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The Battle of Vimy Ridge, April 9th to April 12th 1917, was part of the Battle of Arras in north-eastern France and took place during World War One. It was the first time that the four Divisions of the Canadian Corps fought together as one and is arguably Canada’s most celebrated military victory. The Ridge itself was a crucial strategic location and previous attempts by the British and French to... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99

Como parte de los desembarcos del Día D en Normandía en 1944, la 6ª División Aerotransportada Británica participó en la Operación Tonga, para capturar y destruir varios puentes sobre el río Orne y el Canal de Caen y asegurar objetivos importantes en el área. El mal tiempo y las difíciles condiciones de aterrizaje significaron que las unidades estaban dispersas y a menudo tenían que luchar... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
The Battle of Kursk started on 4th July 1943 around the city of Kursk in western Russia. German forces made initial advances in an attempt to control key areas before the main offensive, called Operation Citadel. The Germans planned to attack from the north and south simultaneously, in an attempt to pinch off the Kursk salient. After the German offensive stalled, the Soviets launched a counteroffensive... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$19.99 $11.99
Now with updated map graphics (August 2024 onwards).
Battles of Medieval Britain covers battles fought between the year 937 and 1403. By modern standards, the forces on each side were small in size, but battles were fierce and bloody and were no place for the faint-hearted. In many cases the exact details of the battle have never been fully established, including what weapons were used, the scale... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$17.99 $10.49
The Napoleonic Wars consisted of a range of conflicts, from 1804 to 1815, fought between the First French Empire under Napoleon and a changing mix of European coalitions. This game focuses on a part of the Napoleonic Wars called the Peninsular War, which took place in the Iberian Peninsula, mostly between the Spanish, Portuguese and British armies on the one hand and the First French Empire army on... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$22.99 $14.99
As part of the D-Day landings in Normandy in 1944, the British 6th Airborne Division took part in Operation Tonga, to capture and destroy several bridges on the Orne River and Caen Canal and to secure important villages in the area. Bad weather and difficult landing conditions meant that units were scattered and often had to fight in smaller, weakened forces. Fortunately, the German resistance was,... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
Now with vastly improved Map graphics as depicted on the cover picture shown here (as opposed to the video, which is an older version).
The English Civil Wars were actually a series of wars fought between the year 1642 and 1651 by the Parliamentarians and the Royalists. Battles of the English Civil War presents some of the key battles from the period 1642 to 1646, commonly known as the First English... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$17.99 $10.99
 Great for travel or quick sessions, Beaches for the Brave is a light dice placement/allocation solitaire game which loosely represents the beach landings in Normandy and the Pacific Islands by Allied forces during World War Two. Each landing is designed to be small-scale and represents perhaps one or two boats landing on specific sections of the beaches. The various landings represented try to reflect... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$15.99 $8.99
 NOTE: THIS IS THE SPANISH VERSION OF THE FIELDS OF NORMANDY Éste es un buen medio para comenzar con los juegos de Mike Lambo, si no has jugado otro antes y estás buscando un juego de temática bélica. Campos de Normandía es un wargame en formato de libro,de estilo hexágono y contador,accesible, portátil y que se juega en solitario. Se incluyen instrucciones, escenarios y contadores en color.... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
El 3 Escuadrón del Regimiento de Servicio Especial de la Fuerza Aérea Australiana (SAS) llegó a Vietnam en junio de 1966. Sus objetivos eran realizar patrullas de reconocimiento y observar el movimiento enemigo, así como llevar a cabo misiones ofensivas en su territorio. A menudo operaban en grupos tan pequeños como cuatro y se movían... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
Now with vastly improved map art, as shown on cover picture.
