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Dreadnoughts & Battlecruisers: High Seas Deluxe Ed.
by Minden Games

D&B is a tactical WW1 naval miniatures rules game that emphasizes high playability & historicity in the dreadnought era. Includes 320 fully-rated 1/3000 scale warship counters from 10 nations, with advanced rules, 15 scenarios, commentary & design notes, and Solitaire Module allowing for solo play.

Dreadnoughts & Battlecruisers: High Seas Deluxe Ed.
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Seastrike 1905 Naval and Coastal Warfare

Seastrike 1905 Naval and Coastal Warfare

This is a full game covering Naval and Coastal Warfare in the age of the Predreadnought. The game includes everything necessary to play. All you will need is access to a colour printer, A4 Label Paper and some card. The portrays conflict in a group of contested islands located between two nations.   Units provided include: Pre-dreadnought Battleships, Armoured Cruisers, Protected...   [click here for more]
Geoff Curran  $15.00

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Sea Wolves Solitaire - Battle of the Atlantic 1939-1942

Sea Wolves Solitaire - Battle of the Atlantic 1939-1942

Sea Wolves Solitaire - Battle of the Atlantic 1939-1942 is a solitaire book-game that allows players to step into the role of a U-boat commander during the intense Battle of the Atlantic in World War II. Players take on the role of a U-boat commander, leading a stealthy submarine on daring missions to disrupt enemy supply lines and sink valuable cargo ships. The game includes a wealth of...   [click here for more]
Turgalium Games  $14.99

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5150 Star Navy -Total War

5150 Star Navy -Total War

5150 Star Navy Total War - the updated 2022 edition “Without The Star Navy, There Is No Star Army!” “The Star Army motto is “We take the war to the enemy; one planet at a time.” They do a fine job of it, but we take them to those planets, and we get them back. And unless we do our job, they can’t do their job. So listen up Cadet and I’ll tell you how we do it…”  ...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Dreadnoughts & Battlecruisers: High Seas Deluxe Ed.

Dreadnoughts & Battlecruisers: High Seas Deluxe Ed.

Dreadnoughts & Battlecruisers: High Seas Edition is a rule book providing a two-player game of miniature naval combat during the Great War (1914-1918).  A special Solitiare Module is included in this edition to allow for solo play. In D&B, Players maneuver their fleets on the tabletop (or floor) to recreate actual and hypothetical encounters. ...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $26.95 $19.96

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U-Boat Captain, Advanced Ed.

U-Boat Captain, Advanced Ed.

U-BOAT CAPTAIN, Advanced Edition is a solitaire, tactical-operational level game covering individual German World War 2 U-Boat patrols and combat encounters, 1939-1942. This edition (44 pages) comes with full rules, optional and advanced rules, eight U-Boat Displays, map, logsheet, 37 counters, and Reference Cards, along with with several historical scenarios and campaign games (of various...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $16.95

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5150 Star Army Total War

5150 Star Army Total War

****5150 Star Army Total War - the updated 2022 edition****   5150 STAR ARMY – TOTAL WAR "It's not a job; it's an adventure!" What: Wargame rules for Sci-Fi. Scale: Man to man combat. 1 figure equals 1 man or creature. Your Role: Players can command from one squad to a platoon of infantry. Playability: Designed for solo, same side and head to head play. 5150...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Yangtse Incident - A Solitaire Game

Yangtse Incident - A Solitaire Game

Welcome to "Yangste Incident" a solitaire naval wargame that places you in command of HMS Amethyst during her time trapped on the Yangtse River and her escape to Shanghai in 1949. In this solitaire game, you assume the role of the commanding officer of HMS Amethyst. You will lead the ship’s company as you recover from the initial damage and grounding, attempt repairs and other preparations for a...   [click here for more]
Long Face Games  $6.24

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Panzerschreck #20 - mag & 2 wargames

Panzerschreck #20 - mag & 2 wargames

PANZERSCHRECK #20 (Winter 2024) is a wargames magazine that contains tons of articles and reviews, along with two WW2 wargames within its 102 pages:  GOTTERDAMMERUNG BERLIN, 1945 (tactical squad-level infantry game), and ADRIFT IN THE PACIFIC (solitaire game of survival).  Both stress playability and historicity.  But...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $17.95 $13.46

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Whalemen Wanted

Whalemen Wanted

WHALEMEN WANTED is a solitaire action roleplaying game set in the early-to-mid 19th century, 1820-1860, in which players take on the role of a New England whaling ship master charged by his owners and agent to take a vessel, outfit it with an appropriate crew and equipment, hunt whales, render their oil and bone, and return it to New England in order to make a profit. The game seeks...   [click here for more]
Addison Edgar  $14.99

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Der Tag, 1916, 2nd ed.

