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Germany's High Sea Fleet in the World War

Germany's High Sea Fleet in the World War

Victors write history. German Admiral Reinhard Scheer knew this, and wrote his own anyway. In this memoir of World War One, he says, "We are victors and vanquished at one and the same time, and in depicting our success the difficult problem confronts us of not forgetting that our strength did not last out to the end." Admiral Scheer took command of the German High Seas Fleet in...   [click here for more]
Shilka Publishing  $0.99

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The SOTCW World War I Compendium

The SOTCW World War I Compendium

Note that this is the same compendium that was previously published by Shilka Publishing. It began in Sarajevo in 1914, in a cascade of treaty obligations following an assassination. It ended in the mirrored halls of Versailles in 1918, in a treaty that would lead directly to an even more catastrophic war. The Great War--World War I--slaughtered millions, left a continent in ruins, and caused many...   [click here for more]
Society of 20th Century Wargamers  $3.99

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