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Alpha-Tech City: Building 02
by Fat Dragon Games

ALPHA-TECH CITY brings you super-detailed 3D printable terrain for your 6mm Battle Mech wargames. All models print without supports!

Alpha-Tech City: Building 02
 Hottest Land, STL (3D Model)
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Uncle Tony Garage 1/64

Uncle Tony Garage 1/64

This set of STL files was designed for FDM and SLA printers, with your gaming tables, dioramas, and Hot Wheels track models in mind. We are introducing laser-cut files for the workshop walls as an additional option. Scale 1:64. The car and human figure are not included, they are only for scale representation. ...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $3.99

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Workshop Set 2

Workshop Set 2

For your dioramas or gaming table. Designed for SLA printers. You can scale them down by 80% to 85% for 1/64 scale! ...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $3.99

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Midgard Heroic Battles Official Measuring Sticks & Tokens STL for 3D Printing - Personal Use

Midgard Heroic Battles Official Measuring Sticks & Tokens STL for 3D Printing - Personal Use

Midgard Heroic Battles 3D STLs – Personal Use (to print a few sets for yourself or a club) This is a bundle of 5 STL files needed to 3D print the following for Midgard Heroic Battles published by Reisswitz Press.   Half Spear Throw Ruler (60 x 15 x 12mm) One Spear Throw Ruler (120 x 15 x 12mm) Two Spear Throw Ruler (240 x 15 x 12mm) Charging or Winning Marker (20 x 25mm) Shot Marker (20...   [click here for more]
Mogsymakes  $7.49

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Armour Acessories

Armour Acessories

For your dioramas or gaming table. Designed for SLA printers. You can scale them down by 80% to 85% for 1/64 scale! ...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $2.99

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Workshop Set 1

Workshop Set 1

For your dioramas or gaming table. Designed for SLA printers. You can scale them down by 80% to 85% for 1/64 scale! ...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $2.99

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HexTile: Hill and Road Terrain Boards

HexTile: Hill and Road Terrain Boards

Hex based terrain boards with hill and road features for creating a 3d battlefield. Each tile is a large hexagon made up of smaller 1.93 inch (49 mm) hexagons. This is the largest Hexagon tile that can fit on a 220 mm print bed. If you have a larger print bed you can scale them by 103.6% to achieve 2 inches. Hills slope up in 5 and 10 mm increments. Tile risers can be used to raise any tile by 10...   [click here for more]
Two Inches of Felt  $10.00

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HexTile: Hedgerow and Road Terrain Boards

HexTile: Hedgerow and Road Terrain Boards

Hex based terrain boards with hedgerow features for creating a 3d battlefield. Each tile is a large hexagon made up of smaller 1.93 inch (49 mm) hexagons. This is the largest Hexagon tile that can fit on a 220 mm print bed. If you have a larger print bed you can scale them by 103.6% to achieve 2 inches. I also sell tree models that are designed for these terrain boards. Other HexTile Packs: Hills...   [click here for more]
Two Inches of Felt  $5.00

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World War Tesla: Starter Set

World War Tesla: Starter Set

NEW 2nd EDITION! THE ERA OF 3D PRINTABLE WARGAMES IS HERE! World War Tesla™ is an alternate-history wargame by James M. Ward (author of TSR's Gamma World, Deities & Demigods, and Metamorphis Alpha) and Thomas A. Tullis, where Nikola Tesla’s more radical ideas such as death rays and force fields have come to fruition, changing...   [click here for more]
Fat Dragon Games  $19.99 $10.00

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Fir/Pine Forest Tree Terrain

Fir/Pine Forest Tree Terrain

Includes 8 different variations of 1-4 Fir Trees Easily printed on an FDM printer with no supports and 10% infill. I usually print at 0.24 layer height and 1-2 line width for walls.  The scale is suitable for 6mm and 12mm as is, could be scaled to 2mm and 15mm. Painted trees with 12mm M4 Sherman for scale: All 8 unique sculpts unpainted: How looks from above: ...   [click here for more]
Two Inches of Felt  $5.00

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Drums and Cans Set

Drums and Cans Set

An exclusive set of STL files featuring various drums and fuel cans for your dioramas or gaming table. Designed for SLA printers. You can scale them down by 80% to 85% for 1/64 scale! ...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $2.99

