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This simple set of card- and dice-driven “Fast-Play” rules is designed for use in re-fighting naval battles in the ‘Age of Sail’ (early 1700s to early 1800s), involving small or large numbers of ships, in a tabletop situation.
The game is meant to be played by two or more players, each having control of one or more three ship ‘Squadrons’. The whole ‘Fleet’ may comprise of a variable... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
On the 21st October 1805 the combined fleets of France and Spain, under the command of Admiral Villeneuve, finally left Cadiz harbor to face the British fleet led by Admiral Lord Nelson.
This scenario is the First in a series planned to compliment the “England Expects...” naval wargame rules by Studio7aUK.
* * * ... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
The American War of Independence is well into its 5th year when the British supply fleet heading for Yorktown, Virginia, are halted by a French fleet in Chesapeake Bay.
The ensuing battle has ramifications for the future of the British and Continental Armies.
This scenario is the Second in a series planned to compliment the “England Expects...” naval wargame rules by Studio7aUK.
* * *... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
Napoleon Bonaparte has taken an expeditionary force into Egypt, and Great Britain vehemently objects. Lord Nelson is dispatched to locate and sink the French Mediterranean fleet...
And... He did - on both counts!
This scenario is the Third in a series planned to compliment the “England Expects...” naval wargame rules by Studio7aUK.
* * * ... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
 1 Page Hexagonal War Game Maps are a collection of modular maps designed to fit on a single page of paper and intended for use with tabletop wargames compatable with 1.25inch hexagon spaces. The individual maps are designed to be assembled into larger contiguous arrangements to allow for a large variety of engagement space.
The collection "Rolling Hills & Rivers" presents a selection of six different... [click here for more] |
E. Fuhr Game Accessories |
Pay What You Want
 1 Page Hexagonal War Game Maps are a collection of modular maps designed to fit on a single page of paper and intended for use with tabletop wargames compatable with 1.25inch hexagon spaces. The individual maps are designed to be assembled into larger contiguous arrangements to allow for a large variety of engagement space.
The collection "Wooded Shoreline" presents a selection of twentyfour different... [click here for more] |
E. Fuhr Game Accessories |
Pay What You Want
 This is an STL for a stencil to make a 2" Hex grid. It is physically 200 mm x 200 mm and will print fine flat on an Ender3 printer.
I used it to make a 6x8 foot hex map on green felt.
There are two versions, one with wide openings for thick markers and one with narrower openings. ... [click here for more] |
Two Inches of Felt |
Pay What You Want
 Blank Hex and Square grids are the perfect tool to help you set up your wargaming table or draw your wargame maps. A few marker pens are all you need to get started. In a painch you can use these A4 sized paper grids as wargaming mats as well.
Available in 20 mm Square and Hex grids.
20mm in Hex refers to the inner diameter (length between opposing end points) not the hex sides. ... [click here for more] |
Witwise Wargames |
Pay What You Want
These are 28 mm miniatures paper cut-out counters that counters and templates suitable for use with your own games or other naval games that uses 28mm miniatures. They can also be used as counters in normal hex and counter game.
The Units are provided as PDF files for various color options, you can print and cut then fold to form your naval... [click here for more] |
Obscure Battles |
Pay What You Want
This is a brief guide to naval warfare in the Cold War period (1960's to 1990 approx). It was written to assist wargamers who had little experience and knowledge of the period. As such some aspects have been simplified whilst others have been omitted if they are unlikely to be included in a wargame. ... [click here for more] |
Mannanan Games & Publications |
Pay What You Want
Above Decks
DramaScape Pay What You Want Vol 12
This product is a full-color... [click here for more] |
DramaScape |
Pay What You Want
 STL file for SLA printers.
6mm sci-fi vehicle stls.
Pay what you want!
... [click here for more] |
IliadaGameStudio |
Pay What You Want
 In the decade plus since Anaconda was released, the proliferation of knowledge regarding naval aspects of the Civil War advanced at a rapid rate. Old assumptions have been challenged and ‘lost’ data has been deduced through diligent research and conservative conjecture. Some ships that were so shadowy in detail to border as myths have been documented and detailed and made worthy of hitting... [click here for more] |
Ray Garbee |
Pay What You Want
This document is comprised of sample pages from the new naval wargame rules by Rich Sartore and Jack Joyner and is intended to provide the reader with additional information to assist in their decision to purchase ADMIRAL OF THE FLEET and its companion titles.
