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This Electronic Edition of the ASLRB (or eASLRB) was created from brand-new layouts of rules Chapters A-G incorporating all known errata (as of August 2020). It also includes the complete Chapter H; and Chapters J, K, W and associated charts; as well as a few useful appendices and a comprehensive index. In other words, all the core rules.
MMP plans to update older chapters and add additional chapters... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
A GI’s DOZEN contains 13 ASL scenarios updated and adapted from the pre-ASL products GI: ANVIL OF VICTORY and SERIES 300. (This is a new cover image, but not a new product.)
* The PDFs were created from high-resolution scans of the originals, and each page was individually checked.
* They are all searchable, indexed, book-marked and hyper-texted.
* The scenarios have been updated to match... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Annual contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
A NATION OF WORKERS - Utilization of American Manpower and Material in ASL by Craig F. Posey
A QUESTION OF BALANCE - A Playtesters' Look at Scenario 9 by H. Sylvester & E. Murrell
THE EVOLUTION OF SMALL UNIT TACTICS - A Historical Commentary on SQUAD LEADER... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Annual contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
EIGHT MILLION BAYONETS - Utilization of Italian Manpower and Material in ASL by Craig F. Posey
EIGHT STEPS TO ASL - A Programmed Instruction Approach by Jim Stahler
THE DEVIL'S BRIGADE - Reference Notes for ASL by Steven Swann
SERIES REPLAY - Scenario... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Annual contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
SERIES REPLAY - Red Barricades by J. Mitchell, L. Watson, F. Calcagno and C. Kibler
THE FORGOTTEN LEGIONS - The Axis Minors in ASL by Charles Markuss
MARKET-GARDEN - Notes... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Annual contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
SOLDIERS OF THE SUN - The Japanese in ASL by Charles Markuss
SERIES REPLAY - Scenario A41--0P Hill by Chuck Goetz, Perry Cocke and Pat Jonke
PIGI-PIGI - Reference Notes for ASL by Steven Swann
THE COMMANDO CAMPAIGN GAME - A New Challenge... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Annual contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
PANZER GEGEN PANZER - Tank Warfare in ASL by Bruce Bakken
ANNUAL CROSSFIRE - Probing Layforce by Robert Banozic & Mark Nixon
GETTING THE LEAD OUT - A Parable for ASL by Steve Powlesland
BEATING ABOUT THE BUSH - A Look at Bypass... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Annual contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
SAND & BLOOD - The Story Behind the GT CG by Dan Dolan
FIRST TO FIGHT! - Reference Notes for ASL by Steven Swann
ANNUAL CROSSFIRE - Holding the Rear by Robert Banozic & Mark Nixon
WARRIORS OF THE NORTH - The Canadians in ASL by... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Annual contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
AIRBORNE SAMURAI - Reference Notes for ASL by Steven C. Swann
ANNUAL CROSSFIRE - Defeat in Java by Robert Banozic & Mark Nixon
WARRIORS ALL! - Campaign Game Leaders for ASL by David Payne
THE CHESTNUTS OF NORMANDY - A Celebration of Heroism... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Annual contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
THE WEATHER OUTSIDE IS FRIGHTFUL ... - Snow and ASL by Tim Hundsdorfer
STOP AND GO TRAFFIC - Moving, Motion, and Non-Stopped Status by Ole Boe
RUN FOR THE MONEY - Steve Goes CX by Steve Petersen
FOR ST. GEORGE AND ST. JOAN - Atlanticon '93... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Annual contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
A CAVALRY PRIMER FOR NEIGHSAYERS - Pooch's Ponies on Parade by Michael Puccio
SERIES REPLAY - Scenario G28 - Ramsey's Charge by Jeff Coyle, Matt Noah, and Carl Fago
RED DEATH FOR SCOUTS IN FLAMES - Four Battle-tested Tournament Scenarios by Pete Shelling
THE... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
This is a combined bundle of all ASL Annuals that have been printed and includes all materials from those ASL Annuals.
ASL Annual '89
ASL Annual '90
ASL Annual '91
ASL Annual '92
ASL Annual '93a
ASL Annual '93b
ASL Annual '95
ASL Annual '96
ASL Annual... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Classic contains scenarios, articles, and more!
SQUAD LEADER CLINICS - Tips to Better Your ASL Play. By Jon Mishcon.
FROM THE EDITORS - Why Classic ASL? By The Editors.
