Couchés sur le sol détrempé à la lisière de la forêt, les soldats de la colonie indépendante de Tradicus attendent l’ennemi. Soudain, ils ressentent les premières secousses ; peu après, ils entendent des piétinements de mauvaise augure, à peine atténués par leurs casques. Puis la terre vibre de plus en plus violemment, comme si elle était pilonnée sans relâche. Le cœur au bord... [click here for more]
This product is delivered in English and French - Ce produit est livré en Français en en Anglais Greeting asphalt lovers to the first implement of Overdrive, a fanzine dedicated to Gaslands: Refuelled!
Overdrive is a non-periodical publication of house rules, scenarios and customization tips made by the players for the players. Created by the minds behind the Gaslands french... [click here for more]
This product is delivered in English and French - Ce produit est livré en Français en en Anglais
Greeting asphalt lovers to the first implement of Overdrive, a fanzine dedicated to Gaslands: Refuelled!
Overdrive is a non-periodical publication of house rules, scenarios and customization tips made by the players for the players. Created by the minds behind the Gaslands french... [click here for more]
This product is delivered in English and French - Ce produit est livré en Français en en Anglais
Greeting asphalt lovers to the first implement of Overdrive, a fanzine dedicated to Gaslands: Refuelled!
Overdrive is a non-periodical publication of house rules, scenarios and customization tips made by the players for the players. Created by the minds behind the Gaslands french... [click here for more]
This product is delivered in English and French - Ce produit est livré en Français en en Anglais
Greeting asphalt lovers to the first implement of Overdrive, a fanzine dedicated to Gaslands: Refuelled!
Overdrive is a non-periodical publication of house rules, scenarios and customization tips made by the players for the players. Created by the minds behind the Gaslands french... [click here for more]
Giant Spiders - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
3 x Giant Spider paper miniatures with back and 36 color options. 1 x Giant Spider game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 3 x 50 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 11 tokens and 11 portraits... [click here for more]
MDRG est un système de jeu pour 2 joueurs ou plus pour se livrer à des combats rapides d'escarmouches de figurines dans un univers S.F post-apocalyptique. Basé sur les mécanismes du populaire Song of Blades and Heroes, les règles sont simples et par dessus tout, privéligie l'amusement ! Après deux cents ans de guerre nucléaire et biochimique,de... [click here for more]
Vizzerdrix - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
4 x Paper miniatures with back with 20 color options. 1 x Game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 4 x 32 mm bases... [click here for more]