Der Tag, 1916, 2nd ed.

DER TAG, 1916, 2nd ed. is a solitaire, strategic level game covering the North Sea campaign of World War I between the fleets of Great Britain and Germany set during the pivotal period of the First World War at sea. The player takes the British, and the game system handles the German side (optional rules allow you to reverse roles if desired).  It is an “experience” game,...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $13.95 $9.95

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The Second World War

The Second World War

Game Design: John Douglas Powers The Second World War is a grand-strategic, historical simulation game about World War II. Players represent the major powers involved in the conflict and have at their command the forces with which to wage war and achieve victory for their country or alliance. The game covers the European, North African, and Pacific Theaters on three maps and four counter-sheets....   [click here for more]
One Small Step  $99.95 $19.95

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Great War Salvo! 3rd ed.

Great War Salvo! 3rd ed.

Great War Salvo! 3rd Edition is a strategy, solitaire, tactical naval wargame that enables players to recreate early World War I naval battles between individual British and German warships on the table top.  This is the new, latest edition of this game system. (For those owning the 2nd ed., see below for what's new in this edition.) The game consists an illustrated, color...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $23.95 $12.95

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Buccaneers of the Americas

Buccaneers of the Americas

BUCCANEERS OF THE AMERICAS is a solitaire action roleplaying game set in the "Golden Age of Buccaneering", specifically in and between the years 1650 and 1700, when privateers and pirates, known under dozens of similar names in several different languages, cruised the waters of the Caribbean Sea, taking prizes and sacking cities with the often overt support of the imperial European...   [click here for more]
Addison Edgar  $19.99

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Flying Colors - Beat to Quarters

Flying Colors - Beat to Quarters

Beat to Quarters is an official expansion to Flying Colors by GMT Games, LLC and requires a copy of that game (preferably the latest deluxe edition) to play. One of the most common criticisms of Flying Colors is the clutter of status markers on the map and that they may detract from game play. This concern...   [click here for more]
Relative Range  $15.00

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Roll For Omaha! 1944

Roll For Omaha! 1944

Roll For Omaha! 1944 is a WWII Roll + Write game intended for 1 player. It is a low complexity abstract simulation of the D-Day invasion of Omaha Beach. ...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  $1.99

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Advanced Salvo! European Theater

Advanced Salvo! European Theater

Advanced Salvo! European Theater is a solitaire, tactical naval strategy wargame that enables players to recreate World War II naval battles between individual allied and axis warships on the table top.  The design uses the Salvo! game system, adapted to a WW2 setting. (Great War Salvo! 3rd ed. is its World War I counterpart.) The game consists a 20-page...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $22.95

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The Great War

The Great War

Albert Nofi's The Great War: 1914 - 1918 There never was a war like the Great War, whether before or since. It was a war which everyone expected-indeed which some demanded and desired passionately-but when it came, it came as a surprise and in a way no one anticipated. It was a war which everyone had been preparing for, but for which no one was prepared. And it was a war of unsurpassed horrors, unspeakable...   [click here for more]
One Small Step  $64.95 $19.95

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Riachuelo´s Naval Batlle

Riachuelo´s Naval Batlle

The Naval battle of Riachuelo, or simply Riachuelo battle, happend on June 11, 1865 on the margins of the Riachuelo river, a afluent of Paraguay river, in the province of Corrientes, Argentina. Considered by the military historians as one of the most important battles of Tríplice Alliance’s War (1864-1865). It is known as one of the main naval battles of the Brazilian Navy and it guaranteed...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $8.99 $5.49

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Tsushima, 1905 2nd ed.

Tsushima, 1905 2nd ed.

TSUSHIMA, 1905, 2nd ed. is a tactical naval wargame rules system set in the pre-dreadnought (1890-1906) era.  Individual warships (presented on counters at 1/4200 scale) are rated in a variety of offensive and defensive categories. Scenarios recreate the Battle of Tsushima between the Russian and Japanese fleets in 1905, as well as other actual or hypothetical actions. ...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $20.95 $16.95

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Panzerschreck #17

Panzerschreck #17

PANZERSCHRECK #17 (Fall 2020) is a wargames magazine that contains three complete games in this 88-page full-color issue, in addition to hobby articles and thumbnail game reviews.  DER TAG, 1916 (solitaire strategic level WWI naval), BATTLE OVER DUNKIRK (tactical two-player WW2 aerial combat card game), and NAPOLEON...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $19.95 $14.95

