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 Russell Phillips wrote an “A to Z” series of blog posts around the theme of AFVs (Armoured Fighting Vehicles). They have been edited and collated into this ebook. ... [click here for more] |
Shilka Publishing |
Pay What You Want
In the 1970's, the US Army decided that it needed a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, similar to the West German Gepard or Soviet ZSU-23-4. The result was the M247 Sergeant York.
This article describes the M247 itself, the procurement process, and all the problems that led to Caspar Weinberger describing it as "basically an ineffective system" when it was cancelled in 1985. ... [click here for more] |
Shilka Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Gut wrenching tragedy; spine tingling terror.
8 tales of loss, love, and hell, steeped in human frailty and shrouded in metaphor, that lead you by the hand through worlds bereft of comfort to a place of sublime, perfect horror.
The Ecstasies of Sorrow and Dread.
Collecting the best short-form comics of UK based writer and artist Kev Rooney from 2005 - 2012 ... [click here for more] |
Cult of Nyx |
Pay What You Want
The year is 1954. Tsar Josef I (known to the world as "Stalin") unleashes the wrath of the Holy Soviet Army on the decadent oligarchies of the West. Nations are sundered, cities are levelled in the fury of the first assault. Millions perish amid the fury and the flames as forbidden technologies and unnatural scienctific discoveries are unleashed.
But the war quickly slides... [click here for more] |
Skinflint Games |
A quick, FREE primer outlining the differences between Song of Blades and Heroes and the upcoming Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
This Zulu Wars game was directly inspired by regular contributor Dan Mersey's "Well of Tarka" article that appeared in Battlegames issue 14 − also now available here on Wargame Vault as a low-cost PDF.
It just so happened that I had a participation game to run at a forthcoming show, and Dan's article, originally set in the Sudan, inspired me to pillage it wholesale and transfer it to the Zulu Wars... [click here for more] |
Henry Hyde Limited |
Join the Clans and all their friends on their fun-filled adventures against the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere! MechWarriors of all ages can take command—each page features ‘Mechs to color, puzzles, mazes, games, cutting activities and things to make and do. Your favorite ‘Mechs and characters are featured in other great BattleTech products. ... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
Bexim’s Bazaar is a monthly gaming magazine dedicated to RPGs and wargames… and occasionally a boardgame of interest to RPG/wargamers. GMs and players will find plenty of resources such as magic item cards, random tables, mini-adventures, and articles related to gaming as well as printable props to hand out in game. This issue contains over 100 pages of gaming content for a variety of genres and... [click here for more] |
The Tabletop Engineer |
Bexim’s Bazaar is a monthly gaming magazine dedicated to RPGs and wargames… and occasionally a boardgame of interest to RPG/wargamers. GMs and players will find plenty of resources such as magic item cards, random tables, mini-adventures, and articles related to gaming as well as printable props to hand out in game. This issue contains over 100 pages of gaming content for a variety of genres and... [click here for more] |
The Tabletop Engineer |
Ladies and gentlemen, it gives us great pleasure to provide for your perusal a newspaper pertaining to the jolly and intrepid Scramble for Empire. In it you will read of deeds done by both great and small, and see into the lives of our glorious Victorian forebears!
Or to put it another way, we've decided to provide a free copy of an in-game newspaper from our Victorian alternative-history play by... [click here for more] |
This 8-page booklet includes interesting and useful information about the main Captain's Log #45 issue, as well as new materials.
Included are:
Two-and-a-half pages of designer's notes.
Notes from the staff members.
After-action reports for Captain’s Log #44, SFB modules R3 and T2012, and Marine Assault.
Rejected papers for SFB, F&E, SFB Galactic Conquest,... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
This 8-page booklet includes interesting and useful information about the main Captain's Log #46 issue, as well as new materials.
Included are:
Over two pages of publisher's notes.
Notes from other staff members.
After-action reports for Captain’s Log #45.
Rejected papers for SFB, Star Fleet Marines, and A Call to Arms: Star Fleet.
... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
This 8-page booklet includes interesting and useful information about the main Captain's Log #47 issue, as well as new materials.
