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2x Stonemonster miniatures -STL files-

2x Stonemonster miniatures -STL files-

ou will get all files to print this items. Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm = 40 - 45 % 15mm = 65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm = 75 - 80% 28mm = 100 % (0 Railroad) If you need a printed...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $3.95

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3D printable Cityblocks (modular) [BUNDLE]

3D printable Cityblocks (modular) [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Building 1 WWII for Cityblocks (modular) for 3d printing (STL File) Regular price: $9.95 Bundle price: $8.34 Format: STL (3D Model) Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) Perfect for made cityblock in WW2 or mordern: ...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $53.70 $45.00

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3x Barbarbarian miniatures Set -STL files-

3x Barbarbarian miniatures Set -STL files-

You will get all files to print this items.  Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Miniature with and without base and pre-supported Version Scale is for 28 -32 mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $5.95 $4.95

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3x Demons -STL files-

3x Demons -STL files-

You will get all files to print this items. Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm = 40 - 45 % 15mm = 65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm = 75 - 80% 28mm = 100 % (0 Railroad) If you need a printed...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $6.95

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3x Dwarf minitures -STL files-

3x Dwarf minitures -STL files-

You will get all files to print this items. Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm = 40 - 45 % 15mm = 65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm = 75 - 80% 28mm = 100 % (0 Railroad) If you need a printed...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $5.95

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3x female mage miniatures Set -STL files-

3x female mage miniatures Set -STL files-

You will get all files to print this items.  Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Miniature with and without base and pre-supported Version Scale is for 28 -32 mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $5.95 $4.95

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3x Treeman miniatures -STL files-

3x Treeman miniatures -STL files-

You will get all files to print this items.  Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm =  40 - 45 % 15mm =  65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm =  75 - 80%  28mm = 100 % (0 Railroad) If you need a printed Version, please write us...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $5.95

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4 bases for flying miniatures -STL files-

4 bases for flying miniatures -STL files-

4 bases for flying minitures -STL files- 3D print model Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: flying_column_32mm.stl flying_column_40x40mm.stl flying_tree_50x50mm.stl flying_tree_60mm.stl Perfect for your miniatures! Minimum printbed needed is 10 x 10 cm and 10 cm high....   [click here for more]
ESLO  $5.95 $4.95

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arabic waterwork building (stl file)

arabic waterwork building (stl file)

This model set comes with a complete arabic waterwork. Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Printed and painted: Minimum printbed needed is 20 x 20 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm =  40...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $5.95 $4.95

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Asian /japan buildings SET (STL Files)

Asian /japan buildings SET (STL Files)

Total 3 buildings and 4 ruins are included You will get all files to print many different Buildings and ruins. Delivered in downloadable .stl file format for your 3D Home printer. 3D Preview: This set include: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high.  Example Scale factor: 10mm = 66 % 15mm = 100 % 20mm = 133 % 28mm = 166 % If you need a printed Version, please write us...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $24.95 $22.95

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bandit camp scenery SET (STL Files)

bandit camp scenery SET (STL Files)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: - camp base - tower - 3 different tents - many defense parts - barrels and chests - sleeping bags and many more... Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $16.95

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Belltower (modular) for 3d printing (STL File)

Belltower (modular) for 3d printing (STL File)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm =  40 - 45 % 15mm =  65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm =  75 - 80%  28mm = 100 % (0 Railroad) If you need...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $7.50 $4.00

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bireme roman / greek ship for 3d printing (STL) *Updated Version*

bireme roman / greek ship for 3d printing (STL) *Updated Version*

You will get all files to print this ship.  Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) Updatet Version: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm =  40 - 45 % 15mm =  65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm =  75 - 80%  28mm...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $15.95

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Building 1 WWII for Cityblocks (modular) for 3d printing (STL File)

Building 1 WWII for Cityblocks (modular) for 3d printing (STL File)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) Perfect for made cityblock in WW2 or mordern: More buildings, streets and accessoirs can you download on Wargamevault. This parts are included: Many details: with removeable floor, roofs, windows, doors and so on: Minimum printbed needed is 15...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $12.95 $9.95

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Building 2 WWII for Cityblocks (modular) for 3d printing (STL File)

Building 2 WWII for Cityblocks (modular) for 3d printing (STL File)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) Perfect for made cityblock in WW2 or mordern: More buildings, streets and accessoirs can you download on Wargamevault. This parts are included: Many details: with removeable floor, roofs, windows, doors and so on (example other building): Minimum...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $12.95 $9.95

