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Easy to build: This paper model kit is easy to assemble, requiring just cardstock paper sheets to print on (110 lb. or 199gsm recommended), scissors, hobby knife, paper glue, aluminum ruler and cutting mat. Optionally, you may also use foamcore.
15mm to 30mm scale: This paper terrain is designed at the popular 28mm-30mm gaming scale, and can be shrunk down to 15mm,... [click here for more] |
Dave Graffam Models |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to the first expansion of Alien Zoology! Now you can also go hunting for alien creatures with several players.
Multiplayer Hunts adds:
-Multiplayer game mechanic (2+ Expedition Teams)
-Encounter more than one Alien Creature during a hunt (2+ creatures)
-Build an Alien Zoology Travel Box using only one miniature box (1:72) and the attached paper templates... [click here for more] |
Titus Painting |
Pay What You Want
Form fillable basic warband sheet from the back of the Frostgrave v2 Core Book
Also added a few updates, like target numbers on spells and a place for school modifier. Organize and optimize your next Frostgrave experience with this printable PDF form fillable Wizard & Warband sheet. Keep accurate track of the equipment, abilities, and stats of your wizard and warband, ensuring your battles will... [click here for more] |
Tabletop.Land |
Pay What You Want
 A combined deck of What Luck and Cameo cards for A Gentleman's War. The cards are alrady included in the Gentleman's War PDF, ... [click here for more] |
Pulp Action Library |
Pay What You Want
Recon Corner is supplementary rules for our Iron Cross wargame, always bringing something new to you. In this "report," we bring rules for the British Army in WW2. This report brings you:
- Rules
- Exclusive Miniatures for British infantry in 6mm
- Exclusive Scenery "Sea of Sand"
- 1 Crusader Tank Card
Have Fun!
Take Iron Cross Core Book here!... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
Pay What You Want
Create several unique cargo pods for your space adventures with one easy-to-use PDF!
Easy to build: This free paper model kit is easy to assemble, requiring just cardstock paper sheets to print on (110 lb. or 199gsm recommended), scissors, hobby knife, paper glue, metal ruler and cutting mat.
28mm to 30mm scale: This model is designed at the popular 28mm-30mm gaming... [click here for more] |
Dave Graffam Models |
Pay What You Want
Get right into the action of 3012 with the Tiny Conflict: 3012 first edition paper starter set. This handy little set gives you 11 ships across two factions that let you play the level 1 portion of the core rules and help you learn how to play the game!
Play through the first two missions provided a long with complete data sheets to play games quickly without having to build and paint models.
These... [click here for more] |
Department of Wargaming |
Pay What You Want
What is It?
The 4AD Game Board is a one-page play sheet for Four Against Darkness which combines a "graph paper" grid with four character sheets, experience bubbles for tracking Minions slain and Boss/Weird monsters encountered, and a table for tracking room contents or other notes. The download includes both the recommended 20x28 grid layout, and a larger 30x42 layout.
How... [click here for more] |
Wisps of Time |
Pay What You Want
A simple A5 character sheet for vehicles in Planet 28. ... [click here for more] |
Mammoth Miniatures |
Pay What You Want

Recon Corner is supplementary rules for our Iron Cross wargame, always bringing something new to you. In this "report," we bring the German and Russian Rocket Launchers used in many battles in World War II. This report brings you:
- Rules
- Exclusive Nebelwerfer Miniature for print in your 3D Printer
- Reference Cards
- Scenery
Have Fun!
Take... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
Pay What You Want
Gaslands Dashboard Cards
Tarot Card sized Gaslands Dashboards
Experience the thrill of Gaslands Post Apocalyptic Mayhem with these custom-designed d6 dashboards. The included PDF is easy to print, and the wet erase marker will keep your d6 in the heat of the competition. Plus, the dashboards are small enough to fit inside Tarot Card sleeves. Get ready to rumble!
This is unofficial... [click here for more] |
Tabletop.Land |
Pay What You Want

Recon Corner is supplementary rules for our Iron Cross wargame, always bringing something new to you. In this "report," we bring rules for the Italian Army in WW2. This report brings you:
- Rules
- Exclusive Miniatures for Italian infantry in 6mm
- Exclusive Scenery "Desert Storm"
Have Fun!