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Panzerschreck #19

Panzerschreck #19

PANZERSCHRECK #19 (Summer 2021) is a wargames magazine that contains two solitaire, complete games in this 100-page full-color issue, in addition to game reviews, interviews, variants, and general articles.  U-BOAT CAPTAIN (tactical/operational WW2), and BATTLE CAJAMAECA, 1532 (tactical early modern).  Both stress high...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $19.95 $14.95

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F6F Hellcat Solitaire

F6F Hellcat Solitaire

A solo tactical battle in the skies over the Pacifc! 26 July 1943, your squadron of Hellcats on the Belleau Wood carrier (CVL-24) have arrived in Pearl Harbor to take the war to the Japanese. Armed with guns, rockets, and bombs, your job is to take control of the Pacific Islands overrun with Imperial Japanese. Take enough down and you can bring the...   [click here for more]
SixJAM  $4.99

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War in the Jet Age Counter Set

War in the Jet Age Counter Set

This counter set is a great starting point for people wanting to get into Aerial Wargaming or those simply wishing to use counters instead of miniatures. Perfect to playtest rulesets or create a portable set to play your favourite rules on the go. Perfect for Check your 6, Missile Threat and C21.  Included in this set are some of the main aircraft from the Korean War up to the end of the Cold War....   [click here for more]
Pocket Warfare Publishing  $10.50

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Solitaire WW2 Wargames

Solitaire WW2 Wargames

SOLITAIRE WW2 WARGAMES is a 50-page illustrated book that includes three World War II strategy card games -- Sniper Attack, Stringbag, & Penal Battalion, all played with a single deck of standard playing cards -- ideal for the solo player.  SNIPER ATTACK puts you in the role of a single sniper, with a secondary goal of eliminating...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $12.95 $8.95

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Avalon Hill's Panzer Leader Player's Guide - The Boardgamer

Avalon Hill's Panzer Leader Player's Guide - The Boardgamer

The publisher of The Boardgamer magazine created five special issues devoted entirely to one game within the Avalon Hill catalog.  They were known as Unofficial Player Guides, but were considered the best collection of new information, variants, scenarios, rules variations, errata, inserts, and new articles written for these games.  Fans loved the...   [click here for more]
Past Into Print  $5.99

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DeepWars - Kraken Reef Maps

DeepWars - Kraken Reef Maps

4 Printed Maps + marker sheet ...   [click here for more]
AntiMatter Games  $9.99

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Flying Colors - Beat to Quarters, Vol IV (Under the Southern Cross)

Flying Colors - Beat to Quarters, Vol IV (Under the Southern Cross)

Beat to Quarters, Vol IV (Under the Southern Cross) is an official expansion to Under the Southern Cross by GMT Games, LLC and requires a copy of that game to play. One of the most common criticisms of the Flying Colors system is the clutter of status markers on the map and that they may detract from game play....   [click here for more]
Relative Range  $15.00

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If Dragons Fight: PRC Invasion of Taiwan

If Dragons Fight: PRC Invasion of Taiwan

Game Design: Ty Bomba If Dragons Fight: China vs. Taiwan in the Near Future (IDF), is a "what if" simulation of the fighting that could occur across that island, within the timeframe of the next five or so years, if the mainlanders decide political or geostrategic conditions have evolved to where they must resolve the issue finally and by force. Such a situation would most likely occur if either or...   [click here for more]
One Small Step  $69.95 $19.95

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Blitzkrieg Deluxe

Blitzkrieg Deluxe

Blitzkrieg Deluxe is a "generic" World War 2 era wargame that pits two fictional nations against each other over a fictional land mass represented by a huge 34 by 55 inch map. The game is easy to learn with the rules clocking in at under sixeteen pages, but difficult to master as the options available to each player are numerous. Do you mass your assault at the enemy's borders,...   [click here for more]
Relative Range  $15.00

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Action Stations: Atlantic -- Core Rules

Action Stations: Atlantic -- Core Rules

ACTION STATIONS: ATLANTIC --CORE RULES is a tactical naval wargame rules system set in the World War II era.  Individual warships (presented on counters at approx. 1/4500 scale) are rated in a variety of offensive and defensive categories. Scenarios recreate several naval encounters, such as River Plate, the Rawalpindi incident, Denmark Strait, and others, involving German...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $19.95 $12.95

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Destruction of Force Z

Destruction of Force Z

Destruction of Force Z is a tactical level, solitaire simulation of the short air/naval campaign off the coast of Malaya in late 1941 which saw the destruction of two Royal Navy capital ships, Prince of Wales and Repulse by Japanese bombers.  The player takes the British side, and the game system plays the Japanese side.   The object of the game is for the British to disrupt...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $12.95 $7.95

