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The Woods: Second Edition Dark Age Folklore Fantasy Core Rulebook (rules for Skirmish, RPG and Mass-combat)

The Woods: Second Edition Dark Age Folklore Fantasy Core Rulebook (rules for Skirmish, RPG and Mass-combat)

It is a thousand cycles since the fair ones left us. The woods grow thick and green across Talamhlar. The woods stood there long before the coming of the fae, they will stand there still after the tuatha are long gone. That time may not be long coming, for others have remained behind. Strange creatures lurk in the darkness, brought to the mortal plane to serve, to...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.63 $1.97

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Factious Waste Wasteland Warfare Miniatures Game Rulebook

Factious Waste Wasteland Warfare Miniatures Game Rulebook

Trash Runners– rock stars of the new era! Their glamorous mission? Hauling precious tons of waste across the barren earth. Form up your posse for adventure in the desolate wastelands. Face down rival gangs trying to steal your cargo, barbaric tribes defending their ancestral hunting grounds, anarchic revolutionaries raging against the machine and crazed enforcers wielding...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.63 $1.97

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The Woods: Barrow Ring Burning (Campaign book)

The Woods: Barrow Ring Burning (Campaign book)

Winter has come to Marbhanam. The crops have been gathered, the bonfires flame on Kings Down. The villagers prepare to weather the dark half of the cycle. But all is not well... A ritual has been broken, a chieftain is dead and up on the barrow a body lies burning. When dark shadows stalk the night and the pale king awakens who will survive to see the spring come? Who can reforge...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.63 $1.97

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The Woods: Mythic Cycles

The Woods: Mythic Cycles

Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them by an old man with a long beard and floppy hat who hands them a magic sword and sends them off to slay a dragon! The Woods: Mythic Cycles introduces a host of new characters and creatures for your dark age folklore fantasy world. Pick from the legendary warriors of Talamhlar or upgrade your...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.63 $1.97

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Factious Waste Book 1: Rules

Factious Waste Book 1: Rules

Trash Runners! Rock stars of the new era. Their glamorous mission? Hauling precious tons of waste across the barren earth. In a world devoid of natural resources only the refuse of yesterday's fashion keeps the wheels of consumerism turning. The Factious Waste rulebook allows you to play out classic post-apocalyptic...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.00

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Factious Waste Book 2: Factions

Factious Waste Book 2: Factions

What drives a person to seek the dangerous life of gang warfare in the barren deserts of outworld? There are as many reasons to fall in with the factions as there are souls fighting to survive. What is sure is that, whatever the choices, the struggle will continue. Within this volume of the Factious Waste series you...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.00

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Factious Waste Book 3: Campaigns

Factious Waste Book 3: Campaigns

In the desperate struggle to survive outworld there is no end of stories to be told. Every wastelander has their own saga and the conclusion of every trash run is just the start of a new adventure... This third volume in the Factious Waste series is full of ideas to help you write your own tabletop action...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.00

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Factious Waste: Core Set [BUNDLE]

Factious Waste: Core Set [BUNDLE]

The Factious Waste core set contains all the material you need to play out Cinematic Skirmish Games on the tabletop. Comprising of the three core books for a discount price this is a whole lotta wasteland warfare in one easy-to-use bundle.Take a look at how the game plays with our How To Play series.How to play: Factious Waste  This special bundle product contains the following titles. ...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $39.18 $26.01

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The Dreamstone Roleplaying Game

The Dreamstone Roleplaying Game

Beneath the Red Planet of Doom, Beneath the Black Mountain of Viltheed, In the Land of Nightmares, A servant of evil stirs... The loathsome Zordrak! Lord of Nightmares! Hatching his monstrous plots to thwart the Dreammaker so that nightmares might rule! Zordrak is not alone in the Land of Nightmares, he...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.63 $1.97

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The Nightmare Stone

The Nightmare Stone

Once more we travel to the Land of Nightmares to discover there, beneath the black mountain of Viltheed, the loathsome Zordrak, Lord of Nightmares! Returning from his banishment in the depths of space and bringing with him a terrible weapon with which to confront the Land of Dreams- the Nightmare Stone. As powerful as the Dreamstone itself, but only for evil! In...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $19.70

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The Woods Almanac

The Woods Almanac

An eclectic appendix to The Woods rules, a splendid seedbank to scatter liberally over your tabletop and watch the results bloom! Ever since The Woods appeared on the scene in 2016 we have been producing articles for magazines to support it. Our own online e-zine ‘The Acorn’ launched in 2021 with monthly rules, scenarios and modelling tips. Now this content has been collected together for the...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.63 $1.97

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The Woods RPG GM screen

The Woods RPG GM screen

The hassle-free way to run any good RPG, a well-thought-out GM screen. This 4-panel landscape screen has all the info you'll need for theatre of the mind, tabletop and tunnel encounters. The artwork on the reverse (by legendary artists John Sibbick and Tony Hough) sets the perfect scene for your players as you delve into the world of The Woods. ...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.00

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The Woods: Tableaus from Talamhlar (Skirmish and RPG supplement)

The Woods: Tableaus from Talamhlar (Skirmish and RPG supplement)

A land of adventure awaits discovery... Talamhlar is a realm divided. In corners of the world isolated communities struggle against the beasts on their doorstep. Folk band together to protect their precious way of life from hostile influences. From woodland cities to coastal villages, puritanical knights to tyrannical hobgoblins, this book contains glimpses of the...   [click here for more]
Oakbound Studio  $2.63 $1.97

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