1987 ASL TOURNAMENT - The Greatest Tournament Scenarios Ever? By Jon Mishcon and Joe Suchar.
ONE-HALF FP - The Incremental IFT Variant. By Jay Kaufman.... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Journal contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
HELLO FROM MMP - Where We’re at and Where We’re Going by The Editors
SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES - All You Wanted to Know About Smoke by Tom Huntington
WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE A TIN CAN - Bad Tanks Aren’t All That Bad by David Ollie
RB CG IV — BLED WHITE... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Journal contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
THE UMPIRES' VIEW - Editorial by The Executive Editors
FESTUNG BUDAPEST FAQ - Bill Sez: Q&A for the Festung Budapest HASL by MMP
FESTUNG BUDAPEST SCENARIO REPLAY - FB 17 Stalingrad Redux by Phil Palmer, John Slotwinski, and Sean Deller
BULLET... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Journal contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
A VIEW FROM THE MOUND - Greetings from MMP by Curt Schilling
KAKAZU RIDGE - Historical Background and Designer’s Notes by Dan Dolan
ASSAULTING A CAVE COMPLEX - A One-Turn Study of Kakazy Ridge by J.R. Tracy
INTERNET RESOURCES FOR THE ASL PLAYER... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Journal contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
THE NORWEGIAN CAMPAIGN - The Germans Strike North by Philippe Naud
THE FRENCH EXPEDITIONARY CORPS - “Victory” at Narvik by Laurent Closier
A VIEW FROM THE MOUND - Curt Pontificates by Curt Schilling
A TWO MONTH STINT - The Chasseurs de Podhale... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Journal contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
HISTORY OF THE GAME: CARRIERS - Coulda Been a Cupholder by Ian Daglish
THE FINE ART OF BUSHWHACKIN’ - Ambush and Close Combat ASL Style by David Ollie
HALL OF FAME - The ASLML Picks the Scenarios by Rob Wolkey
SPOTLIGHT ON THE FORGOTTEN VEHICLES... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Journal contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
DEBRIEFING - Latest ASL Errata by MMP
A LINE IN THE SAND - A Desert Mini-CG by Pete Shelling
HISTORY AND THE GAME: FRONTAL ASSAULT - An Excerpt from Operation Bluecoat by Ian Daglish
THE JUNGLE ISN’T NEUTRAL - Up Close and Personal... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Journal contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
DEBRIEFING - Latest ASL Errata by Ian Daglish
SERIES REPLAY - J73 — Tired and Unsupported by J.R. Tracy, Paul Sidhu, and John Slotwinski
THE PERSISTENCE OF FIREPOWER - Residual Firepower and Firelanes in ASL by David Ollie
COMPREHENSIVE EXAMPLE - Comprehensive... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Journal contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
DEBRIEFING - Latest ASL Errata by MMP
THE BLUE DEVILS - Croation 1st Light Infantry Parachute Battalion by Steven Swann
THE COMMISSAR DIALECTIC - Commissars in ASL by Bruce Probst
GOT OVHS? “GOT MILK” IS A GREAT START - An Analysis... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Journal contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
DEBRIEFING - The Latest ASL Errata by MMP
A VIEW FROM THE BENCH - Editorial by The Executive Editors
CROSSTOWN TRAFFIC - A Detailed Look at Vehicular Overrun by Carl Nogueira
THE AGONY OF DEFEAT - Why Bad Things Happen to New Players by Mark... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The ASL Journal contains scenarios, articles, replays, Q/A, player aids, and more!
DEBRIEFING - Latest ASL Errata by MMP
A VIEW FROM THE BENCH - Editorial by The Executive Editors
THE ART OF THE BANZAI - Mastering the Methods of the Emperor’s Finest by Bret Hildebran
THE SCIENCE OF THE BANZAI - Understanding Ninja... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
This is a combined bundle of all ASL Journals #1-#10 and includes most materials from those ASL Journals.
ASL Journal #1
ASL Journal #2
ASL Journal #3
ASL Journal #4
ASL Journal #5
ASL Journal #6
ASL Journal #7
ASL Journal #8
ASL Journal #9... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
This is a pdf copy of the Kakazu Ridge Historical map that was included in the ASL Journal #2. The map is approximately 32"x24" and includes a small white border around each edge. Due to the size and detail on this map, this is a large download.
* The product image is only part of the map. The file includes the entire map.
* This is not a scan of the map, it is from the orignal file. ... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
This is a scanned copy of the Nhpum Ga Historical map that was included in the ASL Annual '97. The map is 22"x18" and includes a small white border around each edge.
* The product image is only part of the map. The file includes the entire map.
* This was scanned at 300 dpi and cleaned up where possible. ... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The Out of the Attic #2 contains out of print scenarios, articles, replays, and more!
