** This is the illustrated and print-file version of this title. For the FREE/PWYW verson of this title, click HERE. **
Vyrmhack is a small-scale wargame with role-playing elements. Players take on the role of a single or band of characters who explore, fight, and survive in a dark fantastical land. It is meant to be compatible with most old-school game modules and wargame-style senarios.... [click here for more]
** This is the FREE/PWYW version of this title of this title. For the illustrated and print-file version, click HERE. **
Vyrmhack is a small-scale wargame with role-playing elements. Players take on the role of a single or band of characters who explore, fight, and survive in a dark fantastical land. It is meant to be compatible with most old-school game modules and wargame-style senarios.... [click here for more]
3D Printable Power Generator in a zip file containing the STLs:
includes 2 versions - retracted and raised
designed for 28-32mm miniatures, but can be re-scaled to fit your game.
... [click here for more]