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Authorials: Red on the Neck

Authorials: Red on the Neck

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with Red on the Neck! Sometimes, crimes are weird. Sometimes, they are more than weird. This novel started out with a detective looking for a killer and running into a monster of the night. The detective is a rock of a character. The murderer, a player in the shadows....   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: An Affair in Avery

Authorials: An Affair in Avery

Have an eReader? Want to play aface-to-face game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with An Affair in Avery! You picked up Affair as a trashy little book to escape with. You found your self caught up by Deloris, the competent business woman who's life is in airports and spends her working hours judging hotel properties for a major hotel chain....   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: The Alphatiev Gazetteer vol. I

Authorials: The Alphatiev Gazetteer vol. I

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with The Alphaviev Gazetteer vol. I! You are a fan of the Alphatiev fantasy books and have adventured in the ten kingdoms for years. When the third-party game source book came out, you snatched it up immediately. Instantly, the empire of Alphatiev leaped off the page...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: Words of my Mother

Authorials: Words of my Mother

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with Words of my Mother! Mom was always full of great advice. Still is. You picked up this book after browsing through it and seeing some familiar phrases. At first, they reminded you of the life lessons that were learned via mom-isms. Then, they began to take hold and...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: 8 Chess Boards

Authorials: 8 Chess Boards

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with 8 Chess Boards! Chess is a game almost as old as stories. When you saw this spy thriller on the shelves from that great author, you purchased it hoping for insight. Instead, it gave you entertainment. The story was about Amos Rook hunting for the 8 chess sets played...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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Authorials: Thinking Cat

Authorials: Thinking Cat

Have an eReader? Want to play a game against your friends? Then start your collection of Authorials the Collectable Ebook Game with 8 Chess Boards! This book caused the first stir amongst Authorials. Almost all great ones know its story first hand. Catherine was a voracious book reader. So much so, that she reviewed books on her blog,, The Thinking Cat. Then, one day, she...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games  $1.99

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ZipWarz Core Rules

ZipWarz Core Rules

Welcome to ZipWarz Have you ever wanted to play a miniatures war game, but were intimidated by all the rules, rulers, and time it takes to play the game? Do you have lots of minis from other war games that you wish you could get to the table more often? Do you just want a fun game to play? Then welcome to ZipWarz. ZipWarz is the rules-lite miniature war game rule set that you can breakout, set-up...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games   FREE 

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