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This special bundle product contains the following titles. 1492: The New World Regular price: $4.95 Bundle price: $2.86 Format: PDF 1492: North America is the fourth product in the popular 1483 Medieval board game series by the Guild of Blades Publishing Group. It may be played alone or combined with Europe 1483, Asia 1483 and Africa 1483 to create a massively... [click here for more] |
Guild of Blades |
$25.84 $14.95
1492: North America is the fourth product in the popular 1483 Medieval board game series by the Guild of Blades Publishing Group. It may be played alone or combined with Europe 1483, Asia 1483 and Africa 1483 to create a massively large multi player board gaming experience.
1492: North America introduces the new nations of the Aztec Empire, Tarascan Kingdom, Pueblo Kingdom, Cahokian Trade Federation... [click here for more] |
Guild of Blades |
$11.95 $4.95
 Hoist the colors high with this English privateer flag! This unusual flag comes from a c. 1714 chart labelled "A new table of all the ships' colours and ensigns in the whole water world." The chart illustrates many variations of English and Scottish naval flags, including some for the East India Company and the Scots East India Company. This one is listed as "English Ranger Flag". This reference... [click here for more] |
Through All Ages LLC |
 Hoist the colors high with this Scottish privateer flag! This unusual flag comes from a c. 1714 chart labelled "A new table of all the ships' colours and ensigns in the whole water world." The chart illustrates many variations of English and Scottish naval flags, including some for the East India Company and the Scots East India Company. This one is listed as "Scots Ranger Flag". This reference... [click here for more] |
Through All Ages LLC |
![1718 [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/21792/439941-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Merchant Trader: 1718 Regular price: $20.00 Bundle price: $17.00 Format: PDF Merchant Trader: 1718 is an old-school style tactical solitaire board game of action and adventure, with a bit of wargame and RPG elements mixed in. An open-ended sandbox style game where you, as a merchant trader, may choose your... [click here for more] |
Black Cat |
$40.00 $34.00
These are 28 mm miniatures paper cut-out counters that counters and templates suitable for use with your own games or other naval games that uses 28mm miniatures. They can also be used as counters in normal hex and counter game.
The Units are provided as PDF files for various color options, you can print and cut then fold to form your naval... [click here for more] |
Obscure Battles |
Pay What You Want
 a collection of 3mm units for the 30 yrs war units included , I have also added a selection of half depth formations to make the units more interesting
30yw extra . zip
Shot only , Shot only large
Irregular infantry , Irregular infantry large
Early tercio , Early tercio large
winged hussars , winged hussars large
ECW infantry , ECW infantry large
Dutch infantry , dutch infantry large
30yw... [click here for more] |
Twylite Games |
Above Decks Volume Six: Light Cutter
DramaScape Above Decks Volume 06
This Product is a 48 x 30 inch, two level, full color floorplan of a Light Cutter.
It comes with Square, Hex and No Ovelays and... [click here for more] |
DramaScape |
8 Adventure Islands Hex-Maps!
You determine the scale and terrains you want to use. Add your own landmarks (give your players a copy of the blank version). For use in RPG Exploration, Pirate treasure hunting, or Colonization campaigns. These islands can be chained together, or used apart. Flexible enough for almost any setting! ... [click here for more] |
Wydraz |
 This is a supplement/expansion for The Glory of Kings 18th century PBM/PBEM wargames campaign from AGEMA, the core rules for which are also available on this website. However it does contain lots of esoteric information which may also be of interest to the general reader or games player in relation to the 18th century!
This book features sections on:
120-gunner ship of the line.
Galley... [click here for more] |
Africa 1483 is both a stand alone game and expansion for Europe 1483. Providing an 17 player game of medieval warfare and diplomacy in central and lower Africa. Or link the Africa 1483 game map to both the Europe 1483 and Asia 1483 games and create a massive 49 player board game. Includes game rules to the all new Tribal Nations, for which there can be 5 in Africa.
Comes with 40" x 24" black and white... [click here for more] |
Guild of Blades |
$13.95 $5.99
 A range of aige of sail ships , there is a single zip file containing all the models in the collection ... [click here for more] |
Twylite Games |
$20.66 $15.58
Whether you want to use these icons with Worldographer, our older Hexographer, or a general image editor (such as GIMP or Photoshop) or another RPG-related mapping product, these useful icons will enhance the look of your maps.
These icons are almost a one-for-one replacement of the default Hexographer icons. (A few icons are very simple and therefore didn’t need to be replaced… some others were... [click here for more] |
Inkwell Ideas |
z“Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest - -“ Everyone likes Pirates…okay, maybe not everyone but, if you’re reading this, I bet you do! So how do you like your Pirates? What? Let me explain. Your Pirates, Your Way! In “And a Bottle of Rum” we do both. Created by Ed Teixeira and the crew at Two Hour Wargames, we start you off learning the mechanics of the game. Build your crew,... [click here for more] |
Rebel Minis |
How many times have you looked at some new figures in the store only to say “Those are neat but I don't play that game.” Or seen a game but not had the figures to play? Now that problem is solved. This is a game of miniatures combat that utilizes any miniatures you own.
With these rules you can recreate classic military battles, like Gettysburg and the Battle of Hastings.... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |

