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Armageddon Hour is a solo boardgame that pits your character, the mutant hunter Frazer, against a horde of mutants. You have a gun, limited ammo and one hour of time to storm a mutant hideout and kill the mutant boss before he sets off a bomb. You play with a stopwatch or a chess timer, and have exactly one hour of real time to finish the game. If you don’t complete your mission in time,... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Challengers of the Great Beyond is a new skirmish game that uses the innovative Battlesworn mechanics to run space opera science fiction battles using ANY miniatures you already have.
d6 based combat
No complicated point system: use the 41 classes provided to describe any model
10 to 37 models needed, depending on the classes used -- each model is either... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
$18.00 $8.00
TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE In a world where magic is a crime punishable with death, magic-users entrust their pets with their secrets --and their own lives. Play a cat who walks through walls, a toad who can turn invisible, a raven who can call rain... Familiars is a simple, fast roleplaying game that lets you play a magical animal working for a powerful wizard. Choose from: 14 playable character... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
NIGHTMARES BECOME REAL, AND THE DEAD WALK THE EARTH!All the monsters from man's worst nightmares come alive in this set of fast-playing horror miniature rules which is based on the popular, Origins-nominated Song of Blades and Heroes mechanics. Fight zombies, vampires, mad slashers, ghosts, werewolves, witches and other bloodcurdling monstrosities straight out of the folklore books and horror movies.... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
You'd better duck... Lead is Flying!
Flying Lead can be used to play tabletop actions in a wide range of genres. From gang warfare to pulp action, from military operations to black-clad assassins, Flying Lead supplies furious fun at bullet speed! Lead a gang of mobsters, play cops vs crooks, or enter the brutal world of covert special operations and espionage. But will you... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Flying Lead può essere usato per giocare azioni di combattimento con miniature in una moltitudine di generi e periodi storici. Dalla guerra tra gang alle avventure in stile Pulp, dalle operazioni militari agli assassini vestiti di nero, Flying Lead offre divertimento veloce come un proiettile! Guida una banda di gangster, gioca a poliziotti contro criminali, o entra nel mondo brutale di operazioni... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
¡PONTE A CUBIERTO! Flying Lead ("Lluvia de Plomo") puede usarse para jugar partidas ambientadas en muchos géneros diferentes; desde guerra de bandas a acción pulp, desde operaciones militares a asesinos ninja. ¡Flying Lead te ofrece furiosa diversión a la velocidad de las balas! Dirige una banda de gangsters, juega a polis y ladrones, o sumérgete... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
This is a one page how to do things in For Queen and Planet guide.
It is helpful to use a reference item as your learn to play the game. ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
An ancient nation, a powerful military and thousands of fanatical anti-foreign Boxers are arrayed against a handful of troops from eight nations. The foreign legations are under seige and foreigners are being murdered.
You have no choice, but to take the forces at hand, face the overwhelming enemy on the field of battle and either prevail or be annihilated.
For Queen and Planet - The Boxer Rebellion... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
For Queen and Planet – Core Rules
The sweep of the red Sudanese desert, scattered with thorny trees and pierced by black basalt outcrops is the setting for this cinematic rule set. The whirling dervish, the fanatical Ansar and the lonely British foot soldier far from home are the combatants.
With these rules, you can take the role of the British commander tasked by the Queen... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
For Queen and Planet – The Martian Punitive Expedition - 1901
Supplemental Scenario Book
A planet to be conquered, vengeance to be wreaked and glory to be won. That is the motivation of the commander of the Martian Punitive Expedition of 1901.
With these rules, you can take the role of the British commander tasked by the Queen with taking the fight to the Cephalopod invaders... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
For Q&P - How to do things Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF This is a one page how to do things in For Queen and Planet guide.
It is helpful to use a reference item as your learn to play the game. ...
For Queen and Planet - The Imperial Wars of Earth and Mars - 1845... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
$14.24 $10.50
After a long wait, Ganesha Games publishes a new issue of Free Hack. This issue includes: Free scenarios for Song of Blades and Heroes, errata and clarifications for all our games, spotlight on Fear and Faith and more. We plan to release at least 3 more issues of Free Hack this year, stay tuned! ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Free Hack Issue 4-- the free webzine for all the Ganesha Games products, including Flying Lead, Song of Blades and Heroes, Fear & Faith and many more! ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
This is the second issue of Free Hack webzine, the free irregular magazine for Ganesha Games products. In this issue: scenarios, interviews and battle reports for Song of Blades and Heroes and Song of Drums and Shakos, plus a detailed sneak preview of Song of Arthur and Merlin coming out right before Christmas. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Do you hear strange noises in the middle of the night?
Do strange lights emanate from your fridge or other household appliance?
Do you or any of your family believe in ghosts?
Then call the Ghost Rangers on 1800-GHOSTRANGERS
No ghost or spectral occurrence too small!
Ghost Rangers... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
$18.00 $8.00
 ITALIAN EDITION-- Il Canto degli Eroi è la versione italiana di "Song of Blades and Heroes", gioco di miniature candidato a Origins 2008 nella categoria miglior gioco di miniature dell'anno. Leggete le recensioni su songofblades.blogspot.com... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
MIGHTY MONSTERS is a set of fast-playing miniatures combat rules in the tradition of Japanese "Kaiju" movies.
MIGHTY MONSTERS includes rules for "man in a rubber suit" monsters, blobs, giant heroes and alien invasion forces. The roster section has enough pre-designed... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
$15.00 $8.00
MUTANTS AND DEATH RAY GUNS - Revised Edition is a fast-paced, skirmish level, post-holocaust miniature system for 2+ players. Based on the popular Song of Blades and Heroes mechanics, the rules are simple and, above all, FUN.