Included are:
Over two pages of publisher's notes.
Notes from other staff members.
After-action reports for Reinforcements Attack, Captain’s Log #47, Operation Fetch, and Origins 2013.
Rejected papers for Star Fleet Battles, Federation & Empire,... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
This 8-page booklet includes interesting and useful information about the main Captain's Log #48 issue, as well as new materials.
Captain's Log #48 has the exciting story "The Battle with Tribbles." Come find out all the back story of the issue. It has Publisher's Notes, Editor's Comments, Proofreader's Notes, rejected tactical papers (and why they did not get published), color... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
The Captain’s Log #49 Supplemental File gives a behind-the-scenes look at the issue, and this time we have included three pages of previews. Find out all about Captain's Log #49!... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
Captain’s Log #50 is a special issue, so its supplement is as well! The Captain’s Log #50 Supplemental File has 16 pages of information including the publisher’s behind the scenes tour of Captain’s Log #50, the Captain’s Log #49 after action report, an article about workboats, more about the Zosman stealth field, additional rules for the Federation &... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
Captain’s Log #51 has a lot of features and this supplement walks you through them while providing some additional information that couldn’t be squeezed into Captain’s Log #51. Steve Cole writes about each aspect of the issue, Steven Petrick writes about SFB, and Jean Sexton mentions her favorite parts, including Prime Directive. Some of our volunteer staff members... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
Captain’s Log #52 is an exciting issue and this supplement tells you all the background about the features while providing some additional information that couldn’t be squeezed into Captain’s Log #52. Steve Cole writes about each aspect of the issue, Steven Petrick writes about SFB, and Jean Sexton mentions her favorite parts, including Prime Directive. Some of our... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
This 8-page booklet includes interesting and useful information about the main Captain's Log #53 issue, as well as new materials.
Included are:
Over two pages of publisher's notes.
Notes from other staff members.
Star Fleet Battles scenario (SL354.0) A Confusion of Objectives.
Rejected papers for Star Fleet Battles and Federation & Empire.
... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
Data Dump #6
Data Dump is a free magazine, released by Aberrant, in support of its products. Each magazine contains articles, fiction, product information for all of Aberrant's products as well as missions and assignments some created by Aberrant, others submitted by our players.
Data Dump #6 includes the following: Warlands: The beginning - a inside look at how our newest game Warlands was developed... [click here for more] |
Aberrant |
Data Dump #7
Data Dump is a free magazine, released by Aberrant, in support of its products. Each magazine contains articles, fiction, product information for all of Aberrant's products as well as missions and assignments some created by Aberrant, others submitted by our players.
Data Dump #7 includes the following:
Rezolution: CSO Mechanized Infantry Unit - Full background history and model stats... [click here for more] |
Aberrant |
We bring to the public another number of our Enciclopedia Belicosa, our magazine is now monthly, with news about our games, miniatures and Voxel House news. Our focus was initially to work only our wargame Scavengers, but we decided to extend our range, working all the products of our company. We really want you, player , feel free to interact with us, contributing your critiques, opinions, pictures... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
We bring to the public another number of our Enciclopedia Belicosa, our magazine is now monthly, with news about our games, miniatures and Voxel House news. In this Month :
- Werwolf Korps for Hotwar
- Modelling tutorial
- Article - Quick Tips for Drawing maps
- Free 3D models
And much more! ... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
We bring to the public another number of our Enciclopedia Belicosa, our magazine is now monthly, with news about our games, miniatures and Voxel House news. In this Month we have a special edition::
- Free game inside! Hunting for the Ogronaut!
- Painting Tutorial
- Free 3D model: Red Devil Mech for Hotwar
And much more! ... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
We bring to the public another number of our Enciclopedia Belicosa, our magazine is now monthly, with news about our games, miniatures and Voxel House news. In this Month we have a special edition::
- All about Landships
- 3d Printing Tutorial
- New units for Landships and Hotwar!
- Free landships Scenario
And much more fun inside! ... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
We bring to the public another number of our Enciclopedia Belicosa, In this month we have a lot of news
- Orcs lore
- Ogronaute for Landships
- WW2 units for Hotwar!