How many times have you looked at some new figures in the store only to say “Those are neat but I don't play that game.” Or seen a game but not had the figures to play? Now that problem is solved. This is a game of miniatures combat that utilizes any miniatures you own.
With these rules you can recreate classic military battles, like Gettysburg and the Battle of Hastings.... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |

How many times have you looked at some new figures in the store only to say “Those are neat but I don't play that game.” Or seen a game but not had the figures to play? Now that problem is solved. This is a game of miniatures combat that utilizes any miniatures you own.
With these rules you can recreate classic military battles, like Gettysburg and the Battle of Hastings.... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
How many times have you looked at some new figures in the store only to say “Those are neat but I don't play that game.” Or seen a game but not had the figures to play? Now that problem is solved. This is a game of miniatures combat that utilizes any miniatures you own.
With these rules you can recreate classic military battles, like Gettysburg and the Battle of Hastings. You... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Asia 1483 1st Edition is a 2-16 player strategy board game of diplomacy and conquest set in Asia in the year 1483 AD.
Asia 1483 presents 10 major nations 6 minor nations that players may assume control of. Players must strive to increase the power of their nation or empire through conquest, trade, and a complex series of allianced with other players. Asia 1483 includes the following nations as player... [click here for more] |
Guild of Blades |
$24.95 $7.95
 A quick playing set of rules covering Asian naval warfare between the 10th and the 16th century, The aim of these rules, which draw upon techniques and concepts from LFG’s “Cannon, Cross and Crescent” has been to develop a quick play set that focusses on the Imjin War, fought between Korea and Japan fought in the late 16th century - the era of Admiral Yi Sun Sin and his famous “Turtle Ship”... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |
A Fantasy Battle Map for any VTT or print!
A large map with several levels - from the ocean, up to a secret cave!
From a wizard's old secret platform to the broken down docks, from the ruined wooden house, to the dark caved in stone bridge - there's a lot going on, and many places to explore!
This is a 40x30 inch... [click here for more] |
PenguinComics |
$2.92 $2.19

A scenario for "At The Height of Battle" in which a Japanese fleet engages a small Portuguese squadron over a matter of honour, in the first naval engagement between Japanese and European warships.
... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |

A scenario for "Those Who Seek Death" in which a Korean fleet under Admiral Yi Sun Sin attacks a Japanese fleet at anchor during the first phase of the Imjin War, August 1592
... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |

A scenario for "Those Who Seek Death" in which the allied Korean and Chinese fleets Admiral Yi Sun Sin and Admiral Chen Lin engage the Japanese fleet under Admiral Shimazu Yoshihiro in the final battle of the Imjin War, December 1598
... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |

Fire & Movement: The Forum of Conflict Simulation was founded in 1976 by Rodger MacGowan and published by Diverse Talents, Inc. The rights and publishing of F&M currently reside with Decision Games and Past Into Print is the official creator and publisher of the electronic versions of this original print magazine.
F&M was published until 2005 and consists of 150 issues. It focused... [click here for more] |
Past Into Print |
Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.)
This parts are included:
Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it:
Example Scale factor:
10mm = 40 - 45 % 15mm = 65 % (H0 Railroad) 20mm = 75 - 80% 28mm = 100 % (0 Railroad)
If you need... [click here for more] |
$7.50 $4.00
Blood & Plunder Rulebook features an innovative initiative system with simple and intuitive rules. This fast paced, highly tactical ruleset set in the 17th Century Caribbean during the age of piracy, can be played on your average kitchen table in about 2 hours and is sure to appeal to both casual and competitive players. This book includes all the rules necessary to play out battles... [click here for more] |
Firelock Games |
This 248-page book is a supplement to the original Blood & Plunder rule book and contains plenty of new content including units, ships, and additional rules. Please note that this book is not a standalone rule book, only an expansion. ... [click here for more] |
Firelock Games |
Bloody Close Quarters
Miniatures Rules for Fighting the Last Desperate Moments of a Naval Battle in the Golden Age of Piracy
Both fleets are in ruins. Your ship is the only one left seaworthy on your side, though its sails are in tatters and its hull is badly damaged. The enemy is down to one ship as well - in the same precarious condition as yours. As you slowly... [click here for more] |
Jade Tower Studio |