In addition to move/turn rulers and other items of interest to the naval gamer, this title contains sample pages from the first volume of the... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
 Here is Battletech appropriate sizes for anything! The shape and size match up with official battletech maps at 30 X 34.240MM (microscopically bigger so that each side is exactly 17.24mm and is even more aesthetically pleasing than official bases). There are large bases for your huge ship models and weird custom mechs. 7 sizes included (1x, 2x, 3x, 3x (line), 4x, 4X (line), 7X). The files were... [click here for more] |
Cabal Coffers |
Pay What You Want
Recon Corner is supplementary rules for our Iron Cross/Howatr2 wargame, always bringing something new to you. In this "report," we bring rules for bizarre projecyts, and you can use in Iron Cross or Hotwar scenarios. We bring to you 3 exclsuive miniatures for your gametable:
- Mobile Pill box Fortress
- Combat Dynaspehre
- Atomic Tank
Have Fun!
Take... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
Pay What You Want

Recon Corner is supplementary rules for our Iron Cross/Howatr2 wargame, always bringing something new to you. In this "report," we bring the second part rules for tank projects, and you can use in Iron Cross or Hotwar scenarios. We bring to you 2 exclsuive stl files for 3d miniatures for your gametable:
- The Leaping Tank
- The Wrona Tank
Have Fun!
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR WORK!... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
Pay What You Want
 A Matomaton collectable cards image collection for wargamers.
Fifty images from one series of collectable cards depicting the medals and ribbons of British chivalric orders and awards for valour.
This collection contains images of the fronts and backs of twenty-five cards from the British Orders Of Chivalry & Valour series of the early nineteenth... [click here for more] |
Matomaton |
Pay What You Want
My previous ruleset Dreadnoughts At Dawn reproduced large capital ship engagements in or around the 1st world war. It did not deal with aircraft or submarines, and focussed on the larger capital ships.
Carrier Strike at Dawn has a number of different "Mission types", opne of which is large surface ship combat in daylight, there are changes from WW1 but not that many.
The most important and innovative... [click here for more] |
Dawn Gaming |
Pay What You Want
To complete this line of 1/6000 scale miniatures, we present to you the carriers of the major fleets of the war. immortal names such as the Ark Royal, Enterprise, Akagi, and Kaga. to lesser-known carriers such as the Bearn or the theoretical such as the Aquila or the Graf zeppelin. also included as a bonus are a pair of designs to represent landing craft and cargo vessels.
... [click here for more] |
Badger with a quill |
Pay What You Want
Castles in the Sky-Addendum is a supplement to Osprey Games' Castles in the Sky from the Osprey Wargaming Series 30 (OWG 30) written by Eric Farrington. This is not a stand alone game. To make use of these rules and ships you will need a copy of the Castles in the Sky rules to take full advantage of this PDF. The Castles in the Sky rules can be purchased wherever fine books... [click here for more] |
Blood and Spectacles Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Cheap to buy. Cheap to print. Never cheaply made!
Cheapskate Games is a series of original game designs from Knights Crimson Publishing. Every product in this series is intended for casual gaming with simple yet elegant rules and subject matter that is both suitable for and appealing to a wide audience. These games are perfect for times when you're missing a player from... [click here for more] |
Knights Crimson |
Pay What You Want
Ship data in D&C format for the Italian and Austrian ships of the Lissa campaign of 1866. This data allows the Lissa campaign presented in "Broadside and Ram" to be played out using the more detailed Dahlgren and Columbiad rules.
https://www.wargamevault.com/product/185447/Broadside-and-Ram ... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |
Pay What You Want
What happens when you have a magical land powered by pure imagination, populated by living and breathing sock puppets that have a dispute over a large body of water? Magical naval warfare, of course!
This is a quick and easy guide to having full scale, slightly magical naval battles in your own home. Rules which cover movement, combat, glowing blue and what happens should a dog or small child eat... [click here for more] |
Troll in the Corner |
Pay What You Want
Dawn of Iron: Charleston's Strange Fish Mini-Battle Pack
The attached battle pack expansion covers the the several stange vessels fielded by Union and Confederate forces as they grapled with the difficulties of the blockade. For the Confederates, you will find a history of the David-class torpedo boats as well as the famous HL Hunlry, the first submbarine that sunk an enemy vessel... [click here for more] |
Scary Biscuits Studios |
Pay What You Want
Dragon Ship
DramaScape Pay What You Want Vol 4
This product is a full-color, 48 inch by 20 inch, floor plan of a Dragon Ship, with Hex, Square and No overlay.
