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Ironclads Of Ferrosia
by Mac

Welcome to Ironclads of Ferrosia, a simple yet engaging set of rules for battling with armoured steam ships on the world of Ferrosia.

These rules provide everything you need to wage thrilling conflicts across Ferrosia’s stormy seas.

Ironclads Of Ferrosia
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Mecha Bardagulan Tabletop

Mecha Bardagulan Tabletop

Mecha Bardagulan is a tabletop wargame where players command customizable mechs in tactical battles. The game has 2 versions, one that uses a hex-based map, and another that uses inches. Here’s a breakdown of what makes it appealing to both wargamers and beginners: For Wargamers: •Deep Customization: Players can create unique mechs by selecting from various classes (Heavy, Normal,...   [click here for more]
DinoSer  Pay What You Want

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Hellfire under Water

Hellfire under Water

Hellfire under Water is designed as a supplement to Hellfire. ‘Boldly going’ where Hellfire had too much sense to go. It’s not intended to be a free standing set of rules in itself. This supplement covers actions fought under, on, and over, water with emphasis on the activities of submarines and other submersibles. As well as extra rules to use with Hellfire there are also three scenarios, two...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $3.78

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FiveCore 3rd edition. Skirmish Gaming Evolved

FiveCore 3rd edition. Skirmish Gaming Evolved

This brand new 3rd edition of the premier character-driven skirmish system will knock your socks off. FiveCore offers you fast playing games with 5-15 figures per side. No firing tables. Just roll the dice and you know immediately if the target is down, wounded, pinned or running away. Troop quality affects your ability to coordinate attacks and have your men work together, rather than just providing...   [click here for more]
Nordic Weasel Games  $14.99

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February 2025 scratch builder

February 2025 scratch builder

February 2025 issue of scratch builder demonstrates how I build my 6mm canvas mesh armies, using a starter approach. This issue also dicusses a very low budget upgrade to a collection of tree monsters from 2022 editions. I go over the procedure for adding a bark like texture and painting. In addition, we discuss making little myconid warriors out of the simplest of materials. RPG corner and game news...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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5150 Star Navy -Total War

5150 Star Navy -Total War

5150 Star Navy Total War - the updated 2022 edition “Without The Star Navy, There Is No Star Army!” “The Star Army motto is “We take the war to the enemy; one planet at a time.” They do a fine job of it, but we take them to those planets, and we get them back. And unless we do our job, they can’t do their job. So listen up Cadet and I’ll tell you how we do it…”  ...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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scratch builder Jan 2025

scratch builder Jan 2025

First issue of 2025! scratch builder is a monthly publication that includes tutorials on scratch built models/ terrain and other gaming accessories. All projects use a host of recycled materials and vary in complexity. Also includes gaming news from MJ hobby corner's studio. ...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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scratchbuilder magazine Dec 2024

scratchbuilder magazine Dec 2024

Welcome to the final issue of the yearly magazine scratch builder monthly. Join the author in a variety of creative projects for war gaming, or RPG. Whether you are a seasoned crafter or just starting out, scratch builder has somethign for everyone.  This issue we explore the creation of a spider walker with nothing but a small box, some canva mesh and lots of imagination. Most crafting is done with...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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scratch builder magazine Nov 2024

scratch builder magazine Nov 2024

Scratch builder monthly is mj hobby corner's magazine describing very low budget terrain and model building for wargames or RPG. Projects are presented with a variety of photos and project descriptions, tools used and game examples. This month we explore star ship construction and lay the ground work for some future bio-army ideas. All designs are very subjective, however, focus is given to the technique...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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5150 Star Army Total War

5150 Star Army Total War

****5150 Star Army Total War - the updated 2022 edition****   5150 STAR ARMY – TOTAL WAR "It's not a job; it's an adventure!" What: Wargame rules for Sci-Fi. Scale: Man to man combat. 1 figure equals 1 man or creature. Your Role: Players can command from one squad to a platoon of infantry. Playability: Designed for solo, same side and head to head play. 5150...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Ironclads Of Ferrosia

