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Authorials: Red on the Neck

Authorials: Red on the Neck

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with Red on the Neck! Sometimes, crimes are weird. Sometimes, they are more than weird. This novel started out with a detective looking for a killer and running into a monster of the night. The detective is a rock of a character. The murderer, a player in the shadows....   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: An Affair in Avery

Authorials: An Affair in Avery

Have an eReader? Want to play aface-to-face game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with An Affair in Avery! You picked up Affair as a trashy little book to escape with. You found your self caught up by Deloris, the competent business woman who's life is in airports and spends her working hours judging hotel properties for a major hotel chain....   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: My Name is Herman

Authorials: My Name is Herman

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with My Name is Herman! Herman is a man with a terrible disease. The government has marked him as Patient Zero and there is a world-wide manhunt for him. On the run, Herman tries to figure out the disease that is so deadly to others and gain his identity back. His story...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: The Alphatiev Gazetteer vol. I

Authorials: The Alphatiev Gazetteer vol. I

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with The Alphaviev Gazetteer vol. I! You are a fan of the Alphatiev fantasy books and have adventured in the ten kingdoms for years. When the third-party game source book came out, you snatched it up immediately. Instantly, the empire of Alphatiev leaped off the page...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: Words of my Mother

Authorials: Words of my Mother

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with Words of my Mother! Mom was always full of great advice. Still is. You picked up this book after browsing through it and seeing some familiar phrases. At first, they reminded you of the life lessons that were learned via mom-isms. Then, they began to take hold and...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: Dead 2D World

Authorials: Dead 2D World

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with Dead 2D World! It was sitting between the shelves of the little bookshop down the street. It's neon green and blue cover screaming at anyone who dare look at it. When you read it, the book all but sang to you. It was a harsh world in the near future of psychedelic...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: The Alphatiev Gazetteer - volume II

Authorials: The Alphatiev Gazetteer - volume II

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with The Alphatiev Gazetteer - volume II! You are a fan of the Alphatiev fantasy books and have adventured in the ten kingdoms for years. when the second volume of the third-party game source book came out, you snatched it up as quickly as volume 1. The second volume...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: Up, Up, White Balloon

Authorials: Up, Up, White Balloon

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with Up, Up, White Balloon! Children's books are deceptively powerful to an Authorial. Up, Up, White Balloon is no exception. It chronicles the life of a large, white balloon floating from a child's hands, into the sky, and back down into a happy home. It is simple, short,...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: 8 Chess Boards

Authorials: 8 Chess Boards

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with 8 Chess Boards! Chess is a game almost as old as stories. When you saw this spy thriller on the shelves from that great author, you purchased it hoping for insight. Instead, it gave you entertainment. The story was about Amos Rook hunting for the 8 chess sets played...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: Thinking Cat

Authorials: Thinking Cat

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with 8 Chess Boards! This book caused the first stir amongst Authorials. Almost all great ones know its story first hand. Catherine was a voracious book reader. So much so, that she reviewed books on her blog,, The Thinking Cat. Then, one day, she...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Angels: Lair of the Shadow King

Angels: Lair of the Shadow King

Angels: Lair of the Shadow King is a quick-playing, 1 -4 player game of a band of Angels looking to defeat the elusive Shadow King in his lair before the Shadow King's Shadow-beasts can wreak havoc on the heavenly realms. This is a cooperative game, which means all the players win or lose together, and since it is quick to play and set-up, if you lose, reset and try again. The game...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $3.00

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CH35S: 2-Player Starter Set

CH35S: 2-Player Starter Set

     In the far future, mankind has tamed our galaxy and has gone looking the vast darkness of space for the next great adventure. When they entered galaxy CH35S, they found promise and death. The tyranical Knightmare Empire saw humanity as a threat and vowed to wipe them all out. Now, the citizens of Sol have banded together and pledged to save galaxy CH35S form the Knightmare Empire and establish...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $4.99

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CH35S: More Ways to Play

CH35S: More Ways to Play

War is a varied and strange thing. Not all battles are the same. Not all wars on the same scale. Not all armies stay the same. If the galaxy of CH35S teaches you anything, let it teach you that war knows no bounds.    This is a special expansion to the game CH35S. Within you will find additional rules of new ways to play your favorite 20-minute war game. Included...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $2.99

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CH35S: Psi-Corp

CH35S: Psi-Corp

    They come from the human solar system of Sol, but they are far more different than the others. The Psi-Corp have tapped into the most powerful weapon humankind has: their mind. They can move, attack, and even control others with a thought. They are secretive. They are enigmatic. They have come to CH35S to find a secret power source. Nothing will stand in their way... not even their own kind....   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $2.99

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CH35S: Rules Only Preview

CH35S: Rules Only Preview

**Free Preview**      In the far future, mankind has tamed our galaxy and has gone looking the vast darkness of space for the next great adventure. When they entered galaxy CH35S, they found promise and death. The tyranical Knightmare Empire saw humanity as a threat and vowed to wipe them all out. Now, the citizens of Sol have banded together and pledged to save galaxy CH35S form the Knightmare...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games   FREE 

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CH35S: The I'Beyhem

CH35S: The I'Beyhem

In the beginning there was a great darkness. THis darkness was vanquished by a race of beings that sacrificed their mortality and became machines. But the darkness crept into the machine-people and they had no choice but to hibernate until the darkness was expunged. Now, the darkness has returned and the machines are coming back to stop them. THis is the story of the I'Beyhem. They have returned...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $2.99

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CH35S: The Seca'linus

CH35S: The Seca'linus

     In the far future, mankind has tamed our galaxy and has gone looking the vast darkness of space for the next great adventure. When they entered galaxy CH35S, they found promise and death. The tyranical Knightmare Empire saw humanity as a threat and vowed to wipe them all out. Now, the citizens of Sol have banded together and pledged to save galaxy CH35S form the Knightmare Empire and establish...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $2.99

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  Table Air Combat: Flight Operations Manual