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Castles in the Sky Addendum

Castles in the Sky Addendum

Castles in the Sky-Addendum is a supplement to Osprey Games' Castles in the Sky from the Osprey Wargaming Series 30 (OWG 30) written by Eric Farrington.  This is not a stand alone game.  To make use of these rules and ships you will need a copy of the Castles in the Sky rules to take full advantage of this PDF.  The Castles in the Sky  rules can be purchased wherever fine books...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Combat! Starring Vic Morrow - WWII on TV Skirmish Gaming

Combat! Starring Vic Morrow - WWII on TV Skirmish Gaming

Combat! Starring Vic Morrow  In these pages you will find a game that allows you to play out your favorite Television and Movie adventures of World War II. You will be the director setting up scenes and playing out the events of the plot. Your direction will lead your band of plucky TV heroes across France and towards Berlin. Can your show earn enough ratings to stay on the air until...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing   FREE 

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Flashlight: Tales of Terror

Flashlight: Tales of Terror

Flashlight: Tales of Terror This is a rules-lite Role-playing game designed for use with a single d6+attribute+bonus system.  The name derives from creating a quick play game that can be played in a flash; and a rules-lite mechanics to resolve actions.  Therefore, the name Flashlight.  It is simple and intuitive to play and allows the Game Master and the Players...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $6.99

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Foam Force Five

Foam Force Five

Welcome to Foam Force Five. When the world is in danger, they call on the best operatives on the planet to save it. Foam Force Five is a Dexterity Wargame that follows in the great tradition of H.G. Wells, "Little Wars"..... kind of. It is a fun mix of Little Wars, castle defense games, first person shooters, and playing with green army men. You use...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Fury of the Northman - Warfare in the Viking Age

Fury of the Northman - Warfare in the Viking Age

Welcome to  Fury of the Northman  which is a game of Viking warfare using the Men of Bronze engine from the Osprey Wargaming Series 24 (OWG 24) written by Eric Farrington. This is a stand-alone game that uses the same ideas and mechanics, but ported and modified to the Viking Age!   These rules are scale and model agnostic and do not have any specific basing requirements....   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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G.I. Joe: Into the Snake Pit

G.I. Joe: Into the Snake Pit

Into the Snake Pit Into the Snake Pit is not a stand-alone game.  It requires a copy of the G.I. Joe core rulebook from Renegade Studios.     This is designed as an introductory campaign for players and gamemasters new to the G.I. Joe: Role-Playing Game system and world.  As such, the action is condenced geographically in and around an urban neighborhood called: The Snake...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing   FREE 

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Green Army Men: Plastic Men, Steel Resolve

Green Army Men: Plastic Men, Steel Resolve

Green Army Men: Plastic Men, Steel Resolve is intended to be a simple and straight forward ruleset for playing dexterity based wargames.  Combat and movement resolution is based on a dexterity "flick" or "flip" mechanic instead of a traditional dice or card mechanic.  In addition, the game requires no templates, rulers or special materials to play.  It also features a WYSIWYG results...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Heirs of Empire: Wars of the Diadochi

Heirs of Empire: Wars of the Diadochi

Heirs to Empire: Wars of the Diadochi is a scale and model agnostic mass battle game set during the wars to divide Alexander's empire between his successors.  It is a period of roughly 40 years of conflict.  It features big battles, small skirmishes, political intrigue, alliances, betrayal, and everything tha can make a historical wargame great! Heirs to Empire uses an...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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Hercules Abroad - Men of Bronze Supplement

Hercules Abroad - Men of Bronze Supplement

Welcome to Hercules Abroad which is a supplement to Men of Bronze from the Osprey Wargaming Series 24 (OWG 24) written by Eric Farrington.  This is not a stand alone game.  To make use of these Lines of Battle lists you will need a copy of the Men of Bronze rules to take full advantage of these rules.  The men of Bronze rules can be purchased wherever fine books are sold, and can easily be found...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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High Noon: Plastic Men, Steel Resolve

High Noon: Plastic Men, Steel Resolve

High Noon: Plastic Men, Steel Resolve is intended to be a simple and straight forward ruleset for playing dexterity based wargames set in the Wild West.  Combat and movement resolution is based on a dexterity "flick" or "flip" mechanic instead of a traditional dice or card mechanic.  In addition, the game requires no templates, rulers or special materials to play.  It also features...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Homer's Heroes: Bronze Age Bad Boys

Homer's Heroes: Bronze Age Bad Boys

Homer's Heroes: Bronze Age Bad Boys is a tabletop wargame of mythical Greek combat from the Homeric Age.  Each player has a Hero and his loyal band of followers as the embark on a quest to grow their legends.  The game can be played stand alone, but includes a comprehensive campaign system, Solo, and Co-op options.  These rules are scale and model agnostic and utilize d6 dice...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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Hostile Space