The PDF includes includes... [click here for more] |
DramaScape |
Pay What You Want
 Dreadnoughts At Dawn – Other Powers is an expansion to the Dreadnoughts at Dawn rules, also available from Wargames Vault. It cannot be played without the full rules as it is basically just a ship data record pack upgrade. There are no rules changes included in this expansion.
It includes new ship classes for the following countries, covering the vast majority of warships available to these powers... [click here for more] |
Dawn Gaming |
Pay What You Want
Echo Actual is a company-scale wargame that fits well between the tabletop simulations and war/boardgames on your shelf. The system is adaptable for playing on a variety of maps you already own with a soon-to-be-released bundle of OPORD scenarios designed specifically for Echo Actual.
With full page art from my home table... [click here for more] |
Postpunk Superhero |
Pay What You Want
Here are the three MARKERS sheets for the "England Expects..." Naval Wargame by Ian F White.
Sheet #1 = Basic Markers (Movement, Firing, Grappling and Shaken).
Sheet #2 = Commander Markers (Admirals and Officers).
Sheet #3 = Flag Markers (British, French, Spanish, Dutch and American).
Presented here for ease of printing. ... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
 These are STLs for Stratego-esque stands that can be loaded with a 1" x 1" piece of paper or cardstock to represent a unit obscured by fog of war. If you use a mix of stands with actual units and "dummy" stands, you can conceal not only the types of units in an army but where the army actually is. The two expanded stands can be used for 6mm wargames as they can also completely obscure a unit so you... [click here for more] |
Two Inches of Felt |
Pay What You Want
These are just the bare bones of the 2nd edition rules for those of you who cannot wait until the full version or who think they can do without vibrant background stories, witty commentary, boats, water creatures, more scenarios…
You now only need the Freebooter's Fate game cards and a starter box with the miniatures for each player to go on a wild ride of gaming!
So grab... [click here for more] |
Freebooter Miniatures |
Pay What You Want
This is a counter set for the 1989 Gulf Of Sidra Incident. This is a preview of an upcoming War In The Jet Age counter pack that will include aircraft from the Korean War to the Fifth Generation. Included are eight 50mm square counters. 2 F-14A wing swept
2 F-14A wing forward 2 MiG 23 wing swept
2 MiG 23 wing forward There are also weapon counters included with smoke trails for the following:... [click here for more] |
Pocket Warfare Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Set of two grids. Perfect for any wargaming or RPG system.
Scalable and editable EPS files
Zip file contain:
1. Hex grid 2in x 2in (total size 6x4 ft.)
2. Square grid 1in x 1in (total size 6x4 ft.) ... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
 This is the free version for exploring the book. Evaluate the flow of material before purchasing both parts of the handbook. ... [click here for more] |
Vyacheslav Batalov |
Pay What You Want
This pay-what-you-want publication is an updated 36-page preview of Skirmisher Publishing's popular and Adamantine-bestselling 240-page City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities!
City Builder is a writer's resource specifically designed to help storytellers create exciting and compelling urban areas and other sorts of communities and places within them. It... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Iron & Steam is a set of miniatures rules for naval combat of the American Civil War. The rules feature a gun-by-gun combat resolution, written orders and simultaneous movement. Traditionally played with 1/600 scale models the combat scale is closer to 1/2400 scale, though the game is generally model scale agnostic. Also included are over 100 pre-filled ship record sheets, turning radii... [click here for more] |
Autodidact-O-Saurus |
Pay What You Want
 Iron, Steam & Canvas
A Compendium of 1,135 Union and Confederate Vessels of the American Civil War, 1861-1865 From Tugs to Ships of the Line Extracted from the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships The Dictionary of American Fighting Ships (DANFS) is a comprehensive listing of over 10,000 ships operated by the US Navy from... [click here for more] |
Autodidact-O-Saurus |
Pay What You Want
This volume is the result of more than thirty years research, involving the many people, institutions, documents, books and records listed in the contents.
At date of publication presents the most up to date history of all those vessels of the Confederate States Navy, proposed, planned, started, not finished, and completed that had iron plating protection in one form or another.