Ironclads Of Ferrosia

Ironclads of Ferrosia, a simple yet engaging set of rules for battling with armoured steam ships on the world of Ferrosia. These rules provide everything you need to wage thrilling conflicts across Ferrosia’s stormy seas. Designed for fast-paced gameplay, Ironclads of Ferrosia supports skirmishes with as few as two ships up to larger battles with around a dozen ships per side, allowing for a satisfying...   [click here for more]
Mac  $12.00

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Great Hall Burning

Great Hall Burning

THE OPEN SEA AND A STRONG WIND… Great Hall Burning allows you to adventure during the Viking Age, the period from the late 8th century to the mid-11th century. If you succeed in battle and in your raids, you can raise your Social Standing and gather more men. As your Fame grows you rise in rank until someday, you are King. Or you could be…  The journey is long, with many twists...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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Valtoris Imperium starter fleet

Valtoris Imperium starter fleet

This STL pack contains the files for 6 Valtoris ships plus fighters as a starter fleet for use in your games of Ironclads of Ferrosia, they can of course be used in other similar game systems. Files included... Valtoris Battleship Valtoris Carrier Valtoris Cruiser Valtoris Destroyer Valtoris Frigate Valtoris Submersible Valtoris Submersible (submersed) Valtoris Fighter Stand ...   [click here for more]
Mac  $4.00

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Zephyros Coalition starter fleet

Zephyros Coalition starter fleet

This STL pack contains the files for 6 Zephyros ships plus fighters as a starter fleet for use in your games of Ironclads of Ferrosia, they can of course be used in other similar game systems. Files included... Zephyros Battleship Zephyros Carrier Zephyros Cruiser Zephyros Destroyer Zephyros Frigate Zephyros Submersible Zephyros Submersible (submersed) Zephyros Fighter Stand ...   [click here for more]
Mac  $4.00

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Strike Legion Tactical Rules Compendium

Strike Legion Tactical Rules Compendium

More than just a simple compilation of the four books in the Strike Legion Tactical series (the award-winning Strike Legion Main Rulebook, Module 1: The Genome Gambit, Module 2: The Clockwork Armies and Skunk Works), the Strike Legion Tactical Rules Compendium contains one of the most complete game...   [click here for more]
Legionnaire Games  $19.95 $11.95

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scratch builder october 2024

scratch builder october 2024

This month we see the creation of a Rat man Vehicle with nothing but a plastic bottle, some barbecue sticks and old plastic sprues. All projects vary in complexity with some being easier than others. The author also shows how he paints scratch made armor and ships, all made by hand. Tool discussions and lots of photos describing every project make this a good source of ideas to any crafter. All scratch...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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scratch builder July 2024

scratch builder July 2024

This is July issue of the magazine. In this issue the author shows how they made paper model warships for campaign play. Several articles on different games including deth wizards (snarling badger studios), GW LOTR (older edition) and more. articles show terrain ideas, low budget tables, junk builds etc. All projects include a diverse array of low budget materials and can include clay, tinfoil,cardboard...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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Strike Legion Main Rulebook

Strike Legion Main Rulebook

Command a combined arms ground force from any future you wish to imagine! Strike Legion combines simple game mechanics with a unique, integrated electronic warfare system and a respectable amount of unit detail and variation - and all without sacrificing playability. Written in a progressive learning format with accompanying scenarios, players can easily and quickly command a company, battalion,...   [click here for more]
Legionnaire Games  $3.95

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STL file for SLA printers. 6mm sci-fi vehicle stls. ...   [click here for more]
IliadaGameStudio  $5.00

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scratch Builder Aug 2024

scratch Builder Aug 2024

This month's scratch builder concentrates on a city scape built entirely with recycled materials. Scrath builder monthly specializes in very low budget crafts, terrain and other wargaming related projects. Hand made models are also shown with a variety of photos of the construction process. ...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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Polyversal Sci-Fi Miniatures System

Polyversal Sci-Fi Miniatures System

Design: Ken Whitehurst Development: Byron Collins Editing: Michael Koznarsky Rulebook Layout: Marc von Martial Cover Artwork: Bruno Werneck Section Artworks: James Masino Combatant Tile Artworks: Bruno Werneck, James Masino Graphic Design: Byron...   [click here for more]
Collins Epic Wargames  $25.00