Hostile Space

Hostile Space is a space mecha combat game where the focus is on maneuver within three-dimensions. It is the dawn of The New Age for humanity as the Solar System has been colonized with the help of the Fold Drive. Four Great Powers hold humanity together by cooperating through an extra-governmental organization called the Concert of the Solar System. Between the Great Powers an assortment of...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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In Strife and Conflict: Assyrian Warfare from 1273 to 671 BCE

In Strife and Conflict: Assyrian Warfare from 1273 to 671 BCE

In Strife and Conflict  is a scale and model agnostic battle game set during the reign of the Assyrian Kings from 1273 to 671 BCE. This work features the Assyrians and their enemies of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age.      In Strife and Conflict uses an expanded system made popular in Osprey's  Men of Bronze in the Osprey Wargaming Series. Therefore,...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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Insanity at Snowden Manor: A Tale of Terror

Insanity at Snowden Manor: A Tale of Terror

Insanity at Snowden Manor This is not a stand alone game.  It is a horror module for the RPG-lite horror game Flashlight: Tales of Terror.  Those rules (or another Horror RPG set of rules) are needed to make full use of this module.  Set in the 1880's at the height of the Guilded Age, your characters have been summoned to the remote...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $1.49

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No Dice: Diceless Role-Playing Game System

No Dice: Diceless Role-Playing Game System

No Dice Role-Playing Game System This is a rules-lite role-playing game designed to play with no dice.  Instead, it uses a Narration based Keyword system to overcome challenges.  The game system is designed to be played in-person or over text based mediums like Emails, Play-by-Post, or other Social Media platforms.   No Dice had the following design goals: ...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $6.99

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One Year in Rokugan

One Year in Rokugan

One Year in Rokugan One Year in Rokugan is not a stand-alone game.  It requires a copy of the Legend of the Five Rings core rulebook, any edition.  The campaign was written for 3rd edition but is largely edition agnostic.       This is a campign designed as an introductory campaign for players and gamemasters new to the Legend of the Five Rings game...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing   FREE 

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Only the Strong Survive

Only the Strong Survive

Only the Strong Survive is a game of Dinosaur vs. Dinosaur combat!  You lead either a single dinosuar or small herd of them in the battle for survival!  This is a scale and model agnostic system that works with any size dinosaur models or toys you own.  Each dinosaur has a pool of Instinct Dice that it allocates to different actions as you play.  The core mechanic is an opposed dice roll...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Princes of the Universe - An RPG in the Highlander Setting

Princes of the Universe - An RPG in the Highlander Setting

Princes of the Universe "I am Duncan MacLeod, born 400 years ago in the highlands of Scotland. I am Immortal, and I am not alone. For centuries we have waited for the time of the Gathering, when the stroke of a sword and the fall of a head will release the power of the Quickening. In the end, there can be only one." These lines in 1995 kicked off one of the greatest urban fantasy settings...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing   FREE 

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Restless Galaxies

Restless Galaxies

Restless Galaxies is a  game for 2mm to 15mm models from any range for sci-fibattle.  It is designed to be played in about an hour with fully customizable forces from your favorite Sci-Fi universe.  The rules can accommodate infantry, power armored units, vehicles, artillery, aircraft, etc.  Players choose generic units and customize them using a Sci-Fi traits list.  Most weapons and equipment...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Restless Hordes

Restless Hordes

Restless Hordes is a scale and model agnostic fantasy mass battle game.  It is designed to be played in about an hour with fully customizable forces from your favorite fantasy setting.  The rules can accommodate infantry, cavalry, monsters, and wizards.  Players choose generic units and customize them using a Fantasy traits list.  Most weapons and equipment is abstracted into simple to...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Restless Stars

Restless Stars

Restless Stars is a scale and model agnostic sci-fi squad vs. squad skirmish game.  It is designed to be played in about an hour with fully customizable forces from your favorite Sci-Fi universe.  The rules can accommodate infantry, power armored units, and vehicles.  Players choose generic units and customize them using a Sci-Fi traits list.  Most weapons and equipment is abstracted into...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Restless Sun

Restless Sun

Restless Sun is a scale and model agnostic sci-fi model vs. model skirmish game.  It is designed to be played in about an hour with fully customizable forces from your favorite Sci-Fi universe.  The rules can accommodate infantry, power armored units, and vehicles.  Players choose generic units and customize them using a Sci-Fi traits list.  Most weapons and equipment is abstracted into...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Restless Swords

