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The maps consist of a very large master map of the Roman Empire and adjacent territories, and nine printable A4 maps without a textured background showing the areas closer up. An introduction is also included.
A companion guide detailing the locations on the maps is also available on this site, called Roman Empire Locations Guide.
These are part of a wargame campaign project... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
Warlaser! is a set of wargame rules born out of a re-examination of our massed skirmish wargame rules set Sacre Bleu, which has been very successful and popular with players. We’ve streamlined and deepened the system, and after much play testing created a series of rule sets which share common core mechanisms heavily tweaked for different periods. These make up our ‘Streamlined Play Rules Series’.... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
ULTIMA RATIO REGUM 2nd edition are a set of grand tactical wargame rules for late 17th to mid-18th century wargames (1689 – 1763) with the emphasis being on maneuvering and campaign aspects. What does this mean? Well the rules allow for spying, assassination, stirring speeches and the rules of war as well as the usual mechanisms for playing a wargame!
The sequence of play begins with... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
The Ottoman Army features sections on:
Command structure.
Battle tactics.
Ottoman flags.
Army size.
The Regular Army:
- the Imperial Guard (the Solaks, Peyks, Bostangis, Mutefferikas).
- the Sipahi of the Sublime Porte.
- the Janissary Corps.
The Provincial Army:
- Seratculi troops.
- Israelys.
- Semenys.
- Muselims.
- Martolos.
- Derbents.
- Dellis.
- Beslis.
- Gonullus.
- Kurds.... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
A lightweight set of skirmish rules for individually based figures featuring a highly variable sequence of play, simple mechanisms and several scenarios to try out.
Not at all complex, they are aimed for games of between 10 and 100 figures in the Horse & Musket era, although they could with a little bit of work be adapted to other periods.
In other words a set of fun, cheap and cheerful wargame... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
$6.19 $2.47
A 58-page guide detailing the locations shown on the Roman Empire Maps set above, and giving details about geography, populations, alternative names, histories, buildings and town classifications such as colonia, civitas, canabae, etc.
This is intended as a companion guide to another title on this website called Roman Empire Maps.
These are part of a wargame campaign... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 The Glory of Kings ATLAS ~ a full set of campaign maps for the 18th century which contains all 25 maps used in The Glory of Kings game but which can also be used for a wargames campaign or strategic maps for wide-ranging roleplaying!
Many of the maps have been updated, and some completely replaced with new versions. This is an ongoing process since the maps are being frequently updated as the game... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 Gallantry is a new set of horse & musket wargame rules for the Napoleonic and 18th Century eras, including pirates, developed as part of a new series covering different periods. They were developed from the pedigree of our popular Sacre Bleu massed skirmish rules, using a variable sequence of play which means even underdogs stand a chance of winning.
The rules stand alone, no other sets in the... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
The book contains scenarios designed to be flexible enough to be used with just about any sort of science-fiction wargame rules.
The scenarios can be played as individual one-off wargames, or can be linked together to form a narrative campaign. Included for each is background information, some prose to set the scene, a map, an idea of special rules and forces to use, and what the victory conditions... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
HMG is a set of World War One wargame rules for use with any scale of figure (6mm, 15mm, 20mm, 28mm ...) with infantry companies of between 4 and 8 figures used and use a ‘I go - You go’ sequence of play.
The pdf rules have a hyperlinked contents page to take you quickly to the page you need!
Features -
Army organisation.
Infantry battalion... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
VAUBAN is a siege warfare supplement for use with Ultima Ratio Regum rules, which are also available on this website!
This supplement covers fortress design, duties rosters, bombardment, storming a position, mining and counter-mining, general army morale, representing defences, design notes, as well as new units (specifically mortars, pierrier mortars, engineers, pontooneers, work parties,... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
18th century GAME OF WAR wargame rules are designed for 25mm or 28mm scale figures with 16 figures per infantry battalion, 4 figures per cavalry squadron, and artillery units of one model cannon and up to 4 gunners. They are intended to be in the ‘old school’ stream of wargaming popularised by the likes of Donald Featherstone and Terry Wise - which means lots of dice throwing and gentlemanly... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
RESISTANCE IS FUTILE VERSION 4 Expanded and radically revised!
Fast and fun game play, revamped morale and control rules, flexible units, heroes; usable with 40k or other sci-fi armies, includes optional background fluff!
THIS IS THE fourth version of the rules, which have radically changed and developed to be virtually an entirely new set. What’s changed? There's... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 Welcome to AGEMA’s ancient mass skirmish wargame rules! UNLEASH is a set of wargame rules born out of a re-examination of our massed skirmish wargame rules set Sacre Bleu, which has been very successful and popular with players. We’ve streamlined and deepened the system, and after much play testing created a series of rule sets which share common core mechanisms heavily tweaked for different periods.... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 Vive le Roi! is a set of fast play 18th century grand tactical wargame rules bringing out the differences in drill and the like throughout the century. The first half of the rules are the game mechanisms, with details on basing units and creating a wargames army in the second half (since during play it is useful to have the rules at the front!).
