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I'm super happy to announce that the english Open Beta of my 28mm indie (mainly) solo Tabletop game is out! You are a retro-scifi (1900s Jules Verne style) eccentric Zoologist who roams the universe to discover, hunt, and breed all alien creatures!
The game has a strong focus on toybashing dinosaur and animal toys to craft your creatures. The rules are easy... [click here for more] |
Titus Painting |
Pay What You Want
Shootin Iron
Shootin Iron is a fast playing miniature game designed for quick pick-up games or tournament play. The complete, yet concise, rules for this game are printed on a single, two sided, sheet of paper designed to be laminated for easy use and reference during play.
The design goal was to take in all the trappings necessary for a fun and tactical cinematic Wild West... [click here for more] |
Dave Bezio's Grey Area Games |
Herzlich Willkommen zur ersten Erweiterung von Alien Zoology! Endlich könnt ihr nun gemeinsam mit mehreren Expeditionsteams auf die Jagd nach fremden Kreaturen gehen.
Was ist neu in Multiplayer Hunts?
-Mehrspieler-Spielmodus (2+ Expeditionsteams)
-Begegne mehreren fremden Kreaturen während einer Jagd (2+ Kreaturen)
-Baue dir eine Alien Zoology Travel... [click here for more] |
Titus Painting |
Pay What You Want
The bases (Blücher by Sam A. Mustafa)
2,5d Modular Wargames System
The set designed especially for tabletop wargames from line of "Just Paper Battles Napoleonics" series.
File format: PDF A4 and US Letter (up to 64 MB)
Color model: CMYK (full color)
Resolution: 300 dpi
Warning! These digital designs are available for personal non-commercial... [click here for more] |
Just Paper Battles |
Pay What You Want
ALIEN ZOOLOGY gibt's jetzt auch auf deutsch!
Ich bin überglücklich, dass die deutsche Open Beta meines 28mm Indie Solo-Tabletop-Spiels endlich da ist! Du nimmst die Rolle eines exzentrischen Zoologen ein, der das Universum bereist, um alle außerirdischen Kreaturen zu entdecken, zu jagen und zu züchten!
Ein Schwerpunkt des Spiels liegt auf dem "Toybashen" von Dinosaurier- und... [click here for more] |
Titus Painting |
Pay What You Want
The design philosophy of the Gunpowder rules provides a simple approach that can be used to play wargame battles at brigade or higher command levels, irrespective of the figure scale (6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 25mm and even 1/32 scale) with your own current models and common basing formats currently in use. There are many very good rule sets aimed at a specific period in the hobby which provide a detailed... [click here for more] |
Nigel Emsen |
Pay What You Want
Tactical Winter Maps!
Set of 3 maps perfect for any modern tactical game. Hexes fit 5/8s counters when printed.
Maps include: "Treeline", "Valley Village", and "Hill"
Should conform to the rules of most tactical games they might be used for. Mostly. For friendly games, anyway, if you play that one title. ;)
... [click here for more] |
Zombiesmith |
WINTER ADVENTURES allows you to create massive winter layouts, quickly and easly, while offering our exclusive FOLD-FLAT tree designs for easy storage.
This product requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download) to use.
This set includes:
• Bare tree (simple)
• Bare tree (complex)
• Coniferous tree
• Wooden bridge
• Snow/Ice bridge
• Snow/Ice caverns
• Waterfall
• Outdoor... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Free dowloadable Alpha Rule-set for Alternative Civil War: 1861. You can start playing even if you have no miniatures yet! ... [click here for more] |
Ghost Train Games |
Reglamento gratuito descargable para Alternative Civil War: 1861. ¡Podéis empezar a jugar incluso no teniendo aún miniaturas! ... [click here for more] |
Ghost Train Games |
Colts and Arrows are very simple and quick western skirmish wargame rules, designed to be played in less than an hour. Game is played on squares. Each square is about 2” – 4” inches depending on the size of the models being used. Game is about collecting the most gold. The Character that has any hits left at the end of game and has the most gold is the winner.... [click here for more] |
Nigel Emsen |
Includes card fronts and backs for making your own Fortune Deck for Pulp Alley. And be sure to download this file if you're going to try our free Pulp Alley Quick Start rules.
The Pulp Alley - Fortune Deck! ... [click here for more] |
Pulp Alley |
Our free Pulp Alley - Quick Start rules in PDF format.
This free PDF focuses on the core mechanics of Pulp Alley, but is not the complete game. Includes two league rosters and an introductory scenario - ready to play.
Try Pulp Alley for FREE! ... [click here for more] |
Pulp Alley |
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of my Shootin Iron miniature game, I decided to revise and rename the original 1st edition of the game. Upon rereading, I actually think the 1st edition was a more unique...and possibly better, game. I hope you enjoy reading and playing it as much as I do.
Revisiting and replaying this has been a joy, and reminded me of the initial fast play and easy to learn goal... [click here for more] |
Dave Bezio's Grey Area Games |
This is a free play aid for Fear and Faith horror miniature rules. It is a handy table that clarifies what weapon and attack types affect which monsters. ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Whitewash City FREE PDF Building Model
This Whitewash City building PDF file makes 1 main model in 30mm (1/60th) scale. This is a high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building model by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models are based on The Real Historical Old West, from buildings of the Wild West of the USA and... [click here for more] |
Hotz Stuff |