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Building 3 WWII for Cityblocks (modular) for 3d printing (STL File)

Building 3 WWII for Cityblocks (modular) for 3d printing (STL File)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) Perfect for made cityblock in WW2 or mordern: More buildings, streets and accessoirs can you download on Wargamevault. This parts are included: Many details: with removeable floor, roofs, windows, doors and so on (example other building): Minimum...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $12.95 $9.95

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Bunkers SET (STL Files)

Bunkers SET (STL Files)

Total 5 bunkers and 5 ruined bunkers You will get all files to print many different Buildings and ruins. Delivered in downloadable .stl file format for your 3D Home printer. 3D Preview: Delivered in downloadable .stl file format for your 3D Home printer. This set include: 5 different bunkers 5 ruined bunkers Example Scale factor: 10mm = 40 - 45 % 15mm = 65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $24.95

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cannons, harpoons & more for 3d printing (STL)

cannons, harpoons & more for 3d printing (STL)

Includes all necessary files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: cannon_fix.stl cannon_halfs_fix.stl ballista_fix.stl haroun_fix.stl mortar_fix.stl mortar_halfs_fix.stl smallcannon_fix.stl Minimum printbed needed...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $8.95 $4.95

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Celtic and Gallic fort SET (STL Files)

Celtic and Gallic fort SET (STL Files)

Delivered in downloadable .stl file format for your 3D Home printer. This set include: a complete modular fort with walls, tower, buildings, and some accessories.  Content: modular: many details: Example Scale factor:  10mm = 40 - 45 % 15mm = 65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm = 75 - 80% 28mm = 100 % (0 Railroad) Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high.  If you need a printed...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $34.95 $32.95

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chrashed / destroyed sherman tank (stl files)

chrashed / destroyed sherman tank (stl files)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm =  40 - 45 % 15mm =  65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm =  75 - 80%  28mm = 100 % (0 Railroad) If you need...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $2.50

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Church set for 3D printing *Update Version*

Church set for 3D printing *Update Version*

this STL Files set included: church with 2 different Roofs (complete and destroyed)  You can print with this set a complete church and a deestroyed church (all with removeable roofs). You will get all files to print this items.  Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This Version is...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $16.95 $10.95

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City ruin WWII for Cityblocks (modular) for 3d printing (STL File)

City ruin WWII for Cityblocks (modular) for 3d printing (STL File)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) Perfect for made cityblock in WW2 or mordern: More buildings, streets and accessoirs can you download on Wargamevault. This parts are included: RUIN: Many details with 2 different ground bases: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $4.95 $3.95

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COG Ship for 3d printing (STL File)

COG Ship for 3d printing (STL File)

You will get all files to print this ship. Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: cog_backsail.stl cog_details.stl cog_fix_upper_decks_back.stl cog_fix_upper_decks_front.stl cog_main_sail_fix.stl cog_ship_back_fix.stl cog_ship_front_fix.stl shipwheel_holder_fix.stl rigging2_2parts_fix.stl cog_ship_middle_fix.stl rigging_fix.stl ropeholder_fix.stl shipwheel_fix.stl Minimum...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $15.95

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Corsair Ship - 2 versions - for 3d printing (STL File)

Corsair Ship - 2 versions - for 3d printing (STL File)

You will get all files to print this 2 ships (historic and fantasy). Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm =  40 - 45 % 15mm =  65 % (H0...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $19.95

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crater set ground and snow/desert (stl file)

crater set ground and snow/desert (stl file)

crater set for normly ground and desert or snow - STL File 3D print model Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included (see in Pictures) 3 pcs in ground Version 3pcs in snow / desert Version: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $10.95 $4.50

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Desert scenery pack 1 for 3d printing (STL File)

Desert scenery pack 1 for 3d printing (STL File)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) Perfect for your wargaming board: A painting guide is also avaible on Wargamevault. More scenery, buildings, streets and accessoirs can you download on Wargamevault. This parts are included: Minimum printbed needed is 20 x 20 cm and 20 cm...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $9.95 $8.50

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Desert scenery pack 2 for 3d printing (STL File)

Desert scenery pack 2 for 3d printing (STL File)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) Perfect for your wargaming board: A painting guide is also avaible on Wargamevault. More scenery, buildings, streets and accessoirs can you download on Wargamevault. This parts are included: Minimum printbed needed is 20 x 20 cm and 20 cm high....   [click here for more]
ESLO  $9.95 $8.50