3 Squadron of the Australian Special Air Force Service Regiment (SAS) arrived in Vietnam in June 1966. Their objectives were to undertake reconnaissance patrols and to observe enemy movement, as well as to conduct offensive missions deep in enemy territory. They often operated in groups as small as four and moved slowly through thick jungle... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
The Hostage Rescue Squad (HRS) is a (fictional) elite tactical unit set up to rescue hostages from critical situations when negotiation has failed or is simply not an option. In the game you will be controlling three HRS Operators as they attempt daring missions to rescue hostages in a variety of missions. The Hostiles who have taken the hostages are dangerous and desperate and they will stop at nothing... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
Las Batallas de la Britania Medieval cubren las libradas entre el año 937 y 1403. Según los estándares modernos, las fuerzas de cada bando eran pequeñas en tamaño, pero las batallas eran feroces y sangrientas y no eran lugar para los pusilánimes. En muchos casos, los detalles exactos de la batalla nunca se han esclarecido... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$18.99 $10.99
 The AstroTank will be developed in the twenty second century to counter perceived threats from as yet undiscovered Alien species, a threat heightened by the discovery of ‘faster than light’ space travel, the possibility of which had previously been doubted. Finally completed, the AstroTank will be required in the early twenty third century when first contact is made with an aggressive Alien species... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
 Now with improved map graphics.
This game is a sequel to Lone Sherman and not an expansion. It is a standalone game. Lone Sherman: The Pacific puts you in charge of a single Sherman Tank and its crew on several Pacific Islands in World War II, and tasks you with navigating your Sherman through challenging Scenarios. Whilst this game is not a ‘narrative driven’ game as such, with a little imagination... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$18.99 $10.99
Lone Sherman puts you in charge of a single Sherman Tank and its crew somewhere in France in World War II, and tasks you with navigating your Sherman through varied and challenging Missions. Whilst this game is not a ‘narrative driven’ game as such, with a little imagination it will provide memorable stories. The Missions allow the Player to invent any kind of back-story they like in order to enhance... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$18.49 $10.99
Western forces in Vietnam soon realised that traditional military strategies and tactics would not win the war. Jungle based guerilla warfare required a different approach. Part of the tactical revision involved using smaller teams of men going deep into enemy territory. Intelligence gathering was extremely important in Vietnam. Development of the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol followed. LRRPs (pronounced... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$17.99 $10.99
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Battles of Kursk: A Solitaire Wargame Regular price: $11.99 Bundle price: $10.43 Format: Watermarked PDF The Battle of Kursk started on 4th July 1943 around the city of Kursk in western Russia. German forces made initial advances in an attempt to control key areas before the main offensive, called Operation... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$57.45 $49.99
![Mike Lambo's Fields of Normandy Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/25309/501709-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. The Fields of Normandy 2: A Solitaire Wargame Regular price: $10.99 Bundle price: $9.28 Format: Watermarked PDF Note: Map graphics have been updated since the video below was shot. See the cover picture for how the maps now appear.
The Fields of Normandy 2 (the sequel to The Fields of Normandy) is set in... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$31.97 $26.99
![Mike Lambo's Lone Sherman Series [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/25309/502628-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Lone Sherman - The Pacific: A Solitaire Wargame Regular price: $10.99 Bundle price: $9.56 Format: Watermarked PDF Now with improved map graphics.
