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 Hottest Tactical/Skirmish, Renaissance (1400 to 1700)
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Blood & Plunder

Blood & Plunder

Blood & Plunder Rulebook features an innovative initiative system with simple and intuitive rules. This fast paced, highly tactical ruleset set in the 17th Century Caribbean during the age of piracy, can be played on your average kitchen table in about 2 hours and is sure to appeal to both casual and competitive players. This book includes all the rules necessary to play out battles...   [click here for more]
Firelock Games  $14.99

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War by Sail

War by Sail

Bote Action - 1550 - 1815 War by Sail is a simple yet comprehensive age of sail wargame, aimed at small fleet actions of 3 to 30 ships per side, with a focus on historical accuracy and flavor. Researched and playtested for 10 months, War by Sail includes detailed ship rosters for 20 different conflicts, spanning from 1563 to 1812. Generic units are also provided...   [click here for more]
Ostfront Publishing  $12.00

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Bloody Red Flag: The Anglo-Dutch Naval wars - a guide for wargamers and modellers

Bloody Red Flag: The Anglo-Dutch Naval wars - a guide for wargamers and modellers

Bloody Red FlagThe Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars A guide for modellers and wargamers. A guide to the great Anglo-Dutch Naval wars of the Seventeenth Century, when two great naval powers cut their teeth on new tactics, new methods, and fought for trade and colonial domination of the whole world.Learn about the ships, the men, the heraldry and the tactics. ...   [click here for more]
Vandering Publications  $12.99 $8.99

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Panzerschreck #19

Panzerschreck #19

PANZERSCHRECK #19 (Summer 2021) is a wargames magazine that contains two solitaire, complete games in this 100-page full-color issue, in addition to game reviews, interviews, variants, and general articles.  U-BOAT CAPTAIN (tactical/operational WW2), and BATTLE CAJAMAECA, 1532 (tactical early modern).  Both stress high...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $19.95 $14.95

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Blood & Plunder: No Peace Beyond the Line

Blood & Plunder: No Peace Beyond the Line

This 248-page book is a supplement to the original Blood & Plunder rule book and contains plenty of new content including units, ships, and additional rules. Please note that this book is not a standalone rule book, only an expansion.  ...   [click here for more]
Firelock Games  $20.00

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Age of Sail Ships

Age of Sail Ships

A range of aige of sail ships  , there is a single zip file containing all the models in the collection ...   [click here for more]
Twylite Games  $20.51 $15.46

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30 years war 3mm units

30 years war 3mm units

a collection of 3mm units for the 30 yrs war units included , I have also added a selection of half depth formations to make the units more interesting 30yw extra . zip Shot only , Shot only large Irregular infantry , Irregular infantry large Early tercio , Early tercio large winged hussars , winged hussars large ECW infantry , ECW infantry large Dutch infantry , dutch infantry large 30yw...   [click here for more]
Twylite Games  $12.31

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Pirate Hexes

Pirate Hexes

This is a new fully revised edition! Pirate Hexes is a simple fast-paced set of rules for naval combat in the age of sail. It is played with miniatures or cardboard counters on a hex mat. The object of the game is to capture enemy ships and islands. The movement and combat mechanics are simple enough that after playing a short time you will find that no tables or reference sheets are needed, though...   [click here for more]
Chris Pagano  $6.00

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OBSCURE BATTLES 5.5 - TURTLE SHIPS, takes the player to the Pacific where Korean and Japanese Imperial Navies wage a deadly war. You can play the included new scenarios with game with over a dozen new ship types or  you can CREATE your OWN BATTLES in the Pacific between powers of Chinese, Japanese and Korean Kingdoms and lesser powers in this simple PRINT AND PLAY boardgame. The game has : Over 12+...   [click here for more]
Obscure Battles  $12.95

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Bloody Close Quarters

Bloody Close Quarters

Bloody Close Quarters Miniatures Rules for Fighting the Last Desperate Moments of a Naval Battle in the Golden Age of Piracy Both fleets are in ruins. Your ship is the only one left seaworthy on your side, though its sails are in tatters and its hull is badly damaged. The enemy is down to one ship as well - in the same precarious condition as yours. As you slowly...   [click here for more]
Jade Tower Studio  $0.99