Each infantry battalion, cavalry squadron,... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
LIST OF ARMS 2nd edition is not a standalone product, but the army lists to accompany our grand tactical wargame rules ULTIMA RATIO REGUM 2nd edition also available on this website.
Armies covered are as follows:
Crimean Tartars
‘Other’ German and Italian states
Scots... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 Welcome to the world of the Duke of Marlborough, Louis XIV, Charles XII and Peter the Great! None Shall Pass! is a set of wargame rules which recreate the glory and atmosphere of early Eighteenth Century battles, hopefully without the accompanying blood and tears. The tactics of the period make it as fascinating as chess, with a much greater number of variations. This time in history is easy... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
Following criticism from a reviewer this is a second edition of this title, with sections added!
Spanish Civil War Armies - battle tactics, 45 detailed army lists for use with any wargame rules which cover changes in the war, tactics, uniforms, and force notes, etc.
... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
Colour campaign maps of Anatolia and the Holy Land from Constantinople to Gaza, showing march routes in red lines as well as Islamic forces entry points in green (for the 1st crusade the crusaders start at Constantinople... or perhaps you could a sea landing!).
Aimed primarily at the wargame campaigns set during the 1st Crusade, the maps can probably be employed for some of the other crusades!
The... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
Stingbad is a new set of Fantasy wargame rules developed as part of a new series covering different periods. They were developed from the pedigree of our popular Sacre Bleu massed skirmish rules, using a variable sequence of play which means even underdogs stand a chance of winning.
The rules stand alone, no other sets in the series are required, but all those in the Streamlined Play Rules Series... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This is a supplement for the None Shall Pass! wargame rules, not a standalone product!
There are army lists for the following states:
1. Bavaria.
2. Prussia-Brandenburg.
3. United Provinces.
4. Saxony-Poland.
5. Hungary.
6. Ottoman Turkey.... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 The book contains scenarios designed to be flexible enough to be used with just about any sort of science-fiction wargame rules. It completes the campaign begun in volume 1.
The scenarios can be played as individual one-off wargames, or can be linked together to form a narrative campaign. Included for each is background information, some prose to set the scene, a map, an idea of special rules and... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This is the latest full colour 7th edition version of the core game rules!
The Glory of Kings is a recreation of the real world of the 18th century. You subscribe to it like you would a magazine, and take part as one of the leading figures of the time, who can range from King Louis XIV, the Sun King of Royal France, down to the likes of the infamous pirate Blackbeard terrorising the West Indies.... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
Five colour campaign maps of alternate reality colonies covering the equivalent of India, China, the Wild West, the Orient and Africa. They can be used for Victorian Imperialist adventures ranging from the Northwest Frontier, the Indian Mutiny, Boxer rebellion, cowboys vs. indians, in darkest Africa, or going down the Nile against the Mahdi to relieve Khartoum! In these respects they can be employed... [pulse aquí para ver más] |

Napoleonic GAME OF WAR wargame rules are the second in the series following on from our 18th century set: They are also designed for 25mm or 28mm scale figures, with 16-24 figures per infantry battalion, 4-6 figures per cavalry squadron, and artillery units of one model cannon and up to 4 gunners. They are intended to be in the ‘old school’ stream of wargaming popularised by the likes... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 Scramble for Empire is a global wargames campaign. There are three basic types of player position. The main type is that of a nation, which you lead. These have strong ties to historical powers of the Imperialist Victorian age, so for example Britannia is Great Britain, Franconia is France, Germania is Germany, and so forth. The game is designed to allow us to have all the dramatic and exciting... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This is our new version of the core game rules!
Rome is Burning is a recreation of the real world of the 1st century. You subscribe to it like you would a magazine, and take part as one of the leading figures of the time, who can range from being a Roman governor to a barbarian king or chief of a tribe beyond the borders of Pax Romanus.
This isn’t a computer game but has a great deal of human input... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 Gordian Knot are a set of Ancient tabletop wargame rules for use with stands of figures, with each stand representing a unit. Using stands means they are suited for use with any scale of wargames figures (6mm - 28mm).
The rules include an example battle narrative to illustrate how the rules work, and as well as the usual mechanisms include a scenario or missions generator, an army selection... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 The 18th century Companion features articles on:
Pirates in the Med! Cleaning the Barbary Coast of the Pyrate Scourge 1713-1715. Written like a real history but based on a game of The Glory of Kings!
On Excommunication. ‘Nuff said!
Battle of Dettingen (1706?) - a wargame described in two articles.