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STL file for SLA printers. 6mm sci-fi vehicle stls. ...   [click here for more]
IliadaGameStudio  $5.00

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STL file for SLA printers. 6mm sci-fi vehicle stls. ...   [click here for more]
IliadaGameStudio  $5.00

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Small Scale Scenery : black powder era city/village (6 to 15mm) (28 differents buildings)

Small Scale Scenery : black powder era city/village (6 to 15mm) (28 differents buildings)

You've ever dream of playing big scale battles with rich sceneries and city ! With these 28 buildings, you will be able to build a huge city with enough variation on the board ! ...   [click here for more]
Thenainblanc Studio  $20.00

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Hedgerow/Bocage Terrain for 6mm & 10mm

Hedgerow/Bocage Terrain for 6mm & 10mm

Includes 10 different lengths of hedgerow to create a modular bocage battlefield. These are best suited for 6mm but can be used as bushes for 10mm, pictures of both included. Easily printed on an FDM printer with no supports. I recommend only 2 walls and 15 % infill to print. Use your fastest speed settings as you will not be able to notice imperfections in the leaves. 6mm: ...   [click here for more]
Two Inches of Felt  $5.00

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Russian WW2 Village

Russian WW2 Village

Extending our line of wargame buildings, we are bringing to your table a complete ww2 Russian Village focusing on the WWII. Designed in  1/100 scale, they can also be used on the 1/300 scale. There are 5 buildings and some accessories to print in 3D and put on your game table! Get to know our products! This set contains the spare parts: - 1 church with two roofs type - Barn - 3 different...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $6.99 $4.99

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Morningstar Miniatures Presents: 3mm Seven Years War Collection

Morningstar Miniatures Presents: 3mm Seven Years War Collection

Morningstar’s Seven Years’ War collection contains a wide variety of over two HUNDRED 1/600th scale STLs for aspiring generals across the continent! Inspired by Mike Nichols’ 6mm Seven Years’ War campaign articles in Miniatures Wargames in the early 00s, these are unit bases intended for Warmaster/DBA-style 40mm by 20mm bases. Many are also suitable for the American War of Independence...   [click here for more]
Morningstar Productions  $10.00

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WWII Specialist Set

WWII Specialist Set

European Builidings Facilities for your WW2 6mm wargame tables. This set contains the following products Generic Factories Red October Plant WW2 Aereodrome "D" Day Set  Japanese Bunkers WW2 Radars River Bridges Stalag Cuildings European Train Station Tunnels Entrance Exclusive V2 Launching Site 1/300 SCALE (6MM) GREAT STL FILES FOR YOUR SLA PRINTER! Discover...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $9.49 $4.29

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Deciduous Forest Tree Terrain

Deciduous Forest Tree Terrain

Includes 8 different variations of a deciduous woodlands. Easily printed on an FDM printer with no supports and 10% infill. I usually print at 0.24 layer height and 1-2 line width for walls. Takes <1 hr per piece on my neptune 4. The scale is suitable for 6mm and 12mm as is, could be scaled to 2mm and 15mm. Painted woods with 6mm panzer IV for reference: All 8 unique sculpts unpainted: Closeup...   [click here for more]
Two Inches of Felt  $5.00

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F-71T "Monty"

F-71T "Monty"

To give it the proper designation, the F-71T Saint-Germain-de-Monte, or "Monty" for short, is the second tank design by Apocrypha_Now. Going back to the early days of tank development, this chonky little tank is heavily influenced by the classic Renault FT17. Features a ridiculously large front wheel, rear skid and cast turret to capture the vibe of Great War & Interwar tanks. Lots of possibilities...   [click here for more]
Apocrypha_Now  $1.87

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Anderson Christmas Mega Set

Anderson Christmas Mega Set

Voxel House is bringing a Christmas gift to all of you: a mega set with approximately 16 sets of STL files for SCIFI miniatures designed for Ogre, Battletech, and other dystopian sci-fi gaming tables. Take advantage of this mega promotion! This set contains: Big Guys Factories Set I Civilian Buildings Allied Forces Scifi Buliding...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $14.49 $5.89

