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First Adobe Walls

First Adobe Walls

In the winter of 1864, US forces under the command of Colonel Christopher "Kit" Carson moved into the Comancheria to punish the Comanche and their allies, the Kiowa. Much to his surprise, Carson and his command would fight one of the largest battles against the native peoples of North America, and just barely avoid being massacred. The First Battle of Adobe Walls is this quarter's installment of Campaigns...   [click here for more]
Palisade Games  Pay What You Want

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Red Cloud's War - Part 1

Red Cloud's War - Part 1

In the summer of 1865, a coalition of Lakota and Cheyenne warriors lead by Red Cloud was massing to make war on the United States.  The treaty of Fort Laramie was a failure.  Attacks on gold prospectors and settlers illegally moving into and through tribal lands were rising.  The Sand Creek massacre set fire to the plains.  Red Cloud's War would be one of the longest fought by the United States...   [click here for more]
Palisade Games  Pay What You Want

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Red Cloud's War - Part 2

Red Cloud's War - Part 2

Its the winter of 1866 and Red Cloud's War continues.  Fort Phil Kearny is under seige by thousands of Lakota and Cheyenne warriors. The War would be one of the longest fought by the United States Army against the Native peoples of North America west of the Mississippi. This issue, the Second in a two-part series, focuses on the fighting around Fort Phil Kearny culminating in the Fetterman Fight...   [click here for more]
Palisade Games  Pay What You Want

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The Daring Escape of Pancho Villa

The Daring Escape of Pancho Villa

In the early morning hours of March 9th, 1916, Pancho Villa launched an attack on the sleeping town of Columbus, New Mexico, and the adjacent US Army camp.  Villa’s intelligence operation had failed.  Having ordered the men forward, he was unaware that so much of the US 13th Cavalry was at Camp Furlong that night.  After hours of confused combat in the streets and through the Army camp, Villa...   [click here for more]
Palisade Games  Pay What You Want

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The Great Raid of 1840

The Great Raid of 1840

The Great Raid of 1840, also the known as the Great Comanche Raid, is the subject of our first issue of Campaigns of the American West.  In this series we hope to publish quarterly self contained miniature wargame campaign games in a newsletter format.  These will center on 19th Century wars between the native peoples of North America and the United States, each featuring a specific campaign. This...   [click here for more]
Palisade Games  Pay What You Want

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  Blood on the Blade - 2nd Edition