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We The People

We The People

ARE WE READY ? Dozens of cities worldwide are destroyed by nuclear bombs. Economies crumble and governments are scrambling. A group calling themselves 'The People' demand that all militaries disband and disarm. Cliff Tanner, CIA, is in a race against time to find the group responsible because governments have started to comply. Instead of terrorists, he uncovers a covert plot by aliens to prepare...   [click here for more]
Michael Raymond  $5.00

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Armageddon 2089: Standing Alone

Armageddon 2089: Standing Alone

The Assassin lurched and staggered, vanishing from view in a fountain of mud, water and splintering metal. It emerged after a second, one arm hanging limply and its torso armour pitted and dented. Halsey dropped the cannon on target and let fly on maximum rapid fire, shells slamming from the massive bore and tearing into the Assassin's chest cavity. The WarMek stumbled, then toppled forwards into...   [click here for more]
Antimony Sun  $5.99

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  Mythos Encounters Horror Skirmish EXPANDED