TRIUMPH! is a fast play set of rules for miniature wargaming. Covering the ancient and medieval periods, TRIUMPH! allows you to recreate the armies of Ramesses and Muwatalli, Caesar and Pompey, Saladin and Richard the Lionheart.
Meshwesh is the online database of army lists for TRIUMPH! You can access Meshwesh through the Washington Grand Company web site.
This is the v1.1 PDF edition of Triumph!... [click here for more]
This is the Battle Card Rules Supplement for TRIUMPH!
The TRIUMPH! Battle Card Rules provide a simple way to add fun tactics and army specific flavor to your TRIUMPH! games. This supplement contains 24 different Battle Cards and all of the context and rules related to them as well as gorgeous artwork inspired by primary sources.
Artwork for the battle cards is strongly based upon historical examples.... [click here for more]
This is the Battle Card deck for TRIUMPH! The TRIUMPH! Battle Cards provide a simple way to add fun tactics and army specific flavor to your TRIUMPH! games. This deck contains 31 Battle Cards (24 distinct Battle Cards with several copies of specific cards) printed on premium card stock - Tarot sized to maximize the beauty of the artwork.
Artwork for the battle cards is strongly based upon historical... [click here for more]
This is the terrain card deck for TRIUMPH! v1.0. The TRIUMPH! terrain card system provides an innovative method for quickly generating an interesting and realistic battlefield. This deck contains 36 terrain cards printed on premium card stock.
The authors have found that we enjoy using the physical cards and are glad to make them available to players who are interested in purchasing them. However,... [click here for more]
Fantasy Triumph! is an expansion on the TRIUMPH! rules for miniature gaming. The standard TRIUMPH! rules are needed to play.
In this sandbox system, Fantasy Triumph! battles are based upon the imagination and are infinitely variable. Fantasy Triumph provides additional rules and mechanisms to TRIUMPH! to represent the full scope of fantasy battles.
This is the v0.1 Early Access PDF edition of Fantasy... [click here for more]
Four Famous Battles from History is a scenario book for use with the TRIUMPH! miniature rules system. It includes information and battle maps for recreating the battfield and playing the battles of Marathon, Hydaspes, Hastings and Hattin.
Also included high resolution JPEG files of the battlefields found in the book.
You can find the miniature rules for TRIUMPH! on Wargame Vault: [click here for more]