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WW2 6mm Infantry

WW2 6mm Infantry

For your wargame table! Exclusive 6mm infantry for 1/285 or 1/300 battles. This set includes USA - 2 infantry stands - Machine Gun Stand - Mortar Stand Germany - 2 infantry stands - Machine Gun Stand - Mortar Stand - Pak 37, 75 and 88 Soviet Union - 2 infantry stands - Machine Gun Stand - Mortar Stand - Political Commissaire with Flag Pole stand - At rifle stand Pay what you want...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  Pay What You Want

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Normandy Houses 1/100 & 1/300

Normandy Houses 1/100 & 1/300

Voxehouse is bringing to you a set of 4 typical houses from the region of Normandy for your wargame tables, focusing on World War II. These models are already ready for the 1/100 and 1/300 scales, thinking of 3d filament printers. The detailing process of 3D modeling was thought for both situations. However, if you have a resin printer, you can print the part on the 1/100 scale with about 30% of its...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $2.99 $1.99

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Boxpanzer III "Wasserkocher"

Boxpanzer III "Wasserkocher"

The third (and definitely chunkiest) tank to come from the imagination of Apocrypha_Now is the Boxpanzer III, or hilariously dubbed "Wasserkocher" by the infantry.  Decidedly late-war and Germanic in appearence, this slab sided beast features the interlocking armour panel construction favoured by the baddies, and a casemate shape similar to that of the Jagdtiger and some paper-panzers. Those big...   [click here for more]
Apocrypha_Now  $1.87

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Stalingrad Ruins - Set I

Stalingrad Ruins - Set I

Extending our line of wargame buildings, we are bringing to your table the Stalingrad Ruins. designed in  1/100 or 1/300 scale. It can be used on your wargame table ior even for dioramas. When designing this model we had in mind you wargame player who appreciates the Russian front. We sincerely hope you like it. This set contains - 3 buildings ruins  - 1 factory ruin - 1 chimney set Get to...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $2.99

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Stalingrad Project -  Streets of Stalingrad Section II

Stalingrad Project - Streets of Stalingrad Section II

We are presenting our Iron Cross players with our Stalingrad Project. The idea is to launch a series of miniatures modules on the scale of 1/300 to release a campaign focused on Stalingrad. The second module is a set of damaged buildings for your Stalingrad streets. The idea is that our game can serve all of our wargamers and provide many hours of fun. We are waiting for opinions and suggestions from...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $2.99

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World War Tesla: Land Torpedo

World War Tesla: Land Torpedo

World War Tesla™ is an alternate-history wargame by James M. Ward (author of TSR's Gamma World, Deities & Demigods, and Metamorphis Alpha) and Thomas A. Tullis, where Nikola Tesla’s more radical ideas such as death rays and force fields have come to fruition, changing the face of a world at war. Giant walking tanks, soldiers with rocket-packs, and flying machines armed...   [click here for more]
Fat Dragon Games  $1.49 $0.75

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WW2 6mm Infantry version 2.0

WW2 6mm Infantry version 2.0

For your wargame table! Exclusive New 6mm infantry for 1/285 or 1/300 battles. This set includes - 2 infantry stands - Machine Gun Stand - Mortar Stand - 2 infantry stands (waffen and wermacht) - 2 Volksturm - Machine Gun Stand - Mortar Stand - 4 infantry stands - Machine Gun Stand - Mortar Stand Pay what you want for this set. It was designed for our Iron Cross wargame, but it can be...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  Pay What You Want

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World War 2 Shops

World War 2 Shops

Extending our line of wargame buildings, we are bringing to your table a set of shops focusing on the WWII. Designed in  1/100 scale, they can also be used on the 1/300 scale. There are 4 buildings to print in 3D and put on your game table! Get to know our products! This set contains the spare parts: - 1 boulangerie (shop4) - Generic shop 1 - Generic shop 2 - Generic shop 3 For...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $3.99 $2.99

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Orchard Tree Terrain for 6mm & 10mm/12mm

Orchard Tree Terrain for 6mm & 10mm/12mm

Includes two rectangle orchards and 2 square orchards for both 6mm and 10mm/12mm. Also includes five 2 inch hexagon orchards for 6mm. 6mm square/rectangle: 6mm hexagon orchards: Model Renders: ...   [click here for more]
Two Inches of Felt  $1.25

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Spruce Tree Terrain for 15mm