And much more fun inside! ... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
The Fleet List of the Anglo Dutch Wars The original hard copy publication was produced as a supplement to “Tiller & Whipstaff” Anglo Dutch Naval Wargames rules for Scale 1:1200 by Rod Langton of Langton Miniatures. It was sold out early 2015 and will not be reprinted. However, due to continued interest, we are making the contents of the Fleet List available as a PDF download. The list gives... [click here for more] |
Langton Miniatures |
After a long wait, Ganesha Games publishes a new issue of Free Hack. This issue includes: Free scenarios for Song of Blades and Heroes, errata and clarifications for all our games, spotlight on Fear and Faith and more. We plan to release at least 3 more issues of Free Hack this year, stay tuned! ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Free Hack Issue 4-- the free webzine for all the Ganesha Games products, including Flying Lead, Song of Blades and Heroes, Fear & Faith and many more! ... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |
Welcome Explorers!
Issue 8 is now available for download. This issue brings us a variety of topics including races, ships, equipment, and creatures. We also have a variety of campaign background material, a new comic series, and another story about the exploits of Rodworth Shimout. This issue also includes the second of many articles on converting the Star Frontiers setting to the Stars Without... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
The first issue of Gear Up, The Official Dream Pod 9 Magazine. This issue focuses on the new Utopia faction from our latest book entitled Terra Nova Gambit. Articles include Utopian Drones Primer with rule examples and photos for how to use the N-KIDU drones and a sin cluster template. Gambit Gear with 1000 TV tournament ready Utopian armies for Heavy Gear Blitz! New Heavy Gear 2nd Edition RPG... [click here for more] |
Dream Pod 9 |
Conflicts on the battlefield are often fought on unfavorable ground, but the advent of walker vehicles, such as Heavy Gears, changed the face of warfare. Commanders still have to rely on favorable terrain and prepared positions to maximize their odds in the face of opposition. In order to gain mastery of the battlefield, these officers turn to the combat engineer companies. Inside of this issue of... [click here for more] |
Dream Pod 9 |
Gear UP 5 is here, and it's a monster issue of miniature hobby related articles, from the Golden Gear entries, to Show Me Your Colors, to Terra Nova Terraformer, and introducing Dream Pod 9 Studio Masterclass. And these are just some of the new developments on the hobby side of Heavy Gear Blitz.
We've also got an artist interview with designer and 3D modeller David Tauzia, who contributed to the... [click here for more] |
Dream Pod 9 |
The wait is over. Gear UP 6 has arrived and we have a brought you an issue chock full of Heavy Gear related goodies! It’s been a big year for Dream Pod 9. Find out what the Pod has been doing behind the scenes with Stompy Bot Productions and Mektek Studios as they develop the next generation Heavy Gear video game. Gear UP 6 features interviews with key members of the team, insight into the video... [click here for more] |
Dream Pod 9 |
 More power commander! We are looking to recruit more players for our game REGIME CHANGE. It is a dystopian science-fiction space opera campaign game, usually played via email, in which you run take part as a single character. Old Earth is in turmoil with contesting powers vying for dominance following the fall of the old republic. There's a sprawling star empire in various state of difficulty,... [click here for more] |
 We are looking to recruit more players for our game ROME IS BURNING! It is a 1st century-era Ancients campaign game, usually played via email, in which you run a province, nation, or tribe. It covers all elements of history, including of course military aspects on land and sea, but also diplomacy, trade, religion, spying, &c. Each game turn includes an in-game newspaper.
It you fancy striving... [click here for more] |
We are looking to recruit more players for our game THE GLORY OF KINGS (formerly known as La Gloire du Roi). It is an 18th century-era campaign game, usually played via email, in which you run a nation, a company or a faction. It covers all elements of history, including of course military aspects on land and sea, but also diplomacy, trade, religion, spying, &c. The system has won awards... [click here for more] |
 This is the free version for exploring the book. Evaluate the flow of material before purchasing both parts of the handbook. ... [click here for more] |
Vyacheslav Batalov |
Pay What You Want
Memorial tribute to John Hill from the Johnny Reb Gaming Society. John was the author of Johnny Reb rules system. The special tribute edition (Issue#41 of Charge!) contains 6 of John's Civil War scenarios, as well as many of his Johnny Reb 3 rules interpretations and additions, as well as many photographs of John and friends playing miniature wargames. ... [click here for more] |
Johnny Reb Gaming Society |
A collection of stories ranging from Horror to Fantasy.