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Dwarfen Scenery SET (STL Files)

Dwarfen Scenery SET (STL Files)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: - dwarfen roads - columns - rock - gate - big dwarfen door - dwarfen house Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $15.95 $11.17

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fishing ship /cutter (stl file)

fishing ship /cutter (stl file)

Model can printed with cabin. It Comes with fishing net or without. You will get all files to print this ship. Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: cabin_fix.stl fishingboat_back_fix.stl fisherboat_front_fix.stl fisherboat_middle1_fix.stl fisherboat_middle2_fix.stl fisherboat_toppart_2half_fix.stl fisherboat_toppart_fix.stl fisherboat_toppart_woutfishnet_fix_left.stl ...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $17.45 $9.95

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france / ardennen building (stl file)

france / ardennen building (stl file)

This model comes with a extra outbuilding Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Minimum printbed needed is 20 x 20 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm =  40 - 45 % 15mm =  65 % (H0 Railroad)...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $6.95 $4.95

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furniture set I for 3d printing (STL)

furniture set I for 3d printing (STL)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: sheft_fix..stl chair_fix.jpg.stl table_fix.stl wandrobe_fix.stl Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $6.95

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Grim Saeculum - 3D printable Game (STL + PDF Files)

Grim Saeculum - 3D printable Game (STL + PDF Files) A complete 3D-printable RPGame with skirmish fights. You can choose: Play a great adventure in the world of Grim-Saeculum. There you have to complete various tasks / quests and you can explore cities or dungeons, you will find new equipment and experience and can level up your heroes. Or you play small skirmishes one after the...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $39.95 $29.95

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Grim Saeculum - Adventure The Swamp of Bleurville (STL + PDF Files)

Grim Saeculum - Adventure The Swamp of Bleurville (STL + PDF Files) A complete 3D-printable RPGame with skirmish fights. You can choose: Play a great adventure in the world of Grim-Saeculum. There you have to complete various tasks / quests and you can explore cities or dungeons, you will find new equipment and experience and can level up your heroes. Or you play small skirmishes one after...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $19.95 $14.95

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Grim Saeculum Free Sample Pack (STL + PDF Files)**UPDATE**

Grim Saeculum Free Sample Pack (STL + PDF Files)**UPDATE**

Hello to our free samples of Grim Saeculum! ...for more information check our Website: Complete Core Pack is here: Grim Saeculum - 3D printable Game (STL + PDF Files) - ESLO | Wargame Vault NEW KICKSTARTER with new Adventures, miniatures, boards and many more... Preview Link:   [click here for more]

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Grim Saeculum Rulebook (PDF)

Grim Saeculum Rulebook (PDF)

Welcome in the obscure world of Grim Saeculum:  ...for more information check our Website: A complete 3D-printable RPGame with skirmish fights. You can choose: Play a great adventure in the world of Grim-Saeculum. There you have to complete various tasks / quests and you can explore cities or dungeons, you will find new equipment and experience...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $10.00 $5.00

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guardhouse with bridge (stl files)

guardhouse with bridge (stl files)

You will get all files to print this items.  Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm =  40 - 45 % 15mm =  65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm =  75 -...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $12.95 $8.95

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House set 2 for 3D printing (STL File) *UPDATED*

House set 2 for 3D printing (STL File) *UPDATED*

You will get all files to print this Building. This Building is modular and has more as one ground-floor, floor and roof (see below).  You can build more as 4 different buildings with this parts. Perfect for build a small german village (example for WWII). Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) UPDATED VERSION with...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $15.95 $9.95

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House set for 3D printing (STL File) *UPDATED*

House set for 3D printing (STL File) *UPDATED*

You will get all files to print this Building. This Building is modular and has more as one ground-floor, floor and roof (see below).  You can build more as 4 different buildings with this parts. Perfect for build a small german village (example for WWII). Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) UPDATED VERSION...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $15.95 $9.95

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japanese landingcraft (stl file)

japanese landingcraft (stl file)

You will get all files to print this ship (2 Versions a open ship and a closed) Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: details_fix.stl jpnlcvp_fix_2.stl jpnlcvp_fix_2.stl jpnlcvp_fix_3.stl jpnlcvp_fix_open_1.stl jpnlcvp_fix_open_2.stl jpnlcvp_fix_open_3.stl Minimum...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $14.95

