Here is Battletech appropriate sizes for anything! The shape and size match up with official battletech maps at 30 X 34.240MM (microscopically bigger so that each side is exactly 17.24mm and is even more aesthetically pleasing than official bases). There are large bases for your huge ship models and weird custom mechs. 7 sizes included (1x, 2x, 3x, 3x (line), 4x, 4X (line), 7X). The files were... [click here for more]
7 Blank Hex Sheets Whitefilled and Supplied in PDF Format.
A3 Sized
60 X 40 Hexes with placement grids drawn if you want to use them.
60 X 40 (Light Blue Covered ) Hexes with placement grids drawn if you want to use them.
40 X 40 Hexes with hex coordinates.
60 x 60 Hexes with
40 X 40 Hexes with hex coordinates.
Hex size is 0.8in or 2cm but u can easily scale since SVG and PNG formats are also supplied... [click here for more]
Blank SQUARE Sheets Whitefilled and Supplied in PDF and PNG Format.60 X 40 Squares with hex coordinates50 X 50 Square with hex coordinates50 X 40 Square with hex coordinates40 X 40 Square with hex coordinates40 X 30 Square with hex coordinates30 X 30 Square with hex coordinates... [click here for more]
This special bundle product contains the following titles.EDITABLE COLDWAR ERA EUROPEAN Air Unit Counters for replacement and extension of your own boardgamesRegular price: $7.00 Bundle price: $2.50 Format: Watermarked PDF These are 8 FIGHTER and CLOSE SUPPORT unit icons supplied in Vector Format SVG , PNG and JPG for your own wargaming needs.
You can use... [click here for more]