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"DORIA - MEDITERANNEAN EXPANSION PACK#2" expands the main DORIA game by adding Maps and Scenarios some of the most critical battles from the Mediterranean including... FORMENTERA 1529 - A short and sharp galley clash where a group of Ottoman smaller craft under Aydın Reis surprises a small Spanish fleet of eight galleys TZERBE 1560 - Battle that marked perhaps the high point of Ottoman power in...   [click here for more]
Obscure Battles   FREE 

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Glory of Kings ATLAS (18th century) 2nd edition

Glory of Kings ATLAS (18th century) 2nd edition

The Glory of Kings ATLAS ~ a full set of campaign maps for the 18th century which contains all 25 maps used in The Glory of Kings game but which can also be used for a wargames campaign or strategic maps for wide-ranging roleplaying! Many of the maps have been updated, and some completely replaced with new versions. This is an ongoing process since the maps are being frequently updated as the game...   [click here for more]
AGEMA  $4.91

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Navaroli & Schiavoni

Navaroli & Schiavoni

Navaroli & Schiavoni is a game for one or two players that simulates two important river naval battles between the Milanese Visconti and Venetian fleets fought on the Po River around Cremona during the Lombard Wars, the clashes that took place between 1424 and the Peace of Lodi 1454 for the dominance of the Po valley between the Milanese Visconti Dukes and the Republic of Venice. During the wars...   [click here for more]
Lumaca Games  $9.00 $7.00

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VICTORY! Age of Sail 1660-1820 naval wargame rules

VICTORY! Age of Sail 1660-1820 naval wargame rules

Age of Sail naval wargame rules usable with either model ships or counters to represent them. Bookkeeping is kept to a minimum and this is very much a landlubber’s set of rules - you don’t need to be a sailing expert to enjoy games using this set! Despite this unusual craft such as galleys and galleasses as well as xebecs and fireships are covered, and the rules include game design notes, a scenario,...   [click here for more]
AGEMA  $6.14 $3.68

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Warfare at Sea in the Age of Reason

Warfare at Sea in the Age of Reason

Easy rules for naval actions in the age of sail, roughly from the Armada to the mid-19th century. 2 scenarios included. Easy to read ship charts and tables. Includes rules to use with the Sport of Kings campaign game or virtually any campaign system. Colorfully laid out. Designed and produced by the same team that brought you Warfare in the Age of Reason, Pig Wars, Age...   [click here for more]
Tod Kershner's Games  $8.00

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December 2024 update -- We're assembling an updated version of Captaincy that incorporates all the errata to date, and an improved and streamlined Deck Phase combat system. This should be available February 2025 at the latest. It's about 2500 words of corrections and fixes, not an immense change. I'll update everyone's digital files at no charge. Since the printed...   [click here for more]
Curs'd Captain  $16.00

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GameFix Issue 5 with English Civil War Battle of Winceby

GameFix Issue 5 with English Civil War Battle of Winceby

Issue 5 of GameFix Magazine. Originally published in 1995, the magazine contains a map and counter wargame, Winceby, Battle of the English Civil War, designed by Robert Markham. The game uses the famous Royalists and Roundheads system. In addition to the game maps, playing pieces, and rules, the issue contains articles about the game, and several other smaller pieces. Table of Contents:...   [click here for more]
One Small Step  $4.95

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APMR #1, Avalon Mini-Games #120

APMR #1, Avalon Mini-Games #120

How many times have you looked at some new figures in the store only to say “Those are neat but I don't play that game.” Or seen a game but not had the figures to play? Now that problem is solved. This is a game of miniatures combat that utilizes any miniatures you own. With these rules you can recreate classic military battles, like Gettysburg and the Battle of Hastings....   [click here for more]
Avalon Game Company  $4.49

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Sampans #1

Sampans #1

A what-pan? A sampan! A sampan is a relatively flat bottomed Chinese wooden boat from 3.5 to 4.5 m (11.5 to 14.8 ft) long. Some sampans include a small shelter on board, and may be used as a permanent habitation on inland waters. Sampans are generally used for transportation in coastal areas or rivers, and are often used as traditional fishing boats. This Sampan paper model measures 4.5 inches in...   [click here for more]
Mayhem in Paper  $2.95

