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BattleScribe army construction files for Brent Spivey's MAYHEM
Armies of Mayhem is a set of files for use with the BattleScribe army creation software. This download includes a one page PDF quick start guide and multiple game system files. The first of these is the BATTLE CHEST.
The BATTLE CHEST is one large list that contains profiles for various fantasy units, creatures,... [click here for more] |
Brent Spivey Creations |
Pay What You Want
Hannibal's Army Generator is a LibreOffice spreadsheet for calculating the army point values for Greg Wagman's Age of Hannibal miniatures rules.You will need a spreadsheet program to use Hannibal's Army Generator. (See note below.)
The worksheets are designed to allow players to quickly create and print orders of battle for the Age of Hannibal. While slightly more... [click here for more] |
Autodidact-O-Saurus |
Pay What You Want

Terrain obstacle pieces made for tabletop gaming. Total 16 pieces of realistic land formations from various biomes. Various impassable pieces of rock formations, asymmetrical hills, mountains, islands, valleys and much more. Good for painting, weathering, vegetation dressing and kitbashing. Suitable for decorating dioramas, combining and tabletop gaming. Suitable for both fantasy, sci-fi and modern... [click here for more] |
MuM |
Roam between the ancient ruins; search for treasures at forgotten graves or find out the secrets of the modern age wrecks.
Numberless possibilities are waiting for you in this product! Use it valiantly for your stories: Cthulhu, horror, zombie, and fantasy.
Print the draft map (empty grids), construct your maps, and next build up these in the T-Builder!
This set includes: ... [click here for more] |
Lord Zsezse Works |

Henry Hyde Wargaming Author
Henry Hyde comes back on the show for his third appearance. Henry talks about his book the Wargaming Compendium, wargaming, and what he’s been up to.
In a special segment after the show Henry and Jonathan discuss Jonathan’s Ancient Rome inspired imagi-nation campaign the War of Latinian Expansion. Jonathan is blending computer gaming with traditional... [click here for more] |
Wargaming Recon |
$1.00 $0.75
2. Card 20 – Instruction Manual (Styles & Effects).pdf
3. Card 20 (Tarot) Front.xcf
4. Card 20 (Tarot) Rear.xcf
5-7. Artwork.xcf, Astrological Constellations.xcf, Astrological Symbols.xcf
8. artwork00.jpg
9-20. 01-Aries.png, 02-Taurus.png,... [click here for more] |
Unknown Depths |

2. Card 20 – Instruction Manual (Styles & Effects).pdf
3. Card 20 (Tarot) Front.psd
4. Card 20 (Tarot) Rear.psd
5. Card 20 (Tarot) Styles & Effects.xlsx
6. Card 20 (Tarot) Styles & Effects.txt
9-11. Artwork.psd, Astrological... [click here for more] |
Unknown Depths |

2. Card 22 (Tarot) Front.xcf
3. Card 22 (Tarot) Rear.xcf
4. Card 22 - Instruction Manual (Illustrated).pdf
5. Card-22_Gradient-01.ggr
6-7. Icon 01-02.xcf, Icon 03-12.xcf
8-9. icon00.png, icon01.png... [click here for more] |
Unknown Depths |

2. Card 22 – Instruction Manual (Illustrated).pdf
3. Card 22 (Tarot) Front.psd
4. Card 22 (Tarot) Rear.psd
5. Card 22 (Tarot) Illustrated.xlsx
6. Card 22 (Tarot) Illustrated.txt
7-8. Icon 01-02.psd, Icon 03-12.psd
9-10. Icon00.png, Icon01.png... [click here for more] |
Unknown Depths |

2. Card 23 – Instruction Manual (Illustrated).pdf
3. Card 23 (Past Age) Front.xcf
4. Card 23 (Past Age) Rear.xcf
5. Card-23_Gradient-01.ggr
6. Card-23_Gradient-02.ggr
7-10. Icon 01.xcf, Icon... [click here for more] |
Unknown Depths |

2. Card 23 – Instruction Manual (Illustrated).pdf
3. Card 23 (Past Age) Front.psd
4. Card 23 (Past Age) Rear.psd
5. Card 23 (Past Age) Styles & Effects.xlsx
6. Card 23 (Past Age) Styles & Effects.txt
7-10. Icon 01.psd, Icon... [click here for more] |
Unknown Depths |
 Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
 Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
$75.00 $52.00
 Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
$7.00 $5.00
 Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
$5.00 $3.50
Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
$50.00 $35.00
 Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
$7.00 $5.00
 Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
$10.00 $7.00
 Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
$15.00 $12.00

Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
$10.00 $7.00
 Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
$40.00 $28.00
 Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further.
Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer... [click here for more] |
Casey Lowe |
$12.50 $10.00
 Age of Empires 2 HD
Almost 20 years ago Microsoft released one of the most incredible real time strategy (RTS) computer games ever. More recently they updated and optimized the classic Age of Empires (AoE) 2 to work on modern computers. Age of Empires 2 HD is quite a game.
For a limited time you can purchase it for $2.49 (regularly $9.99) via Steam. If you do, be sure to look... [click here for more] |
Wargaming Recon |
$1.00 $0.75

Wargaming With Kids
Jonathan shares tips for adults hoping to get kids into wargaming. These are also useful for wargaming parents looking to find a wargaming event at which their child can play.
Simplify the rules
Fun is the goal
Durability is important
BONUS: Whenever you see the name Mike Paine as a GM at a game day or a convention you NEED to sign up to play in Mike’s games.... [click here for more] |
Wargaming Recon |
$1.00 $0.75
Wargaming on the Cheap.
Not everyone can afford to buy the latest rulebook, the next expansion, or the newest miniatures. Not everyone wants to do that either. It is not only possible but exciting to wargame on the cheap. In this episode Jonathan shares some great ways that you can wargame on the cheap.
Use your local library for resource material
Free Paper Terrain
Plastic Army Men
Print... [click here for more] |
Wargaming Recon |
$1.00 $0.75