Bloody Red FlagThe Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars A guide for modellers and wargamers.
A guide to the great Anglo-Dutch Naval wars of the Seventeenth Century, when two great naval powers cut their teeth on new tactics, new methods, and fought for trade and colonial domination of the whole world.Learn about the ships, the men, the heraldry and the tactics.
... [click here for more] |
Vandering Publications |
$12.99 $8.99
![Boardgamer Player Guide Collection [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/5666/117340-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Avalon Hill's 1776 Player's Guide - The Boardgamer Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $2.45 Format: Watermarked PDF
The publisher of The Boardgamer magazine created five special issues devoted entirely to one game within the Avalon Hill catalog. They were known as... [click here for more] |
Past Into Print |
$21.95 $17.99
 This is primarily aimed at players of The Glory of Kings but is likely to be of interest to anyone who enjoys 18th century history or gaming!
The Book of Revelations features sections on: Rocket Battery - Organ Gun Section - Baggage Traynes - Sieges - Telescopes - Pistols - Bayonets - Oilskin Musket Covers - Russeted Firearm - Drill Bored Cannon - Different fire systems - Proper Aiming - Infantry... [click here for more] |
 BUCCANEERS OF THE AMERICAS is a solitaire action roleplaying game set in the "Golden Age of Buccaneering", specifically in and between the years 1650 and 1700, when privateers and pirates, known under dozens of similar names in several different languages, cruised the waters of the Caribbean Sea, taking prizes and sacking cities with the often overt support of the imperial European... [click here for more] |
Addison Edgar |
A quick playing set of Renaissance naval rules covering the period 1450 to 1600, allowing small and medium sized games with 30 ships a side or more to be completed in a couple of hours or less. They have been written with 1/1200 models such as those from Navwar and Langton in mind, but could be used with larger or smaller models with appropriate changes in ranges and movement. Bookkeeping is minimal,... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |
 Includes all necessary files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.)
This parts are included:
Minimum printbed needed... [click here for more] |
$8.95 $4.95
 December 2024 update -- We're assembling an updated version of Captaincy that incorporates all the errata to date, and an improved and streamlined Deck Phase combat system. This should be available February 2025 at the latest. It's about 2500 words of corrections and fixes, not an immense change.
I'll update everyone's digital files at no charge. Since the printed... [click here for more] |
Curs'd Captain |
 Use these cards to select a ship's Hull or Deck phase orders in Captaincy, second edition. Each card also includes usful rules reminders that pertain to the order. There are six sets in the deck, for up to six players. Each set is distinguished by a different icon on the back. ... [click here for more] |
Curs'd Captain |
 These double-sided pages are the quick reference for Captaincy, second edition. They are an extensive sequence of play, allowing experienced players to manage the game with little recourse to the rulebook. ... [click here for more] |
Curs'd Captain |
 Here is the first file of ship tableaux (player boards) for Captaincy. You'll need one for each ship. This file includes ships indexed by weight of shot or number of guns -- basically, that means the frigates and liners from major navies of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars.
Part Four includes an index to all the preceding ship tableaux. ... [click here for more] |
Curs'd Captain |
 Here is the second file of ship tableaux (player boards) for Captaincy. You'll need one tableau for each ship. The files are organized alphabetically by ship name; this file is for letters A-D. By the magic of the alphabet, it includes many variations on the Brig, as well as Cutters, Carracks, Corvetttes, and more.
Part Four includes an index to all the preceding ship tableaux. ... [click here for more] |
Curs'd Captain |
 Here is the third file of ship tableaux (player boards) for Captaincy. You'll need one tableau for each ship. The files are organized alphabetically by ship name; this file is for letters E-K. By the magic of the alphabet, it includes galleons and "early" ships of the line. It also includes flutes, Indiamen, and ketches.... [click here for more] |
Curs'd Captain |
 Here is the fourth file of ship tableaux (player boards) for Captaincy. You'll need one tableau for each ship. The files are organized alphabetically by ship name; this file is for letters L-Z. This file also includes an index to all the preceding ship tableaux, sorted by faction and years of service. ... [click here for more] |
Curs'd Captain |
 This features a rich – very rich – mix of topics which are listed below. As you can see while it is a primarily aimed at players of The Glory of Kings it is likely to be of interest to anyone who enjoys 18th century history!
Carte Blanche Features:
Heavy fortress cannon - Ninja units - Light rocket batteries - Army Headquarters - Non-commissioned officers - Training colleges - Morale... [click here for more] |
A castle keep complex for your 6mm games. Handy for historical and fantasy wargaming. ... [click here for more] |
IliadaGameStudio |
$4.00 $3.40
 Cheap to buy. Cheap to print. Never cheaply made!
Cheapskate Games is a series of original game designs from Knights Crimson Publishing. Every product in this series is intended for casual gaming with simple yet elegant rules and subject matter that is both suitable for and appealing to a wide audience. These games are perfect for times when you're missing a player from... [click here for more] |
Knights Crimson |
Pay What You Want
 A Matomaton national and period dress reference collection for wargamers, roleplayers and LARPers.
Eighty-one images illustrating Chinese military, civilian and mercantile life as well as ships, buildings and various other scenes from China in the late 1700s painted in watercolour by the noted English artist William Alexander.
These high-quality scans provide a valuable reference... [click here for more] |
Matomaton |
 A set of 1/2400 scale STL files for LFG's "Those Who Seek Death" fleet action rules. The set comprises nine types of bases of the following types:
Chinese 4 deck flagship (2 different types)
Chinese 3 deck warship
Chinese single deck warship
Song Era large paddle warship
Song Era small paddle warship
Song Era small warship
Mortar rafts
Fire rafts
... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |
City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities is a resource specifically designed to help storytellers create exciting and compelling urban areas and other sorts of communities and places within them. It is a universal sourcebook that can support the needs of any ancient, Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance, or fantasy fiction or role-playing game setting.
This comprehensive, fully-illustrated... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
$24.99 $9.99
A model of a Coehoor mortar, used from 1750 till ACW in various roles as ship's armament, fortification or siege weapon.
It is a very little object, and the printing result in scale 25mm was not confidently.
But maybe your printer allows printing or your scale is bigger, so try it - it's free! ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
 You will get all files to print this ship.
Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.)
This parts are included:
Minimum... [click here for more] |