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FF038 Tales of Longfall #5 Szenarien 1

FF038 Tales of Longfall #5 Szenarien 1

Tales of Longfall #5 ist prall gefüllt mit Szenarien. Also mit kleinen Geschichten die eine Keilerei, ein Scharmützel oder eine ausgewaschene Schlacht beschreiben und in denen eure Mannschaften die Hauptdarsteller sind. Da gilt es Schätze zu finden, strunzdumme Vögel zu fangen, Feuer oder Wasser zu entkommen, Gold zu scheffeln uvm. Natürlich versucht der Gegner euch daran zu hindern, meist,...   [click here for more]
Freebooter Miniatures  $10.41

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FF020 Tales of Longfall #3 Big Trouble, English language

FF020 Tales of Longfall #3 Big Trouble, English language

Big Trouble … in little Longfall.  This latest expansion for Freebooter’s Fate is not just about offering a glimpse into Longfall’s music scene. Or about the sexual cycle of goblins. Or about organisational issues within the Brotherhood. It is also about your stranded crews surviving on the monster island. Collect your boats, supply your people with food, make it through a spontaneous bushfire...   [click here for more]
Freebooter Miniatures  $10.41 $4.16

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Heroic Maps - Ships: The Auspice

Heroic Maps - Ships: The Auspice

The Auspice   A printable rpg battlemap compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl or skirmish game. Use as a standalone gameboard, or combine with any same-scale tileset. Each deck (and surrounding water) occupy approximately 10x22 squares. Contents: A carrack-style sailing ship. The top deck is shown both with interior and exterior views of the forecastle and aftcastle....   [click here for more]
Heroic Maps  $3.90 $2.73

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The High Seas Hack

The High Seas Hack

The High Seas Hack is a traditional tabletop roleplaying game, played with paper, pencils and dice - it allows players to have swashbuckling adventures in the Caribbean of the late 17th and early 18th centuries; the Golden Age of Piracy. Using the Black Hack at its core the High Seas Hack includes 9 professions suited to the time including a full list of Voodoo spells and divine intervention effects...   [click here for more]
Matakishi's Tea House  $2.46

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Roman Seas: Fortification Set 3

Roman Seas: Fortification Set 3

Roman Seas Fortification Set 3: Gate Houses All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale Roman Seas Fortification Set 3 is designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This is an extensive kit containing five historical Roman gatehouse designs...   [click here for more]
Hotz Stuff  $3.50

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FF040 Tales of Longfall #6 Schatten

FF040 Tales of Longfall #6 Schatten

Die neue Mannschaft ist da – Die Schatten sind über Longfall hereingebrochen! Aus einigen Toren winden sie sich heraus, um im Verborgenen die Stadt zu erkunden und eine Ara des Misstrauens zu sähen. Stellt euch eine wabernde Masse an Dunkelheit vor. Scheinbar unaufhaltsam wogt sie auf euch zu und droht alles zu verschlingen! Die Straßen von Longfall sind in dunklen, in undurchdringlichen...   [click here for more]
Freebooter Miniatures  $16.13

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Patrol Boat PSD Files

Patrol Boat PSD Files

This set features the PSD Photoshop working files that were used to create the complete Patrol Boat model PDFs (available separately). This is a different way to approach my paper models, and it'll require a bit of Photoshop knowledge on your part to make use of it. These files give you easy access to the graphic elements (textures and details) so there's no better way to kitbash...   [click here for more]
Dave Graffam Models  $2.95

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Roman Seas: Fortification Set 1

Roman Seas: Fortification Set 1

Roman Seas Fortification Set 1: Small Towers All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale Roman Seas Fortification Set 1 contains small towers and corresponding wall pieces. All pieces are designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This...   [click here for more]
Hotz Stuff  $3.50

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APMR #3, Avalon Mini-Games #123

APMR #3, Avalon Mini-Games #123

How many times have you looked at some new figures in the store only to say “Those are neat but I don't play that game.” Or seen a game but not had the figures to play? Now that problem is solved. This is a game of miniatures combat that utilizes any miniatures you own. With these rules you can recreate classic military battles, like Gettysburg and the Battle of Hastings....   [click here for more]
Avalon Game Company  $4.49