Restless Swords

Restless Swords is a scale and model agnostic fantasy model vs. model skirmish game.  It is designed to be played in about an hour with fully customizable forces from your favorite Fantasy universe.  The rules can accommodate infantry, cavalry, and monsters.  Players choose generic units and customize them using a Fantasy traits list.  Most weapons and equipment is abstracted into simple...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Revolt! - Wars of the Republic Supplement

Revolt! - Wars of the Republic Supplement

Welcome to Revolt! which is a supplement to Wars of the Republic from the Osprey Wargaming Series 29 (OWG 29) written by Eric Farrington. This is not a stand alone game. To make use of these scenarios and Lines of Battle lists you will need a copy of the Wars of the Republic rules to take full advantage of these rules. The Wars of the Republic rules...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $6.99

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Siege Perilous- A Narrative Kill Team Campaign

Siege Perilous- A Narrative Kill Team Campaign

Siege Perilous: A Narrative Kill Team Campaign Siege Perilous is NOT a stand-alone game.  It requires the Kill Team and/or other rules from Games Workshop to play. This is a background and setting document with some guidelines for running a club-based, narrative campaign for Kill Team.   The Old Guard Stars have been tenuously in the grasp on the Imperium for millennia. ...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing   FREE 

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The Corinthian War- A Men of Bronze Supplement

The Corinthian War- A Men of Bronze Supplement

Welcome to The Corinthian War which is a supplement to Men of Bronze from the Osprey Wargaming Series written by Eric Farrington. This is not a stand alone game. To make use of these scenarios and Lines of Battle lists you will need a copy of Men of Bronze rules to take full advantage of these rules. The Men of Bronze rules can be purchased wherever fine...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $6.99

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The Games: Blood and Spectacle

The Games: Blood and Spectacle

The Games: Blood and Spectacles is a campaign based wargame for any number of players that allows you to take the role of the owner of a gladiator school in ancient Rome.  You purchase slaves, equip them, and battle them in the arena to grow your troupes' skills, reputation, and wealth.  Gladiators will gain skills, experience, pick-up injuries, fight, and die as you navigate your...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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The Ionian Revolt - Men of Bronze Supplement

The Ionian Revolt - Men of Bronze Supplement

Welcome to The Ionian Revolt which is a supplement to Men of Bronze from the Osprey Wargaming Series 24 (OWG 24) written by Eric Farrington.  This is not a stand alone game.  To make use of these Lines of Battle lists, scenarios, and campaign you will need a copy of the Men of Bronze rules to take full advantage of these rules.  The Men of Bronze rules can be purchased wherever fine books are sold,...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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Total CARnage

Total CARnage

Total CARnage is a diceless car combat system set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.  Combat and movement resolution is based on a dexterity "flick" mechanic instead of a tradational dice or card mechanic.  In addition, the game requires no templates, rulers or special materials to play.  It also features a WYSIWYG results mechanic that makes each game dynamic and different.  All...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Turf War- Gangland Violence in the Prohibition Era

Turf War- Gangland Violence in the Prohibition Era

Turf War: Gangland Violence in the Prohibition Era is a tabletop wargame of gangsters and gun molls.  Each player is the boss of a gang of hardened criminals intent on taking over the Turf of their rivals.  The game can be played stand alone, but includes a comprehensive campaign system that includes Turf, Income, Injury, Experience, Gang building and more.   The core game play...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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Under the Martian Yoke- Survival Horror in a Post-Invasion 1938

Under the Martian Yoke- Survival Horror in a Post-Invasion 1938

Under the Martian Yoke is a survival horror wargame set in the aftermath of the Martian Invasion of 1938.  Orson Welles' broadcast was no fictional radio play!  Instead, it heralded the devastation of the Martian Invasion.  You play as survivors of this initial Martian attack.  Your small band is attempting to elude the watchful, red, Martian eye as you try to escape the wreckage of the...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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Warships: Paper Ships, Steel Resolve

Warships: Paper Ships, Steel Resolve

Warships: Paper Ships, Steel Resolve  is intended to be a simple and straight forward ruleset for playing dexterity based naval wargames.   Combat and movement resolution is based on a dexterity "flick" or "flip" mechanic instead of a traditional dice or card mechanic. It also features a WYSIWYG results mechanic that makes each game dynamic and different. The rules are scale and...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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White Star/Red Star - Korean Air War

White Star/Red Star - Korean Air War

White Star/Red Star  is a scale and model agnostic air wargame set during the Korean War 1950-1953. The Korean War was the dawn of the Jet Age, when air forces were transitioning from diesel prop powered aircraft, to jet engine designs. Air warfare changed and evolved with the changing technology.   White Star/Red Star had several key design goals:  1. Simplify flying and assume...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  $9.99

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