So far as is... [click here for more] |
john w wallis |
Pay What You Want
 Mecha Bardagulan is a tabletop wargame where players command customizable mechs in tactical battles. The game has 2 versions, one that uses a hex-based map, and another that uses inches. Here’s a breakdown of what makes it appealing to both wargamers and beginners:
For Wargamers: •Deep Customization: Players can create unique mechs by selecting from various classes (Heavy, Normal,... [click here for more] |
DinoSer |
Pay What You Want
This book gives you everything you need to play Missile Threat solo and to play the Mercenary Air Campaign.
The Solo Rules:
These include all the rules needed for solo games, as well as random aircraft tables for every conflict and faction covered in Missile Threat. Random Ground Asset and Naval Vessel tables are also included. The solo game relies on regular playing... [click here for more] |
Ostfront Publishing |
Pay What You Want

HMS Detroit original build ship detail sheet.
A single ship detail sheet for use with Vandering Publications naval wargames rules set "Northern Moat", depicting naval warfare on the Great Lakes! This shows HMS Detroit, British flagship at the battle of Put-in-Bay, with her intended original armament.
WARNING - this is not a complete game, its not even a complete... [click here for more] |
Vandering Publications |
Pay What You Want

HMS St Lawrence ship detail sheet.
A single ship detail sheet for use with Vandering Publications naval wargames rules set "Northern Moat", depicting naval warfare on the Great Lakes! This shows HMS St Lawrence, the only ship-of-the-line commissioned on Lake Ontario.
Note: St Lawrence is an enormous ship and we suggest this is printed off on an A3 sheet.
WARNING... [click here for more] |
Vandering Publications |
Pay What You Want

USS Chippewa ship detail sheet.
A single ship detail sheet for use with Vandering Publications naval wargames rules set "Northern Moat", depicting naval warfare on the Great Lakes! This shows USS Chippewa, the US Navy's ship of the line answer to Britain's HMS St Lawrence, the only ship-of-the-line commissioned on Lake Ontario.
Note: Chippewa is an enormous ship... [click here for more] |
Vandering Publications |
Pay What You Want

USS New Orleans ship detail sheet.
A single ship detail sheet for use with Vandering Publications naval wargames rules set "Northern Moat", depicting naval warfare on the Great Lakes! This shows USS New Orleans, the US Navy's projected ship of the line for Lake Ontario.
Note: New Orleans is an enormous ship and we suggest this is printed off on an A3 sheet.
WARNING... [click here for more] |
Vandering Publications |
Pay What You Want
These rules enable fast play games set in the Age of Sail. Optional rules are included to cover early steam ships. These rules can be used with any models. The required templates are available as a separate free download. The rules provide an engaging and interactive game with the correct period feel. The system enables players to interrupt their opponent's actions so both players are fully engaged... [click here for more] |
Nigel Emsen |
Pay What You Want
These rules enable fast play games set in the Age of Sail. Optional rules are included to cover early steam ships. These rules can be used with any models. The required templates are available as a separate free download. The rules provide an engaging and interactive game with the correct period feel. The system enables players to interrupt their opponent's actions so both players are fully engaged... [click here for more] |
Nigel Emsen |
Pay What You Want
These rules enable fast play games set in the Age of Sail. Optional rules are included to cover early steam ships. These rules can be used with any models. The required templates are available as a separate free download. The rules provide an engaging and interactive game with the correct period feel. The system enables players to interrupt their opponent's actions so both players are fully engaged... [click here for more] |
Nigel Emsen |
Pay What You Want
These rules enable fast play games set in the Age of Sail. Optional rules are included to cover early steam ships. These rules can be used with any models. The required templates are available as a separate free download. The rules provide an engaging and interactive game with the correct period feel. The system enables players to interrupt their opponent's actions so both players are fully engaged... [click here for more] |
Nigel Emsen |
Pay What You Want
These rules enable fast play games set in the Age of Sail. Optional rules are included to cover early steam ships. These rules can be used with any models. The required templates are available as a separate free download. The rules provide an engaging and interactive game with the correct period feel. The system enables players to interrupt their opponent's actions so both players are fully engaged... [click here for more] |
Nigel Emsen |
Pay What You Want
These rules enable fast play games set in the Age of Sail. Optional rules are included to cover early steam ships. These rules can be used with any models. The required templates are available as a separate free download. The rules provide an engaging and interactive game with the correct period feel. The system enables players to interrupt their opponent's actions so both players are fully engaged... [click here for more] |
Nigel Emsen |
Pay What You Want