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E-Z TILES: Medieval Ship

E-Z TILES: Medieval Ship

E-Z TILES: Medieval Ship offers you the ability to customize your ship design, from one or two masts, to adding ballistas, beds, hammocks, crates, barrels, maps, tables and much more. 1" grid and gridless options. The pre-printed card option features double sided tiles printed on heavy weight 12pt. card stock that has a UV coating, making the cards suitable for use with wet-erase markers. The coating...   [click here for more]
Fat Dragon Games  $2.99 $1.50

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Glory & Argument (supplement for The Glory of Kings)

Glory & Argument (supplement for The Glory of Kings)

Glory & Argument is a supplement for our play by (e)mail game The Glory of Kings. It will also be of interest to anyone with a keen interest in 18th century history, as the following list of subjects covered in it will demonstrate! Featured - Palace guard companies; War dog sections; Mobile vet clinics; Horse artillery batteries; Light infantry companies; Siege...   [click here for more]
AGEMA  $7.37

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Roman Seas: Fortification Set 2

Roman Seas: Fortification Set 2

Roman Seas Fortification Set 2: Large Towers All models in this set are 6mm (1/300th) scale Roman Seas Fortification Set 2 contains large towers and corresponding wall pieces. All pieces are designed to be used with game mats with 5-inch hexes or squares, onto a plain gaming table, or even for use as models for a diorama. This...   [click here for more]
Hotz Stuff  $3.50

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Book of Revelations (18th century supplement/expansion for The Glory of Kings)

Book of Revelations (18th century supplement/expansion for The Glory of Kings)

This is primarily aimed at players of The Glory of Kings but is likely to be of interest to anyone who enjoys 18th century history or gaming! The Book of Revelations features sections on: Rocket Battery - Organ Gun Section - Baggage Traynes - Sieges - Telescopes - Pistols - Bayonets - Oilskin Musket Covers - Russeted Firearm - Drill Bored Cannon - Different fire systems - Proper Aiming - Infantry...   [click here for more]
AGEMA  $3.69

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Smuggler's Rowboat PSD Files

Smuggler's Rowboat PSD Files

  This set features the PSD Photoshop working files that were used to create the complete Smuggler's Rowboat model PDFs (available separately). This is a different way to approach my paper models, and it'll require a bit of Photoshop knowledge on your part to make use of it. These files give you easy access to the graphic elements (textures and details) so there's no better way to kitbash...   [click here for more]
Dave Graffam Models  $1.95 $1.00

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TayanaRPG Classic Styled Pirate Character counters

TayanaRPG Classic Styled Pirate Character counters

Love swashbucklers and pirates? Now we've provided a set of pirate character counters based on our classic counter design style. Included are 16 character counters in both 3/4 inch, 1 inch and hex based formats to help you spice up your tabletop campaigns, whether for TayanaRPG or other fantasy or historic roleplaying games. Even use them to represent boarding parties in naval warfare. Now enhanced...   [click here for more]
FSpace Publications  $1.00

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Introduction to 'City Builder'

Introduction to 'City Builder'

This pay-what-you-want publication is an updated 36-page preview of Skirmisher Publishing's popular and Adamantine-bestselling 240-page City Builder: A Guide to Designing CommunitiesCity Builder is a writer's resource specifically designed to help storytellers create exciting and compelling urban areas and other sorts of communities and places within them. It...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Cheapskate Games: Cutlass

Cheapskate Games: Cutlass

Cheap to buy. Cheap to print. Never cheaply made! Cheapskate Games is a series of original game designs from Knights Crimson Publishing. Every product in this series is intended for casual gaming with simple yet elegant rules and subject matter that is both suitable for and appealing to a wide audience. These games are perfect for times when you're missing a player from...   [click here for more]
Knights Crimson  Pay What You Want

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This special bundle product contains the following titles. BLANK HEX MAPS IN DIFFERENT SIZES AND FORMATS VOLUME 1 Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $0.71 Format: Watermarked PDF   7 Blank Hex Sheets Whitefilled and Supplied in PDF Format. A3 Sized 60 X 40 Hexes with placement grids drawn if you want to use them. 60 X 40 (Light Blue Covered ) Hexes with...   [click here for more]
Obscure Battles  $20.96 $14.99

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