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Armoured Strike - Wargame Rules for Combined Arms Warfare 1950-2000

Armoured Strike - Wargame Rules for Combined Arms Warfare 1950-2000

WELCOME TO ARMOURED STRIKE Armoured Strike is a set of miniature wargame rules for playing cold war and modern, combined arms land battles. The rules are designed to cover the period from the advent of the guided missile in the 1950s to the advent of the fully digital modern battlefield, around the year 2000. In most games players will command a battlegroup comprising of a number of companies or battalions...   [click here for more]
Rory Crabb  $13.00

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Falklands 1982 - Naval Command

Falklands 1982 - Naval Command

Falklands 1982 A Supplement for Naval Command This campaign guide provides players of Naval Command everything they need to recreate historical battles of the war as well as hypothetical “what-if” scenarios such as what would have happened if Argentine and British Naval forces engaged each other or if British Forces attacked mainland Argentina. This supplement...   [click here for more]
Rory Crabb  $10.00

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Fireteam:Modern - Modern Miniature Wargame Rules

Fireteam:Modern - Modern Miniature Wargame Rules

Fireteam Modern is a set of small unit skirmish wargame rules for modern combined arms land combat using 15-28mm scale miniatures. The rules can be used to fight battles from any post WW2 conflict dating from the 1950s to the modern day or the near future. These rules have been designed to work with opposing forces of approximately platoon size with additional reinforcements such as small numbers...   [click here for more]
Rory Crabb  $12.99

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Naval Command: Modern Naval Wargame Rules

Naval Command: Modern Naval Wargame Rules

"Vampire, Vampire, Missiles Incoming!" The Game of Modern Naval Warfare Naval Command is a set of wargame rules for recreating naval battles with fleets of miniature warships and aircraft in the age of the guided missile and jet aeroplane. Covering the period from the late 1950s to the modern day or near future. The game can be played with fleets ranging in size form one or two ships per side to full...   [click here for more]
Rory Crabb  $19.99

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Target Locked-On! - Modern Air Combat Wargame Rules

Target Locked-On! - Modern Air Combat Wargame Rules

Target Locked On! is a set of miniature wargame rules designed to play air combat engagements from the cold war, modern day or near future with jet aircraft. The rules are designed to be simple, fast and most importantly fun to play. ...   [click here for more]
Rory Crabb  $8.00

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