’s a self-contained new Locale for you to live or visit as needed....   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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All Things Zombie End of Days: Mass Hysteria (Board Game)

All Things Zombie End of Days: Mass Hysteria (Board Game)

SAVE THE CITY! There’s an advancing wave of undead coming and we must stop it! Yeah, yeah, I know. Us humans haven’t always been friendly to each other, but come on, we’re talking zombies. Zombies! How it got to this point no one knows, and no one cares. All you need to know is that due to the outbreak, our city is now divided into areas. The plan is to defend the important areas first, stem...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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All Things Zombie End of Days: Tales Of Dread

All Things Zombie End of Days: Tales Of Dread

 Zeds, Smarties, Ragers and those Slithers? I mean really, they are something else, aren’t they? WAIT. WHAT? You don’t know about Slithers? How about Gliders? No? Oh, I see. You haven’t heard about the “Special” Zombies. You know, the ones on Artigo Island. Artigo Island; you know, where the Pig Men, Franken and the rest of those Freaks that Pro-Corp made live. No, eh? WELL, WELCOME...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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  Missile Threat (Modern Air Combat)