Spruce Tree Terrain for 15mm

Includes 9 different variations of a spreading spruce tree. Easily printed on an FDM printer with no supports and 10% infill. I usually print at 0.2 layer height and 2 line width for walls. Takes 4-6 hours each. 1/100 scale sherman for scale. Copy URL ...   [click here for more]
Two Inches of Felt  $5.00

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We are presenting our Iron Cross players with our DDAY SET in 1/300 scale. The idea is that our game can serve all of our wargamers and provide many hours of fun. We are waiting for opinions and suggestions from you. For SLA Printers. This set contains - 4 models of higgins boats - bunkers - 2 Normandy buildings Have fun! Take Iron Cross Core Book here! ...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $2.49 $1.99

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A1-M "Marwood"

A1-M "Marwood"

First to roll off the Apocrpha_Now production line is the A1-M, affectionately refered to as the "Marwood" by the troops. Inspired by interwar and early-war designs, this chunky little cute tank takes design cues from classics like the P38(t), The Cruiser and The Valentine. Rivet construction, rotating turret and exposed running gear give plenty of eye catching details that will really stand out on...   [click here for more]
Apocrypha_Now  $1.87

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Human Interface Proxy War - Cyberpunk skirmish rules

Human Interface Proxy War - Cyberpunk skirmish rules

Human Interface Proxy War is a cyberpunk skirmish game, in which two or more Players compete against each other by leading Strike Teams of Characters on the neon-lit, rain-soaked streets of the future: Hackers, Ronins and Uberboys with heavily cyber-modified bodies, battling it out in the streets for control over assets and cybernetic networks, using their wits, guns and cyber decks....   [click here for more]
POSTINDUSTRIAL GAMES Sp. z o.o.  $12.99 $9.99

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World War Tesla: Troop Expansion Set

World War Tesla: Troop Expansion Set

THE ERA OF 3D PRINTABLE WARGAMES IS HERE! World War Tesla™ is an alternate-history wargame by James M. Ward (author of TSR's Gamma World, Deities & Demigods, and Metamorphis Alpha) and Thomas A. Tullis, where Nikola Tesla’s more radical ideas such as death rays and force fields have come to fruition, changing the face of a world at war. Giant walking...   [click here for more]
Fat Dragon Games  $2.99 $1.50

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Mike Lewis Presents the Zombie Apocalypse Tokens

Mike Lewis Presents the Zombie Apocalypse Tokens

Tokens for Loot and Objectives! ...   [click here for more]
Mike Lewis Gaming  $0.99

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River and Bridge Terrain (2mm, 6mm, 10mm)

River and Bridge Terrain (2mm, 6mm, 10mm)

Includes 12 different river sections to create any river system: Trees and roads NOT INCLUDED, for display only. Included pieces: 1 River Split 3 Straights 1 30 degree bend 1 60 degree bend 1 120 degree bend 2 straight with bridge (2 inch and 1 inch wide bridges) 1 straight with ford 1 jog 1 twist Standalone bridges also available A straight is 6 inches long and ~2 inches wide. They are...   [click here for more]
Two Inches of Felt  $4.50

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MOP Machine Operated Pioneers [Dice's Edge]

MOP Machine Operated Pioneers [Dice's Edge]

The M.O.P. or Machine Operated Pioneer, is a powerful support robot in game and can assist the players on dangerous missions. Desinged for the Pioneers faction for dice's edge TTRPG but these STL files for 3D Printable miniatures can be used in other games if one wishes to.  package contains 20 M.O.P STL files  4 Different primary weapons with various mixes and matches as well as different poses. ...   [click here for more]
Beginner Friendly Games  $5.00 $2.50

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World War Tesla: Glazar Light Tank

World War Tesla: Glazar Light Tank

THE ERA OF 3D PRINTABLE WARGAMES IS HERE! World War Tesla™ is an alternate-history wargame by James M. Ward (author of TSR's Gamma World, Deities & Demigods, and Metamorphis Alpha) and Thomas A. Tullis, where Nikola Tesla’s more radical ideas such as death rays and force fields have come to fruition, changing the face of a world at war. Giant walking...   [click here for more]
Fat Dragon Games  $2.99 $1.50