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BUNDLE: 4 Solitaire WW2 Naval Games

BUNDLE: 4 Solitaire WW2 Naval Games

BUNDLE:  Four Solitaire WW2 Naval Games... containing four titles that emphasize historicity and playability:  Torpedo Raiders, Advanced Ed., Destruction of Force Z, Mers-el-Kebir, 1940, & Salvo! Denmark Strait, 1941. * * * Torpedo Raiders, Advanced Ed. is a 52-page illustrated book contaning a historical...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $24.95 $14.95

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Naval Warfare Age of Missiles: S1:  USA and Pact

Naval Warfare Age of Missiles: S1: USA and Pact

Naval Warfare :  Age of Missiles :  Supplement 1 : USA and Pact Forces This supplement adds a broad range of ships for both USA and Pact forces including : Carriers, Ships of varying electronic warfare qualities (for balance) patrol craft,  Fast attack craft,  Frigates,  Destroyers  Cruisers  and, for the USA, the IOWA class battleship.   Included are : New rules : fully...   [click here for more]
Geoff Curran  $8.49 $6.24

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Avalon Hill's Panzerblitz Player's Guide - The Boardgamer

Avalon Hill's Panzerblitz Player's Guide - The Boardgamer

The publisher of The Boardgamer magazine created five special issues devoted entirely to one game within the Avalon Hill catalog.  They were known as Unofficial Player Guides, but were considered the best collection of new information, variants, scenarios, rules variations, errata, inserts, and new articles written for these games.  Fans loved the...   [click here for more]
Past Into Print  $5.99

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  7 Blank Hex Sheets Whitefilled and Supplied in PDF Format. A3 Sized 60 X 40 Hexes with placement grids drawn if you want to use them. 60 X 40 (Light Blue Covered ) Hexes with placement grids drawn if you want to use them. 40 X 40 Hexes with hex coordinates. 60 x 60 Hexes with 40 X 40 Hexes with hex coordinates. Hex size is 0.8in or 2cm but u can easily scale since SVG and PNG formats are also supplied...   [click here for more]
Obscure Battles  $2.99

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Naval Warfare : Medieval Ships:  Lords of the Sea Counter set

Naval Warfare : Medieval Ships: Lords of the Sea Counter set

A Full set of 4x4cm counters of medieval ships, damage counters and templates suitable for use with David Manley's Lord of the Sea(with permission from David)- these rules are also available on the Wargame Vault. This set includes small, medium and large cogs (three variants of the latter two with catapults, cannon or trebuchet), carracks, nefs, hulks, balinger, large and boats,...   [click here for more]
Geoff Curran  $6.52 $5.16

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Northern Voyage: Strategic Warfare During the Viking Age

Northern Voyage: Strategic Warfare During the Viking Age

You are a Jarl in charge of a Viking Voyage into the Northern Territories. Your goal? To seek fame and fortune in the eyes of your people and your Gods. To do this? Conquer all of the northern towns and fortresses. Northern Voyage is the 2nd game in the “Point Ops” Wargame series. The first game in the series was Blood & Gold, a pirate-themed wargame. Northern Voyage takes the war to the ancient...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  $1.99

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Viking Fury

Viking Fury

VIKING FURY is a solitaire, strategic level wargame covering the Viking expansion from the end of the 8th century.  Contains eight-page rules booklet (including optional rules), small hexagon map of western europe, set of 52 game counters.  The game system provides for quick, solitaire play, emphasizing Minden's hallmark of playability & historicity.  "As you set out on your first expedition,...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $9.95

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NavTac Deluxe Edition

NavTac Deluxe Edition

NAVTAC DELUXE EDITION is a 153-page illustrated release containing two complete games (plus a Ship Supplement) containing miniature tactical level World War I naval rules.  The game uses 1/3000 scale ships, and classic naval combat rules using Minden's NavTac (NavTac = Naval Tactical) game system. GAMES INCLUDED:  NAVTAC:...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $18.95 $12.95

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OBSCURE BATTLES 5 - DORIA (2025 Edition)

OBSCURE BATTLES 5 - DORIA (2025 Edition)

"DORIA", Volume 5 of the Obscure Battles takes the player to the age of the Galleys between the 13th and 16th centuries. You can now either play one of the over 10+ historical scenarios ranging from small raiding action to epic events in this simple PRINT AND PLAY boardgame. ...or you can CREATE your OWN GALLEY BATTLES in Mediterannean or Indian Ocean.` The game has : Over 18+ counters for medieval...   [click here for more]
Obscure Battles  $19.95 $11.50