Witch Hunter: Writer - Paul Bradford Artist - Allen Byrns
The Hunt: Writer – Loki DeWitt
A Ghost Named Larry: Writer - Mike Salt, Artist – Luke Cooper
What Was Once Yours Is Mine: Writer - Kelly Bender Artist - Adrian Crasmaru
Bounty Hunter: Writer & Artist: Luke Cooper
Moose Crossing #1 TM and © Evil Moose... [click here for more] |
Evil Moose Publishing |
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by ATG. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
This version of the index covers the issues currently available at The Wargame Vault, #14 (April 1998) through # 67 (October 2024). As new issues are added, this index will be updated. ... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
"No charge!" is the headline on our special edition celebrating three years of Battlegames. Containing one article from each of the first 18 issues, this giant 82-page edition is packed full of the kind of fun and informative stuff that our readers tell us they love about Battlegames.
So, whether you are completely new to the magazine and would like to get a taste of the famous Battlegames... [click here for more] |
Henry Hyde Limited |
 Novus Crusade: Legendary Heroes is a fun little way for us to expand the Novus Crusade game and setting by introducing unique, named characters who are significant figures in the far-off, techno-medieval future. Some of themmay be heroes, but others will be villains. We plan to release these characters on an individual basis, sporadically. They will, as legends, be powerful, but also vulnerable... [click here for more] |
Sundered Vault |
 Novus Crusade: The Retaking of Ajaxis III is a free battle report for Novus Crusade! It gives a good look at how the game plays, as well as being a good read! In this battle report 2 superheroes, Catman and Punch Princess, take time off from fighting crime to play the Retaking of Ajaxis III! This full color 17 page book includes the fiction, the game scenario, the battle report itself, and... [click here for more] |
Sundered Vault |
OUTLANDS 2nd Edition does not include the 6 missions found in the 1st Edition. The missions have been removed to reduce page count and in-turn reduce the cost to the players. This mini-booklet contains all 6 missions for OUTLANDS (1st Edition), which can be used with the new rules. ... [click here for more] |
Shades Of Chaos Games |
Pay What You Want
 OUTLANDS MISSION 15: What Lies Beneath ... [click here for more] |
Shades Of Chaos Games |
Pay What You Want
This free 23-page booklet is full of practical advice and tips for improving your paper modeling. It's written for paper modelers of all skill levels, offering basic advice along with advanced techniques. While most of what you'll find inside can be applied to paper models of all kinds, the Paper Modeling Guide focuses on getting the best results from Dave Graffam Models in particular.
To get... [click here for more] |
Dave Graffam Models |
Ragnarok - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargaming.
Issue 60 contains:
In The Big Meg - an introduction to Judge Dredd gaming
The Shopping Trip - a Flintloque scenario
Triffids!!! - introducing triffids into Zombies!!!
Crystals From Dinom - a Dirtside II scenario
The... [click here for more] |
Lancaster James is alone on the frozen mountaintop; his only companion, a large beast that is stalking him with the skill of a master hunter. Lancaster came for knowledge, but is finding himself the prey in a deadly game of cat and mouse.
Short story 1 (This is the first short story of the series.)
To see more about Relic Worlds, including additional short stories, novels, pick your path books,... [click here for more] |
Bandwagon Books |
Lancaster James is on the hunt again for ancient ruins on distant planets in search of invaluable relics beyond imagination. This time he is searching the "Necropolis of life" where a machine that holds the key to eternal life lays hidden. Lancaster's suspicions are arounsed, however, for if this device truly provides eternal life, why is it resting among the dead?
For more about Relic Worlds,... [click here for more] |
Bandwagon Books |