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30 years war 3mm units

30 years war 3mm units

a collection of 3mm units for the 30 yrs war units included , I have also added a selection of half depth formations to make the units more interesting 30yw extra . zip Shot only , Shot only large Irregular infantry , Irregular infantry large Early tercio , Early tercio large winged hussars , winged hussars large ECW infantry , ECW infantry large Dutch infantry , dutch infantry large 30yw...   [click here for more]
Twylite Games  $12.48

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Stalingrad Project -  Streets of Stalingrad Section III

Stalingrad Project - Streets of Stalingrad Section III

We are presenting our Iron Cross players with our Stalingrad Project. The idea is to launch a series of miniatures modules on the scale of 1/300 to release a campaign focused on Stalingrad. The thirdmodule is a set of damaged buildings, the Univermag building for your Stalingrad streets. The idea is that our game can serve all of our wargamers and provide many hours of fun. We are waiting for...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $4.99

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Pine Tree Terrain for 6mm & 10mm

Pine Tree Terrain for 6mm & 10mm

Includes 10 different variations of 3-5 pine trees on 30mm wide bases for 6mm or 10mm wargaming. Easily printed on an FDM printer with no supports and 5% infill. About 10 can be printed in 8 hours overnight. ...   [click here for more]
Two Inches of Felt  $1.00

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Cold War  Buildings

Cold War Buildings

We are releasing a set of 8 coldwar buildings in 1/300 scale for your Ogre, Battletech, or other gaming systems tabletop. We based in some pics of coldwar period. Check it out! ...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $5.49 $3.49

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The War of Jenkin's Ear in Georgia: July 5th to 15th, 1742

The War of Jenkin's Ear in Georgia: July 5th to 15th, 1742

This is a supplement for Sharp Practice 2 and Kiss Me Hardy using the To Covet Glory modifications. What is it? The scenario book has a historical overview of the War of Jenkin's Ear as it pertains to the actions in the British Colony of Georgia. It has addditional rule modifications to use with To Covet Glory.  It has some rule changes for Sharp Practice...   [click here for more]
Chris Stoesen  $15.00

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German Builidings Set 1

German Builidings Set 1

Extending our line of wargame buildings, we are bringing to your table the first set of German buildings for the WWII. Designed in  1/100 scale, they can also be used on the 1/300 scale. There are 4 buildings and some accessories to print in 3D and put on your game table! Based in real buildings at Nuremberg and Vienna. Get to know our products! This set contains the spare parts: - General...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $4.99

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Trees for 3d printing (STL File)

Trees for 3d printing (STL File)

Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.) Perfect for your wargaming board: More scenery, buildings, streets and accessoirs can you download on Wargamevault. This parts are included: 10 different trees: Minimum printbed needed is 20 x 20 cm and 20 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures...   [click here for more]
ESLO  $9.95 $8.50

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Moon Base Sagita full for Moon Cresta

Moon Base Sagita full for Moon Cresta

Three STL sets in One. Awesome promo for Monncresta release! Moon Base SagitaSTL files for  your 3d Printer! Get this sensational offer! Mooncresta Wargame System: Get the rules here! Buy the USA minis here Buy Soviet Minis Here ...   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $2.79

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World War Tesla: LaSalle Medium Tank

World War Tesla: LaSalle Medium Tank

THE ERA OF 3D PRINTABLE WARGAMES IS HERE! World War Tesla™ is an alternate-history wargame by James M. Ward (author of TSR's Gamma World, Deities & Demigods, and Metamorphis Alpha) and Thomas A. Tullis, where Nikola Tesla’s more radical ideas such as death rays and force fields have come to fruition, changing the face of a world at war. Giant walking...   [click here for more]
Fat Dragon Games  $2.99 $1.50

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2mm Miniatures STL file for SLA printers. Product contains; ...   [click here for more]
IliadaGameStudio  $5.00

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2mm Miniatures STL file for SLA printers. Product contains; STL files of two different Levships and 2 different levtanks plus a Kent(Urban Area) ...   [click here for more]
IliadaGameStudio  $5.00

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Combo set VI - European City

Combo set VI - European City

Thinking about our players, Voxelhouse is introducing a line of products with more competitive prices: the combosets. These are small thematic sets focused on our gaming systems such as Iron Cross and Hotwar. These combo are themed around European WW2 BuildingsThey include: German Buildings - Normandy Houses -   [click here for more]
Voxelhouse  $5.29 $4.99

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