After the holocaust, new races compete for supremacy over a scorched Earth. Pit your band of desperadoes against the dangers of a wasted world. Radiation,... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
 Hai la stoffa giusta per sopravvivere?
Mutants and Death Ray Guns è un regolamento veloce per miniature ambientato in una terra del dopo disastro devastata da malattie, armi chimiche e nucleari. Mutanti, Robot, Androidi, Piante Mutanti, Animali iper-evoluti e Dannati lottano per la sopravvivenza in un mondo pieno di pericoli e avventura. Basato sul popolare sistema di Song... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
MDRG est un système de jeu pour 2 joueurs ou plus pour se livrer à des combats rapides d'escarmouches de figurines dans un univers S.F post-apocalyptique. Basé sur les mécanismes du populaire Song of Blades and Heroes, les règles sont simples et par dessus tout, privéligie l'amusement ! Après deux cents ans de guerre nucléaire et biochimique,de... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Power Legion is a fast-playing tabletop wargame ruleset. Each player controls a team of heroes or villains, each with their own attributes, traits, and tricks.
Create any hero from comics, animation, or film with a flexible point-based system.
Use 3 to 5 figures per side or play larger games
Playable on a 3x3 ft. table using any figures you already own
Games last 45 minutes... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
$18.00 $8.00
Project Simian Ultra X is a supplement for the Mutants and Death Ray Guns Miniatures rules.
In its 89 pages, you will find rules for new character types, new equipment, scenarios, and traits, including:
Reaction Rules
NOE Enforcers
Death Commandos
Cyclopic Chickens
The Neko
Greys... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
$14.00 $8.00
 Feel the Force of the Animus!
Psi-Paladins and Techno-Barbarians is a sourcebook for the Mutants and Death Ray Guns post-apocalyptic miniatures game. In its pages, you will find:
● Rules for Psi-Paladins, wielding the power of the all-encompassing mystic force known as the Animus and their deadly forceblades.
● Stats for the Techno-Barbarians, a party of three unique heroes of the radioactive... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
This is a one page Quick Reference Sheet For Rise of the Mahdi.
It is helpful to use a reference item as your learn to play the game. ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Samurai Robots Battle Royale is a stand-alone set of miniatures rules for mecha battles. Based on the award-winning Song of Blades engine, it allows to refight the wild, imaginative battles seen in the classic Japanese anime series. It also includes rules and guidelines for more realistic science-fiction military games, or even battles with steam-powered engines of destruction.... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
$15.00 $8.00
Recrutez vos guerriers et combattez!
Song of Blades and Heroes est un jeu rapide d'escarmouches fantastiques pour deux joueur ou plus. Les règles sont simples, rapides et par-dessus tout FUN.
FACILE : des règles simples que vous prenez apprendre en une partie;
RAPIDE: une partie dure de 30 à 35 minutes. Jouer une campagne (3 à 5 scénarios) prend une soirée.
PEU ONÉREUSE:... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Song of Blades and Heroes: Ein rasantes Fantasy-Miniaturen-Kampfsystem, 2+ Spieler. Revolutionäre W6-basierte Regeln, die man in nur einem Spiel lernt; kein Abzählen von Inches oder Zentimetern. Keine Buchführung. Ein Spiel dauert 30-45 Minuten. Nur 5-10 Modelle benötigt; spielt mit beliebigen einzeln basierten Fantasy-Miniaturen, in beliebigem Maßstab; spielbar auf Hexfeldern oder freiem... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Song of Blades and Heroes - Versión en Castellano
Song of Blades and Heroes es un sistema de escaramuzas con miniaturas de fantasÃa para dos o más jugadores. Las reglas son sencillas, rápidas, y sobre todo divertidas.
... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Treasure and danger await in the depths of the Earth. Will you dare enter the Dungeon? Song of Gold and Darkness is the first expansion for the Song of Blades and Heroes fantasy skirmish rules. It includes complete rules for dungeon adventuring such as: Rules clarifications and expansions; 11 new Terrain types; 18 new Special rules for your models; four new warband advances; Necromancers, Sorcerers... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Treasure and danger await in the depths of the Earth. Will you dare enter the Dungeon? Song of Gold and Darkness is the first expansion for the Song of Blades and Heroes fantasy skirmish rules. It includes complete rules for dungeon adventuring such as: Rules clarifications and expansions; 11 new Terrain types; 18 new Special rules for your models; four new warband advances;... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Songs of Our Ancestors is a Flying Lead/Song of Blades variant produced by Zombiesmith Miniatures to allow you to play with their spectacular Quar miniatures range. The rules are based on Ganesha Games' Flying Lead by Rich Jones and Andrea Sfiligoi. This is a stand-alone book containing rules and background.
To Battle! To Glory! To Song! The trumpet is sounding "To Arms! To Arms!" And... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Star Eagles is a miniature wargame of space fighter combat that allows you to play out the battles from your favorite science fiction books, movies, and TV shows.
In a standard game, each player controls a squadron of 4-12 ships competing in exciting, objective-based missions in space, on moons, and in the atmosphere of planets.
The game is easy to learn, yet tactically rich... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
$20.00 $10.00
 This is the STL file for 3D printing a a Constar Arrow light space fighter and its flight stand.
These files were developed during the Star Eagles kickstarter. ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
SWATTERS is an exciting, fast-playing miniatures system for simulating battles between forces of humans and aliens. Using 20 to 50 (or more) singly-based figures per player and moving them as units, two players can complete a typical scenario on a 6’x4' table in under two hours. Every figure represents a single man, vehicle or alien. Squads move and fight as units... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
$18.00 $8.00