This game is a sequel to Lone Sherman and not an expansion. It is a standalone game. Lone Sherman: The Pacific puts you in charge of a single Sherman Tank and... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$22.98 $19.99
![Mike Lambo's Rifle Squad WW2 Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/25309/501710-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Rifle Squad: The British Home Guard - A Solitaire Wargame Regular price: $12.99 Bundle price: $11.07 Format: Watermarked PDF This game lets you play as the British Home Guard in World War 2. The Home Guard was developed to defend the shores of Britain against possible German invasion, which was deemed to... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$26.98 $22.99
![Mike Lambo's Solacia Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/25309/508810-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Solacia - The Wizard of Doom: A Solitaire Fantasy Game Regular price: $10.99 Bundle price: $9.49 Format: Watermarked PDF Solacia was a peaceful place until the Wizard of Doom arrived. He spread evil across the land, conjuring up all kinds of horrors and forcing the people to pay huge amounts of gold just... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$21.98 $18.98
Outpost 2099 propels you to the end of the 21st Century when humankind has discovered the means to travel far and deep into the Universe that was, until then, a mystery. Establishing research Outposts on distant planets has proven difficult, not least because the Aliens do not want us there. It is your task to complete the research task at each Outpost and use the knowledge acquired to defeat the Alien... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
 Quests for the Brave is a light “dice placement” or “dice allocation” solitaire game which tasks the Player with helping six Heroes to achieve 12 treacherous and difficult Quests. This is an accessible game which is quick and easy to play but Players will still be challenged by the circumstances of each Quest, so expect a tough time out there! This game is a solitaire game. You play the game,... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$13.99 $7.99
This game lets you play as the British Home Guard in World War 2. The Home Guard was developed to defend the shores of Britain against possible German invasion, which was deemed to be a real possibility, especially early in the war. Many of the Home Guard were men who were too old, and also too young, to sign up for the regular British Army. They often brought their own particular skills into their... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$20.99 $12.99
The D-Day landings took place in World War II on June 6th, 1944. Taking Omaha beach was the responsibility of US soldiers. The main objective was to secure a beachhead five miles inland and to link Gold beach with Utah beach. Just over half the German defenders were battle hardened combat soldiers, and were generally positioned in strongpoints along the coast. In the game, the Player will take control... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$22.99 $13.99
Solacia was a peaceful place until the Wizard of Doom arrived. He spread evil across the land, conjuring up all kinds of horrors and forcing the people to pay huge amounts of gold just to stay alive. The Queen has called for a group of Heroes to find and kill the Wizard of Doom, and to return the gold to the people and bring peace to the land of Solacia once again. Solacia: The Wizard of Doomplaces... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$18.99 $10.99

This game is the sequel to Solacia: The Wizard of Doom. It is a standalone game - you do not need the first game to play this one, although you can use the heroes from each game in the other.
Solacia was at peace until the Ice Demon arrived. He spread evil across the land, conjuring up all kinds of horrors and freezing the land permanently so that nothing would grow. The Queen has called... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$18.99 $10.99
Map graphics now updated since the video below was filmed.
Out of nowhere, an alien Spaceship appears over New York. With no communication forthcoming despite numerous attempts by Earth’s various space agencies, there seems no option but to board the alien craft and investigate. The first such mission resulted in the discovery of a race of spider-like alien creatures. Pictures were sent back to... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
 Tank GP is a racing game but also a wargame. Just to be clear, it is not meant to be serious, realistic or historically accurate. It is meant to be fun, quick to play and have opponents which are challenging to race against but easy to operate. Ten different Tanks race against, and fire at, each other with the ultimate aim of being the first to cross the winning line. Tanks range from strong, slower... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$15.99 $8.99
Note: Map graphics have been updated since the video below was shot. See the cover picture for how the maps now appear.
The Fields of Normandy 2 (the sequel to The Fields of Normandy) is set in Normandy, France in 1944 and reflects loosely the conditions and situations faced by the US VIII Corps of the United States Army as it pushed inland as part of Operation Cobra. The fighting was intense and incredibly... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$17.99 $10.99
Graphics now updated since the viweo below was filmed - see cover picture as an example.
Due to a range of factors, many troops from the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions were scattered and struggled to come under the control of division headquarters. Many of these troops formed into small groups, organised by officers and NCOs and fought behind enemy lines for up to five days. Although mainly fighting... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$17.99 $10.99
A good place to start with Mike Lambo games if you haven't played one before and are looking for a war-themed game. The Fields of Normandy is an accessible, portable, solitaire "hex and counter" style wargame in a book (or pdf!). Instructions and colour game maps are included; you just need to add 2 standard six-sided dice. Your task is to order your rifle squads, machine gun teams, mortar teams and... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
The Race to Bastogne is a 'hex and counter' style game which puts you in charge of armoured units from the US Army in the Battle of the Bulge in 1944 World War II. You will be commanding small groups of Sherman tanks, Priest mobile artillery and Greyhound armoured cars in order to clear routes across the freezing countryside to Bastogne, where the US 101st Airborne are surrounded by the enemy. The... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99