The Scenarios of Out of the Attic #2 - Background Notes on this Issues Scenarios by Chas Argent
A View from The Attic - Greetings from the Editors by MMP
Panzer GeGen Panzer - Tank Warefare in ASL by Bruce Bakken
Tactics 101 - 13 Steps Closer... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
The Out of the Attic contains out of print scenarios, articles, replays, and more!
A VIEW FROM THE ATTIC - Words from the Editors by MMP
BRING ON THE NIGHT - Learning the Night Rules Phase by Phase by J.R. VanMechelen
SERIES REPLAY: SICILIAN MIDNIGHT - Battle of the Titans by Guy Chaney, Kevin Meyer, and Jim Turpin
WHO RULES THE NIGHT?... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
This is a pdf copy of the Primosole Bridge Historical map that was included in the ASL Journal #6. The map is approximately 32"x22" and includes a small white border around each edge. Due to the size and detail on this map, this is a large download.
* The product image is only part of the map. The file includes the entire map.
* This is not a scan of the map, it is from the orignal file.... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
Special Ops is Multi-Man Publishing's magazine that provides coverage of MMP's line of products. Each issue has multiple articles covering several of MMP's product lines as well as ASL/ASLSK scenarios.
These are just the magazines, no game is included in the PDF version (only the physical print edition includes the game).
Articles for this issue:
SHIFTING... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
Special Ops is Multi-Man Publishing's magazine that provides coverage of MMP's line of products. Each issue has multiple articles covering several of MMP's product lines as well as ASL/ASLSK scenarios.
These are just the magazines, no game is included in the PDF version (only the physical print edition includes the game).
Articles for this issue:
INTERNATIONAL... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
Special Ops is Multi-Man Publishing's magazine that provides coverage of MMP's line of products. Each issue has multiple articles covering several of MMP's product lines as well as ASL/ASLSK scenarios.
These are just the magazines, no game is included in the PDF version (only the physical print edition includes the game).
Articles for this issue:
INTERNATIONAL... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
Special Ops is Multi-Man Publishing's magazine that provides coverage of MMP's line of products. Each issue has multiple articles covering several of MMP's product lines as well as ASL/ASLSK scenarios.
These are just the magazines, no game is included in the PDF version (only the physical print edition includes the game).
Articles for this issue:
WHAT... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
Special Ops is Multi-Man Publishing's magazine that provides coverage of MMP's line of products. Each issue has multiple articles covering several of MMP's product lines as well as ASL/ASLSK scenarios.
These are just the magazines, no game is included in the PDF version (only the physical print edition includes the game).
Articles for this issue:
PERHAPS... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
Special Ops is Multi-Man Publishing's magazine that provides coverage of MMP's line of products. Each issue has multiple articles covering several of MMP's product lines as well as ASL/ASLSK scenarios.
These are just the magazines, no game is included in the PDF version (only the physical print edition includes the game).
Articles for this issue:
THE... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
Special Ops is Multi-Man Publishing's magazine that provides coverage of MMP's line of products. Each issue has multiple articles covering several of MMP's product lines as well as ASL/ASLSK scenarios.
These are just the magazines, no game is included in the PDF version (only the physical print edition includes the game).
Articles for this issue:
FIGHTING... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
This is a bundle of 20 ASL scenarios that were published in Special Ops Issue #1 - Issue #10. The following scenarios are included.
O1 - Go Big or Go Home
O2 - Breaking the Ishun Line
O3 - A Frosty Morning
O4 - Ain't Running Away
O5 - The Tsar's Infernal Machines
O6 - Third Time's the Charm
O7 - Broken Wings
O8 - Crucifix Hill
O9 - Behind in the Count
O10 - City on the Edge
O11 - Short-Lived... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
This is a bundle of 20 ASLSK scenarios that were published in Special Ops Issue #1 - Issue #10. The following scenarios are included.
S37 - Breaking the Panzers
S38 - Raiders Along the Wall
S39 - Use Your Tanks and Shove
S40 - Island Retreat
S52 - Extraordinary Bravery
S53 - Workers Unite!
S54 - Operation Natzmer
S55 - The Fire Brigade
S56 - In Pursuit of the French
S57 - Haase to Hold On... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
This is a pdf copy of the Suicide Creek Historical map that was included in the ASL Journal #9. The map is approximatley 24"x26". Due to the size and detail on this map, this is a large download.
* The product image is only part of the map. The file includes the entire map.
* This is not a scan of the map, it is from the orignal file.
* The map has been rotated so that the watermark will... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |