Design: Ken Whitehurst Development: Byron Collins Editing: Michael Koznarsky Rulebook Layout: Marc von Martial Cover Artwork: Bruno Werneck Section Artworks: James Masino Combatant Tile Artworks: Bruno Werneck, James Masino Graphic Design: Byron... [click here for more]
NWS: Battleships Zenith (1930-1945) a set of naval rules for miniatures or board game hex based tactical naval combat covering from 1930-1945, along with a Microsoft Windows based computer combat/assistance system.INCLUDES BONUS: 'BATTLESHIPS ECLIPSED!' CARRIER EXPANSION!
* 50 page rules manual including a set of reference charts... [click here for more]
NWS: Dreadnought Rising! (1906-1929) is a set of very detailed naval rules for miniatures or board game hex based tactical naval combat covering from 1906-1929, featuring a Windows based computer combat/assistance system (CCS).
* 50 page rules manual including a set of reference charts.
* Rapid fire and efficient combat system that will allow for large battles to be... [click here for more]