Take Iron Cross Core Book here! ... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
Pay What You Want
 I find it frustrating to reference the book each time I want to remember what an ability is in Battletech Alpha Strike. I created a set of cards that summarize many of the abilities in the game. For the full rules you should buy the book, but for quick reference this is the thing to have on the table! I only made cards for the common special abilities, maybe I'll make more for the optional special... [click here for more] |
Cabal Coffers |
Pay What You Want

Recon Corner is supplementary rules for our Iron Cross wargame, always bringing something new to you. In this "report," we bring rules for the Belgian Army in WW2. This report brings you:
- Rules
- Exclusive Miniature of a European Border Post
- Exclusive Scenery "Last Run"
Have Fun!
Take Iron Cross Core Book here! ... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
Pay What You Want
 Recon Corner is supplementary rules for our Iron Cross wargame, always bringing something new to you. In this "report," we bring rules for the Polish Army in 1939. This report brings you:
- Rules
- Exclusive Polish Army Miniatures (Infantry, HMG, AT-rifle, and Mortar) for print in your 3D Printer
- Exclusive Scenery "Borders are Burning"
Have Fun!
Take... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
Pay What You Want

Recon Corner is supplementary rules for our Iron Cross wargame, always bringing something new to you. In this "report," we bring rules for the Japanese Army in WW2, for Pacifi Campaign. This report brings you:
- Rules
- Exclusive Miniature of Japanese Infantry
- Exclusive Scenery "Hell Jungle"
Have Fun!
Take Iron Cross Core Book here!... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
Pay What You Want
Recon Corner is supplementary rules for our Iron Cross wargame, always bringing something new to you. In this "report," we bring the Medics in World War II. This report brings you exclusive rules for our game.
Have Fun!
Take Iron Cross Core Book here! ... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
Pay What You Want
Don't fire 'till you see the whites of their eyes!
Check your powder and set a watch before the British Grenadiers storm the palisades at Bunker Hill! This starter adventure for the Nations & Cannons™ game system lets your players hit the ground running with a hands-on introduction to the black powder firearms, equipment,... [click here for more] |
Flagbearer Games |
Pay What You Want
 Ask a question, roll one to three D6, get an answer that drives the story.
Hook Dice are an oracle system refined over several years of use, provided free to anyone that wants to adopt it.
I’ve used these dice to generate answers while running RPGs, to give narrative flavour while wargaming, and to drive entire stories while playing solo or cooperatively. Take a look, ask a few questions of... [click here for more] |
Controlled Chaos Gaming Co |
Pay What You Want
Scratch Builder Shorts are an expansion to scratch builder monthly and present a single project. In this document mj hobby corner shows a low budget way of making top down markers for war gaming. The top downs presented here have a more 3D look to them and can be made for various genres, they are also larger than traditional 2D markers.
This issue shows the construction of a single MK3 british tank,... [click here for more] |
MJ hobby corner |
Pay What You Want
This is a counter set for the 1989 Gulf Of Sidra Incident. This is a preview of an upcoming War In The Jet Age counter pack that will include aircraft from the Korean War to the Fifth Generation. Included are eight 50mm square counters. 2 F-14A wing swept
2 F-14A wing forward 2 MiG 23 wing swept
2 MiG 23 wing forward There are also weapon counters included with smoke trails for the following:... [click here for more] |
Pocket Warfare Publishing |
Pay What You Want
While the Covid-19 situation is ongoing, this will be a "Pay What You Want" product.
For many years our fans have asked for a collection of line art. Now it is available to you! The drawings range from fairly simple to more complex, so there is something for every skill level.
This first book focuses on starships and includes the following starships.
Federation: Heavy cruiser,... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
Pay What You Want
SolCorps: Colonial War is a gonzo homebrew tabletop game set in a dystopian future where corporations exploit the solar system and war for resources and control of humanity.
This is a set of counters for the mech orders and various statuses for units in the game. ... [click here for more] |
Alpha Strike Games Limited |
Pay What You Want
SolCorps: Colonial War is a gonzo homebrew tabletop wargame.
This is a set of greyscale unit tokens for the units in the core rulebook. Two different sizes provided.
Print them out, stick them on card, cut them out, no plastic building blocks necessary! ... [click here for more] |
Alpha Strike Games Limited |
Pay What You Want
 In the decade plus since Anaconda was released, the proliferation of knowledge regarding naval aspects of the Civil War advanced at a rapid rate. Old assumptions have been challenged and ‘lost’ data has been deduced through diligent research and conservative conjecture. Some ships that were so shadowy in detail to border as myths have been documented and detailed and made worthy of hitting... [click here for more] |
Ray Garbee |
Pay What You Want
 Frostgrave Warband Soldier Cards
Tarot Card sized Frostgrave Soldier Cards
Organize your Frostgrave warband in style with these form fillable cards! Designed to fit inside of tarot card sleeves, they let you track your campaign progress and make adjustments with ease - no need for a warband sheet. Delivered as a PDF, you can easily print out your cards at home and write on them with... [click here for more] |
Tabletop.Land |
Pay What You Want
A PDF file of the Fog of War cards from Force on Force supplement volume 6 - Bush Wars. ... [click here for more] |
Ambush Alley Games |
Pay What You Want
This deck contains all the Fog of War cards necessary to add an extra element of chaos and danger to your Fallujah scenarios. ... [click here for more] |
Ambush Alley Games |
Pay What You Want
Italian Propaganda WW2 is a collection of Italian WW2 posters concerning their wars from 1935 to 1945.
The document also offers few resistance movement examples of "graffiti".
Those posters are scaled for 28mm wargames and miniature games. ... [click here for more] |
Unambitious games |
Pay What You Want
The Flat-D Terrain System Starter Kit includes 3d STL files for 21 clips and several basic terrainpieces.
This starter set is set as "Pay What You Want", so feel free to pay as much or as little as you find value in the system.
You're granted a free license to print or have printed these clips in any amount of... [click here for more] |
PEI Development |
Pay What You Want
 By giving me a small amount, you support my work, so I can create more cheaper and better models.
The model are designed for miniatures in scale 28-32mm (after scaling can be used with any other system) can be combined on a table with other terrain cardboard elements sci-fi, modern, ww2. Model can be used for table games battle, rpg. Model can be set on stands, alone or as... [click here for more] |
DarekPages |
Pay What You Want
 SolCorps: Colonial War is a gonzo homebrew tabletop game set in a dystopian future where corporations exploit the solar system and war for resources and control of humanity. This is a deck of 36 cards to use for randomly selecting critical damage effects to mechs.
Front and backs, 9 per A4 page. Print, stick to card, and cut. ... [click here for more] |
Alpha Strike Games Limited |
Pay What You Want
While the Covid-19 situation is ongoing, this will be a "Pay What You Want" product.
For many years our fans have asked for a collection of line art. Now the second volume is available to you! The drawings range from fairly simple to more complex, so there is something for every skill level.
This second book focuses on the people of the Star Fleet Universe and includes crew... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
Pay What You Want
 Use this roster to recruit and record your warband of cutthroats, monsters, and lunatics and to keep track of their successes and travails alike!
Cursed Lands: Morgulia is required to make full use of this item. For more information, see: https://www.wargamevault.com/product/462284/Cursed-Lands-Morgulia?affiliate_rem=1247716 ... [click here for more] |
Horizon Point Studios |
Pay What You Want
While the Covid-19 situation is ongoing, this will be a "Pay What You Want" product.
Our fans have continued to ask for even more line art of ships. In the Star Fleet Universe Coloring Book #3 we present Kzinti, Lyran, Hydran, and Orion ships! The drawings range from fairly simple to more complex, so there is something for every skill level.
Kzinti: Battlecruiser, Dreadnought, Medium... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
Pay What You Want
This is the latest errata of COA’s well-received Wings of the Motherland WWII air combat over Russia boardgame. ... [click here for more] |
Clash of Arms Games |
Pay What You Want
Use these Icons to spruce up your warband folio. Simply print, cut, and glue them into place, or attach them to your folio digitally before printing, then get to gaming!