Battle of Vivie-Saint-Eloy 1710 - a little known battle between the French and Anglo-Dutch.... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
A complete tabletop game of football, lasting between 10 and 20 minutes per match.
Features tackling, fouls, penalties, throw-ins, passing, team selection, defenders, strikes, midfielders, loose balls, kicking upfield, corners.
... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
Gentleman's Handbook is primarily aimed at players of The Glory of Kings but is likely to be of interest to anyone who enjoys 18th century history!
Gentleman's Handbook has sections on:
Selling of commissions and offices.
Money matters.
Slave markets.
Crop rotation.
Fishing and whaling.
Potatoes and other farming matters.
Reclaiming land from the sea.
Population levels.
Breechloading... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 A grayscale campaign map of the Middle East from Thebes in Egypt to Susa in the east; designed for wargames campaigns set in the sunset years of the Assyrian Empire and covering the lands of Assyria, Babylon, Israel, and so forth.
Can also be used for plotting the whereabouts of a character in a roleplaying game set in the same era of history! ... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 NEW supplement for Resistance is Futile 4 wargame rules! New rules and ideas for lots of cool things like fighting in snow blizzards, or in zero-G conditions, adding booby traps and using poisonous plants!
Full feature list: cynical troops, stealth, bombers, giant robots, faulty weapons, ECM, cloaking, mind control, hallucination, propaganda, negotiation, trackers, medical facilities, civilians... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 Glory & Argument is a supplement for our play by (e)mail game The Glory of Kings. It will also be of interest to anyone with a keen interest in 18th century history, as the following list of subjects covered in it will demonstrate!
Featured - Palace guard companies; War dog sections; Mobile vet clinics; Horse artillery batteries; Light infantry companies; Siege... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This is primarily aimed at players of The Glory of Kings but is likely to be of interest to anyone who enjoys 18th century history or gaming!
The Book of Revelations features sections on: Rocket Battery - Organ Gun Section - Baggage Traynes - Sieges - Telescopes - Pistols - Bayonets - Oilskin Musket Covers - Russeted Firearm - Drill Bored Cannon - Different fire systems - Proper Aiming - Infantry... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This is a supplement/expansion for The Glory of Kings 18th century PBM/PBEM wargames campaign from AGEMA, the core rules for which are also available on this website. However it does contain lots of esoteric information which may also be of interest to the general reader or games player in relation to the 18th century!
Defoe’s Illuminations features sections on:
Montalembert fortresses.... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This is a supplement/expansion for The Glory of Kings 18th century PBM/PBEM wargames campaign from AGEMA, the core rules for which are also available on this website. However it does contain lots of esoteric information which may also be of interest to the general reader or games player in relation to the 18th century!
This book features sections on:
120-gunner ship of the line.
Galley... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This features a rich – very rich – mix of topics which are listed below. As you can see while it is a primarily aimed at players of The Glory of Kings it is likely to be of interest to anyone who enjoys 18th century history!
Carte Blanche Features:
Heavy fortress cannon - Ninja units - Light rocket batteries - Army Headquarters - Non-commissioned officers - Training colleges - Morale... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This is a history of the early War of the Spanish Succession in Italy and Germany up until, and including, the Battle of Turin 1706.
Personalities involved on the campaign include the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy!
... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 The 18th century Gazetteer feature entries in alphabetical order giving information about various places in the 18th century. For example, the name of a town, any other names by which it is known, the regional population, location and political notes, historical notes, sites of interest and things such as fortifications present in 1700 AD. Locations are taken from across the globe, ranging from Aalborg... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This is a full length novel set in the Europe of the 1700’s: There is a war on, petty thieving to be done, and yet even a petty thief can end up embroiled in high political machinations conceived by one of France’s leading generals. Travel with him to witness the battles of Blenheim and Schellenberg, and become embroiled in spying and poisoning, not to mention a kidnap or two! Identities are swapped,... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This is a story about the Battle of the Schellenberg which took place in Bavaria before the more famous Battle of Blenheim in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession. With daring-do and rich prose the battle is described as a story rather than as straight history!
It is an extract from the full-length novel 'Over the Hills and Far Away!' which is also available on this website. ... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 This is a story about the famous Battle of Blenheim which took place in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession. With daring-do and rich prose the battle is described as a story rather than as straight history!
It is an extract from the full-length novel 'Over the Hills and Far Away!' which is also available on this website. ... [pulse aquí para ver más] |
 We are looking to recruit more players for our game ROME IS BURNING! It is a 1st century-era Ancients campaign game, usually played via email, in which you run a province, nation, or tribe. It covers all elements of history, including of course military aspects on land and sea, but also diplomacy, trade, religion, spying, &c. Each game turn includes an in-game newspaper.
It you fancy striving... [pulse aquí para ver más] |