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Japanese Sengoku-era or seki bune ship for 3d printing (STL File)

Japanese Sengoku-era or seki bune ship for 3d printing (STL File)

You will get all files to print this ship. Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it: Example Scale factor: 10mm =  40 - 45 % 15mm =  65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm =  75 - 80% ...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $18.45 $15.95

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junkboat for 3d printing (STL)

junkboat for 3d printing (STL)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: backsail_fix.stl 3x_pole_moust_fix.stl firstsail_fix.stl junk_back_fix.stl junk_deck_fix.stl junk_front2_fix.stl junk_front_fix.stl junk_front_fix.stl junk_shiphouse_fix.stl junk_shipwheel_fix.stl mainsail_fix.stl...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $17.95 $14.95

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lancer movement trays for miniatures -STL files-

lancer movement trays for miniatures -STL files-

4 bases for cavalery miniatures -STL files- 3D print model Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included:  Perfect for your miniatures! Minimum printbed needed is 150 x 260 mm and 100 mm high.  If you need a printed Version, please write us a email. All files are not for commercial...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $5.95 $4.95

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Mage or Druid House (stl file)

Mage or Druid House (stl file)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This set include (with removeable roofs and floors): It is complete with detailed inner side: Example Scale factor:  10mm = 40 - 45 % 15mm = 65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm = 75 - 80% 28mm = 100 % (0 Railroad) Minimum printbed needed is 20 x 20 cm and 15 cm high.  If you need...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $5.95 $4.50

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Medieval buildings SET (STL Files)

Medieval buildings SET (STL Files)

Total 5 buildings are included You will get all files to print many different Buildings and ruins. Delivered in downloadable .stl file format for your 3D Home printer. This set include: Printed and painted: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high.  Example Scale factor: 10mm = 66 % 15mm = 100 % 20mm = 133 % 28mm = 166 % If you need a printed Version,...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $24.95 $19.51

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Middle age buildings SET (STL Files)

Middle age buildings SET (STL Files)

Total 6 buildings and 3 ruins are included You will get all files to print many different Buildings and ruins. Delivered in downloadable .stl file format for your 3D Home printer. This set include: Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high.  Example Scale factor: 10mm = 66 % 15mm = 100 % 20mm = 133 % 28mm = 166 % If you need a printed Version, please write us a email. Printed...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $34.95 $29.95

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miniatures Base Set "Graveyard" (STL Files)

miniatures Base Set "Graveyard" (STL Files)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) You will get all files to print many different Bases in Graveyard Design. Delivered in downloadable .stl file format for your 3D Home printer. This set include:  Minimum of 5-10 different designs in small sizes bases (20, 25,30 & 32mm Bases)  Minimum of 2-3 different designs...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $15.95 $14.95

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miniatures Base Set "Mechanics / Metal" (STL Files)

miniatures Base Set "Mechanics / Metal" (STL Files)

You will get all files to print many different Bases in Mechanics / Metal. Delivered in downloadable .stl file format for your 3D Home printer. This set include:  Minimum of 5-10 different designs in small sizes bases (20, 25,30 & 32mm Bases)  Minimum of 2-3 different designs in medium sizes bases (40 & 50mm Bases)  It comes with sqaure bases 20 x 20mm, 25 x 25mm, 25 x 50mm, 40 x 40 mm...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $995.00

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miniatures Base Set "Rock" (STL Files)

miniatures Base Set "Rock" (STL Files)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) You will get all files to print many different Bases in Rock/StoneDesign. Delivered in downloadable .stl file format for your 3D Home printer. This set include:  Minimum of 5-10 different designs in small sizes bases (20, 25,30 & 32mm Bases)  Minimum of 2-3 different designs...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $15.95 $14.95

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miniatures Base Set "Wood / Jungle" (STL Files)

miniatures Base Set "Wood / Jungle" (STL Files)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) You will get all files to print many different Bases in Wood/ Jungle Design. Delivered in downloadable .stl file format for your 3D Home printer. This set include:  Minimum of 5-10 different designs in small sizes bases (20, 25,30 & 32mm Bases)  Minimum of 2-3 different...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $14.95

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Mission objectives Fantasy (stl file)

Mission objectives Fantasy (stl file)

Includes all necessary files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) This parts are included: Marker on 40mm Base If you need a printed Version, please write us a email. All files are not for commercial use! ...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $5.95 $3.95

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