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Blood & Gold: Naval Warfare During the Age of Piracy

Blood & Gold: Naval Warfare During the Age of Piracy

Take control of your very own pirate ship in this abstract simulation of naval warfare during the age of piracy and high adventure. Pillage towns and forts. Destroy rival pirate ships. Evade the Royal Navy. Survive harsh tropical storms. Escape with the gold.  Blood & Gold is an abstract solitare naval wargame set during the age of piracy. It uses a “point-to-point” map system as its main...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  $0.99

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5150 Fleet Commander

5150 Fleet Commander

Fleet Commander “Captains; I expect you to do your jobs. Engage!” Your Captains move their ships, fire missiles, launch fighters or torpedoes and perform damage control. That is their job! Your job is to decide where and when to engage the enemy, and more importantly, when to cut your losses and leave, while keeping the fleet  together. In 5150: Fleet Commander, the rules...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Action Stations: Convoy Module

Action Stations: Convoy Module

ACTION STATIONS: CONVOY MODULE is a World War II era module for use with Action Stations: Atlantic Core Rules, or Battleship Captain, 3rd. ed., which you must own to use this module. It adds hundreds of rated ship counters for various ship types, as well as scenarios involving convoys, armed merchant cruisers, and escorting warships. With this module,...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $9.95 $6.95

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Roman Seas: Rulebook Deluxe Edition

Roman Seas: Rulebook Deluxe Edition

Roman Seas Rulebook: Deluxe Edition Roman Seas is a fast-paced, dynamic, multi-player miniatures game system designed for use with 6mm (1/300th) scale ship models and miniatures, and played on a hex grid game board. Roman Seas is designed to allow each player to control a squadron of 2 to 10 ships. Players will be able to recreate small naval actions...   [click here for more]
Hotz Stuff  $18.00 $15.00

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Atlantic Wolves Solitaire

Atlantic Wolves Solitaire

Game Design: Gary Graber Some have called it the most crucial campaign of the Second World War. It was not fought on the ground with tanks and artillery; it was the Battle of the Atlantic, pitting the German wolfpacks versus the allied convoy system. Upon the result of the campaign hung the fate of Great Britain, and, by extension, the Allied cause in Europe. Atlantic Wolves is a solitaire...   [click here for more]
One Small Step  $69.95 $24.95

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Flying Colors - Beat to Quarters, Vol III (Blue Cross, White Ensign)

Flying Colors - Beat to Quarters, Vol III (Blue Cross, White Ensign)

Beat to Quarters, Vol III (Blue Cross, White Ensign) is an official expansion to Blue Cross, White Ensign by GMT Games, LLC and requires a copy of that game to play. One of the most common criticisms of the Flying Colors system is the clutter of status markers on the map and that they may detract from game play....   [click here for more]
Relative Range  $15.00

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Flying Colors - Beat to Quarters, Vol II (Serpents of the Seas)

Flying Colors - Beat to Quarters, Vol II (Serpents of the Seas)

Beat to Quarters, Vol II (Serpents of the Seas) is an official expansion to Serpents of the Seas by GMT Games, LLC and requires a copy of that game to play. One of the most common criticisms of the Flying Colors system is the clutter of status markers on the map and that they may detract from game play. This concern...   [click here for more]
Relative Range  $15.00

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Panzer Digest #14

Panzer Digest #14

Panzer Digest #14 (Summer 2019) is a full-color wargames magzine that contains three complete games in addition to gaming articles, variants, and reviews.  VIKING FURY is a solitaire, strategic level wargame covering the Viking expansion from the end of the 8th century.  BATTLE OVER EUROPE is a two-player tactical, plane...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $20.95 $14.95

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Torpedo Raiders, Advanced Ed.

Torpedo Raiders, Advanced Ed.

Torpedo Raiders, Advanced Ed. is a 52-page illustrated book contaning a historical WW2 strategy card game involving torpedo bombers in several early war battles. It is volume 2 of Minden's Battlegame book series.  Torpedo Raiders is a solitaire card game that allows you to recreate famous torpedo bombing missions during World War II. This edition adds advanced...   [click here for more]
Minden Games  $14.95 $10.95

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Target! Bearing 093 degrees!

Target! Bearing 093 degrees!

Target! Bearing 093 degrees! Is a solitaire card game recreating a submarine mission to sink enemy shipping.  Carefully husband your fuel, torpedoes and deck gun ammunition. Choose and reject targets carefully. You don't want to go after too many well protected small fry when you should be after the massive unprotected transports. The game represents no particular nation, so you can play as Americans...   [click here for more]
Felbrigg Herriot  $1.87

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  Missile Threat (Modern Air Combat)