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AtomBlitz: Operation Epic Poem

AtomBlitz: Operation Epic Poem

The year is 2039. Against the background of the rest of exhausted Europe, Scandinavia seems quite prosperous: there is no war, or even hunger. Sweden, a small regional leader with a recently acquired nuclear arsenal, seems to be completely safe from any encroachments. Neighbors on the peninsula are reaching out to her for protection. A rogue state, the Great British Republic, is stirring up the North...   [click here for more]
gAMStudios  $10.00 $4.99

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scratchbuilder single project issue

scratchbuilder single project issue

This is a single project issue of scratch builder. This issue introduces building 6mm plastic mesh armies and a fort terrain piece. Future issues in this series will focus on other genres and new units. A fantasy black powder age is the underlying theme for all units shown in the document. ...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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Scratch builder monthly Sept 2024

Scratch builder monthly Sept 2024

This month we look at a simple and working mono rail scratch build for a sci fi city scape. Builds are approximate for 10mm gaming. Some of last month's game news and I discuss some of the terrain I made for OPR's grim dark "trash worlds". Tips for using masking tape when painting hand made ships, and a discussion of tools I use in low budget construction. All projects are made with recycled materials...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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Strike Legion: Planetary Operations Revised Edition

Strike Legion: Planetary Operations Revised Edition

Don't settle for a small patch of dirt - Conquer the entire world!   Strike Legion: Planetary Operations takes your tabletop command abilities to a higher level. Command full regiments and divisions, engage and defeat the enemy - and still be home in time for supper. Planetary Operations presents futuristic ground combat at a Grand Tactical scale,...   [click here for more]
Legionnaire Games  $9.95

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STL file for SLA printers. 6mm sci-fi vehicle stls. ...   [click here for more]
IliadaGameStudio  $5.00

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September scratch builder 2023

September scratch builder 2023

This is the september issue of scratch builder monthly by mj hobby corner. In this issue we explore the use of card board to make low budget star ship models for games. All projects in this series are low budget crafts that can be used in wargaming, as rpg visuals or simply as display. The issue also covers sculpting and solo rpg related topics. ...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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Pulp Alley: Gadgets, Guns & Vehicles

Pulp Alley: Gadgets, Guns & Vehicles

Pulp Gadgets, Guns & Vehicles -- This thrilling Pulp Alley expansion provides rules for BIG guns, strange gadgets, riding mounts, vehicles, custom modifications, and much, much more. From dog-sleds to flying characters, and from airplanes to colossal walking robots, our Pulp Gadgets, Guns, and Vehicles book makes it fast and easy to add even more excitement to...   [click here for more]
Pulp Alley  $9.99

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Scratch Builder Shorts Clay Edition

Scratch Builder Shorts Clay Edition

Let's build a starship using clay!  Follow mj hobby corner in this issue of scratch builder shorts. This document is a one project publication that details the construction of a proxie model or terrain piece. Length of document will vary depending on the project being considered.  Please note that scratch builder monthly is a monthly publication which may...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $1.99

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Rad Pirates of the Toxic Sands

Rad Pirates of the Toxic Sands

Rad Pirates of the Toxic Sands is a game of post-apocalyptic piracy upon the Mediterranean desert sands. Command a small flotilla of junkers as you attack tanker caravans, raid oil rigs and plunder the black gold.  You are a Rad Pirate captain with a small flotilla of sandships. You make a living trading with rigs or raiding them if they hike their prices up too high), salvaging scrap and...   [click here for more]
Planet Smasher Games  $10.00

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Space Ark

Space Ark

SPACE ARK is a miniature-agnostic skirmish wargame of space naval combat, pitting force against force in a war of attrition for command of the frontier. Players alternate activation through 5 key turn phases, navigating their 3-10 ship forces through the depths of space, issuing gunnery orders, managing crew stress, and repairing the massive amounts of damage the come so easily...   [click here for more]
Ryan LaLiberty  Pay What You Want