Cursed Lands: Morgulia is required to make full use of this item. For more information, see: https://www.wargamevault.com/product/462284/Cursed-Lands-Morgulia?affiliate_rem=1247716 ... [click here for more] |
Horizon Point Studios |
Pay What You Want
 Are you building a roman army and looking for awsome designs to add to their shields? Well this pack includes pretty much all you could want with 48 Shield Designs that you can print to your heart's content on your own decal paper.
These are tailor made to fit Production Diratia's Roman Legion - Complete Set, available on My Mini Factory.
They will fit with most other Roman Miniatures,... [click here for more] |
Productions Diratia |
Pay What You Want
 A naval campaign for use with your favorite naval miniatures rules and the Berthier Campaign Manager. The GOEBEN.BTH and GOEBENAug5.BTH files are for use with the Berthier Campaign Manager. ... [click here for more] |
Fool on the Hill Games |
Pay What You Want
 A selection of intimidating and inspiring printable banners for your miniature fantasy and science fiction warriors to bring to battle!
INSTRUCTIONS: Print this document onto heavy gauge paper, or trim to mount onto card. Use paints or inks to colour the designs, a thin layer of PVA may help to seal the surface before painting. Carefully cut out with scissors or a hobby knife. Trim... [click here for more] |
Christian Cuello |
Pay What You Want
This pdf file contains a new batch of textures that can be used to make the dungeon tile and player handout featured in the video below.
So grab them for free, or pay as little (or as much) as you like! ... [click here for more] |
Crooked Staff Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Blank Hex and Square grids are the perfect tool to help you set up your wargaming table or draw your wargame maps. A few marker pens are all you need to get started. In a painch you can use these A4 sized paper grids as wargaming mats as well.
Available in 20 mm Square and Hex grids.
20mm in Hex refers to the inner diameter (length between opposing end points) not the hex sides. ... [click here for more] |
Witwise Wargames |
Pay What You Want
 These Hex Graphics are designed to be used with micro armour and figures in a 20th Century Enviroment and are sized to be mounted on 100mm (across the flats) hexes ... [click here for more] |
Twylite Games |
Pay What You Want
Core set of 15mm wargaming paper miniatures.
40mm front bases.
Ideal for affordable armies for a number of mass combat rule systems.
3 Formats include
Black Border
White Border
Line Art ... [click here for more] |
8radgames |
Pay What You Want
 Expanding the OUTLANDS core ruleset. The 1st regular update includes:-
The Fall Of Paradise Part 2:- The continuing background story in which OUTLANDS is set. News of the cataclysm that has befouled Paradise reaches the highest authorities, The Council Of 12. It also offers them a chance to blame a certain individual.
New Abilities and Equipment:-... [click here for more] |
Shades Of Chaos Games |
Pay What You Want
 Paper Craft Heroes miniatures for your tabletop
Color and BW included for saving ink.
Assembly Required!
Feel free to Print and craft to your hearts desire but please do NOT place these images in another collection, or sell them individually unless approved by the author. Not for re-sale.
Check more out at: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/18974/kirilot ... [click here for more] |
kirilot |
Pay What You Want
Darkfast Dungeons Caverns Preview is a sneak peek at the Canverns Stretch Goal coming up on Kickstarter. This set shows one of the four colour options that will be included and it does not include the props and other details, but I threw in a few bonus pages to let you really use these rooms and halls for your own games. There are bonus minis and game cards for use with Darkfast Dungeons Skirmish... [click here for more] |
Okumarts Games |
Pay What You Want
 Expanding the OUTLANDS core ruleset. The 2nd regular update includes:-
To Scare Children:- Rumours of an unstoppable gunslinger circulate around Hope Springs.
New Abilities:- More tools and skills to make your Spice Hunters even more badass.
Introduction to Hiring Special Characters:- The general rules for 'Guns For Hire' special... [click here for more] |
Shades Of Chaos Games |
Pay What You Want
 A good game deserves a quick reference sheet to be checked during the game. Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Barong Creations |
Pay What You Want
 Female warrior Black and White character portraits for your character sheet. This set includes 5 separate characters. For personal use only. ... [click here for more] |
TV Creations |
Pay What You Want