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scratchbuilder monthly March2024

scratchbuilder monthly March2024

scratch builder monthly is an ongoing series of documents that detail the author's approach to scratch building. Many of the projects shown are used in miniature wargaming, but some extend into rpg as well. In this issue we look at a variety of projects that includes inexpensive material like plastic mesh, felt, and other recycled items to creat game boards, ruins and other gaming terrain. ...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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5150 Fleet Commander

5150 Fleet Commander

Fleet Commander “Captains; I expect you to do your jobs. Engage!” Your Captains move their ships, fire missiles, launch fighters or torpedoes and perform damage control. That is their job! Your job is to decide where and when to engage the enemy, and more importantly, when to cut your losses and leave, while keeping the fleet  together. In 5150: Fleet Commander, the rules...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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scratch builder May 2024

scratch builder May 2024

May issue of scratch builder continues to expand on craft ideas for 15mm game play. This month we also look at paper models made with nothing but MS paint, including houses for a small village. I also introduce a short story to go with cold bloods clan war. This home brew narrative is inspired by the upcoming "river crusade" series. ...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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DeepWars - Kraken Reef Maps

DeepWars - Kraken Reef Maps

4 Printed Maps + marker sheet ...   [click here for more]
AntiMatter Games  $9.99

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GORE Skirmish

GORE Skirmish

Generic Open Rules Engine or GORE Skirmish is a tabletop miniatures game that is fast paced, easy to learn, and flexible enough for any time period or genre. Players control between 3-20 miniatures/bases/vehicles in their force and battle for supremacy in a quick play format.  This is the RUFF-KUTT EDITION which...   [click here for more]
Starmetal Forge  $9.99

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Castles in the Sky Addendum

Castles in the Sky Addendum

Castles in the Sky-Addendum is a supplement to Osprey Games' Castles in the Sky from the Osprey Wargaming Series 30 (OWG 30) written by Eric Farrington.  This is not a stand alone game.  To make use of these rules and ships you will need a copy of the Castles in the Sky rules to take full advantage of this PDF.  The Castles in the Sky  rules can be purchased wherever fine books...   [click here for more]
Blood and Spectacles Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Scratch builder December 2023

Scratch builder December 2023

Scratch builder monthly is a publication dedicated to the many crafting projects that are possible for wargaming. Projects include, terrain for several genres, and figures like sci fi vehicles, star ships, and armor. In this issue, we explore making miniature tanks out of cardboard, small scale cavern terrain and other RPG props for the table top. We also explore making mesh armies for 6mm gaming....   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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Strike Legion: Skunk Works

Strike Legion: Skunk Works

Strike Legion: Skunk Works brings new optional and "advanced" rules to your gaming table. The fourth volume in the Strike Legion tactical series includes: *Rules for Scout EW, Tank Riders, Psionic combat, capturing enemy vehicles and troops, Aimed Shots, Ambushes, Drones, and more. *Complete rules for rail movement, trains, and land trains. *Solitaire gaming rules for...   [click here for more]
Legionnaire Games  $3.95

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scratch builder April 2024

scratch builder April 2024

This month I dive into making small star fighters for my sci fi games. I demonstrate how i make these small craft using plastic mesh and card. In addition, I show a simple project showing a larger scaled star fighter out of craft wood. I also added some narrative for my little series on YouTube "cold bloods/ clan wars" with some terrain projects for my 15mm fantasy jungle settings. ...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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Task Force Zeta Vol. 1: Ships of the Line

Task Force Zeta Vol. 1: Ships of the Line

Task Force Zeta is a game of starship combat set in any future you wish to imagine! Fight ship-on-ship duels with the enemy or engage entire fleets in battles of 50-60 ships per fleet - and finish the battle in anywhere from 30 minutes to an afternoon's gaming time. The rulebook is divided into easy-to-learn sections and uses a form of programmed instruction, allowing players to apply...   [click here for more]
Legionnaire Games  $9.95

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Scratch Builder Monthly June 2023

Scratch Builder Monthly June 2023

This month's scratch builder has additional material. An overview of solo RPG oracles, building a low budget space station, working with foam to build fictitious navy ships or star ships from home world. These are a few topics covered in this issue. Scratch Builder Monthly is Mj Hobby corner's monthly publication summarizing scratch built projects and ideas for scratch built models.All projects demonstrated...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $2.99

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Scratch builder Mesh Tank

Scratch builder Mesh Tank

This is a single project issue detailing how I build a tank out of plastic stitching mesh. Tanks are approximately 15mm to 1/72 scale and used in my own games. Project is intermediate in complexity, involving work with small details and parts. This is a scratch building tutorial document. ...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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Game Design: Ty Bomba The successor to XTR's classic NATO, Nukes, and Nazis, this new version is a "What If" two-map mini-monster wargame set during the late-1980s in an alternative universe in which the Nazi regime survived World War II and is set to start World War III. Here is designer Ty Bomba's introduction to the game:  The genesis of this game came about in the May 1979 (no. 44) issue...   [click here for more]
One Small Step  $69.95 $24.95

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5150: Fighter Command

5150: Fighter Command

5150: Fighter Command 5150: Fighter Command is THW’s game of Fighter combat in deep space. Yes, there are rules for Destroyers, Battleships, and other Capital Ships but the Stars are the Fighter Pilots. Start in command of a Flight of 2 or 3 Fighters and, if you stay alive, maybe you work your way up to Squadron Leader. Fighter Command introduces some new game mechanics for...   [click here for more]
Rebel Minis  $9.95

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The Incredible Events of the Century and the Attack of the Inner Planets

The Incredible Events of the Century and the Attack of the Inner Planets

A set of wargames rules aimed at smaller scale figures, which will hopefully help you refight the wars of the later 19th century. They allow you to refight not merely the invasion of the Martians but have rules for building your own armoured trains and warships. They also allow you to design and built your own armoured fighting vehicles, taking advantage of all the modern technological advances you...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Universal solitaire suggestions for use in any military board game. These concepts can be applied to land, sea, or air games of any era and any scale. Not rules, as such, these are concepts to provide fog of war to your gaming. Orders are not always received, delayed, understood, and refused. Troop quality will also determine the results. ...   [click here for more]
Michael Raymond  $6.00 $1.00

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Strike Legion Module One: The Genome Gambit

Strike Legion Module One: The Genome Gambit

Strike Legion: The Genome Gambit increases the depth and scope of your fictional wars by adding fully customizable xenomorphs (or plain old "bugs" if you prefer), genetically modified "super soldiers", and bio-mechanoid units and technology. Specialized command rules for truly "alien" species provide new challenges and opportunities to play out in front of you on your tabletop. New rule and...   [click here for more]
Legionnaire Games  $2.50

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Strike Legion Module Two: The Clockwork Armies

Strike Legion Module Two: The Clockwork Armies

Strike Legion: The Clockwork Armies provides everything needed for players to fight battles in an alternate or historical past. Drawing from both historical sources and Victorian-era science fiction, players can field armies of sky, land, and sailing ships alongside troops armed with rifles and muskets, swords, bows, and spears. New rules additions include advanced air combat, galleys and sailing...   [click here for more]
Legionnaire Games  $2.50

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The War That Never Was: a Planetary Operations Module

The War That Never Was: a Planetary Operations Module

May 1, 1989: The world goes to war as Soviet forces lead the Warsaw Pact armies against the defenders of the West. The war was brief, brutal, and nearly destroyed the developed world. Or, it could have - had it actually happened. Step into an alternate past to play out battles from The War That Never Was on a brigade and divisional level. This Strike Legion: Planetary...   [click here for more]
Legionnaire Games  $4.95

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Scratch Builder Monthly

Scratch Builder Monthly

Scratch builder monthly is mj hobby corner's monthly publication on scratch building models, terrain and other low budget ideas for wargaming. Some months will also  include a written battle report that shows the scratch built models in action on the table top. Filled with pictures that show how the models are made, scratch builder monthly also shows tools used for building, lists inexpensive products...   [click here for more]
MJ hobby corner  $3.00

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