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Découvrez Call of Dungeons, le dungeon crawler médiéval-fantastique autonome, jouable avec vos figurines. Ce livre de règles de 32 pages, fourni avec un fichier de matériel à imprimer de 24 pages contenant 12 tuiles et 97 cartes, vous plonge dans l'immersion profonde des donjons mystérieux d'Azalor.
Grâce à une mécanique... [click here for more] |
Epic Mecanix |
Giant Spiders - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
3 x Giant Spider paper miniatures with back and 36 color options. 1 x Giant Spider game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 3 x 50 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 11 tokens and 11 portraits... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
 Giant Rats - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
12 x Giant Rats paper miniatures with back with 17 color options. 4 x Giant Rats game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 12 x 18 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 22 tokens and 44 portraits for VTT.... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |

Human Bandits - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
6 x Paper miniatures with back with 40 color options. 2 x Game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 6 x 25 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 22 tokens and 22 portraits for VTT.
... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
Bandit Captain - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
4 x Paper miniatures with back with 29 color options. 1 x Game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 5 x 25 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 11 tokens and 11 portraits for VTT.
!!!... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
MDRG est un système de jeu pour 2 joueurs ou plus pour se livrer à des combats rapides d'escarmouches de figurines dans un univers S.F post-apocalyptique. Basé sur les mécanismes du populaire Song of Blades and Heroes, les règles sont simples et par dessus tout, privéligie l'amusement ! Après deux cents ans de guerre nucléaire et biochimique,de... [click here for more] |
Ganesha Games |

Witch Hunters - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
6 x Paper miniatures with back with 44 color options. 2 x Game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
Human Brigands - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
8 x Paper miniatures with back with 31/37 and 28 color options. 4 x Game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 8 x 25 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 36 tokens and 36 portraits for VTT.
... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |

Dryads - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
6 x Dryad paper miniatures with back with 2 layer options and 28 color options. 2 x Dryad game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 6 x 25 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 10 tokens and 10 portraits... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
Human Barbarians - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
6 x Paper miniatures with back with 9 layer options and 16 color options. 2 x Game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 6 x 25 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 10 tokens and 10 portraits for VTT.... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
Dwarf King - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
6 x Paper miniatures with back with 33 color options. 2 x Game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 6 x 25 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 10 tokens and 10 portraits for VTT.
!!!... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |

Ceci est le livre de règles du jeu de figurines fantastiques Myrrhe & Marauds.
Des bandes de maraudeurs s’affrontent dans les ruines de cités-temples abandonnées de leurs dieux
Une dizaine de figurines par équipe
Six factions différentes
Utilisez les figurines que vous souhaitez, vivez votre version du Crousteväld
Jeu d’escarmouche avec activations alternées
Une centaine de pages... [click here for more] |
Corentin Simon |
Pay What You Want
Dwarf Princesses - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
6 x Paper miniatures with back with 3 layer options and 23 color options. 2 x Game card with all options, frame options,... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
Elf Wizards - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
5 x Elf Wizard paper miniatures with back with 6 layer options and 38 color options. 1 x Elf Wizard game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 5 x 25 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 13 tokens... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |

Hobgoblin Warriors - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
6 x Hobgoblin Warrior paper miniatures with back with 9 layer options and 29 color options. 2 x Hobgoblin Warrior game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 6 x 25 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |

Rust Monsters - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
6 x Rust Monster paper miniatures with back and 10 color options. 2 x Rust Monster game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 6 x 25 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 10 tokens and 10 portraits... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
Human Sorcerers - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
8 x Paper miniatures with back with 37/29 and 15 color options. 4 x Game card with all options, frame options, label... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |

Dwarf Zealots - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
6 x Paper miniatures with back with 8... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
Exiled Orc Boss - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
4 x Paper miniatures with back with 3 layer options and 18 color options. 1 x Game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 4 x 32 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 10 tokens and 10 portraits for... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |

Exiled Orcs - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
4 x Paper miniatures with back with 7 layer options and 25 color options. 1 x Game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 4 x 32 mm bases with 5 layer options. This kit comes with 11 tokens and 11 portraits for VTT.... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |

Vizzerdrix - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
4 x Paper miniatures with back with 20 color options. 1 x Game card with all options, frame options, label options and 7 background color options. 4 x 32 mm bases... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
French rule, règle en français
Règles de jeu avec figurines 15mm, type escarmouche. Peut également se jouer avec des figurines 28mm ou même 10mm. Utilise un dé à 20 faces et 5 à 10 figurines par joueurs. Prend en compte les réussites et échecs critiques au lancer de dé à la manière des jeux de rôle.
Les... [click here for more] |
Jean-Denis |
 Feuillet Épique de Personnage.
Incluant neuf pages, ce Folio de Personnage pour la 5e, est le plus complet que vous puissiez trouver.
De plus, il comprend des ajouts spécialement conçus pour convenir aux personnages ayant une profession! Forgefer, Boiserier, Arcaniste, Alchimestre, Épicurieux, et bien d'autres encore à découvrir.
Ajoutez un soupçon de renouveau dans vos parties... [click here for more] |
Master Frank |
![Human Bandits [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/21955/436940-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Bandit Captain - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figurines and Cards Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.75 Format: PDF
Bandit Captain - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
4 x Paper miniatures with back... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
$2.60 $1.95
![Human Gang [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/21955/436941-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Bandit Captain - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figurines and Cards Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.79 Format: PDF
Bandit Captain - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
4 x Paper miniatures with back... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
$5.70 $4.50
Les Artisans d'Aventure : Métiers et Mystères
Plongez dans un univers où l’imagination et l’artisanat s’entrelacent. À travers ces pages, partez à la découverte des secrets de douze professions distinctes, offrant chacune un aperçu d’un monde où talent et créativité s’harmonisent à la perfection.
Que vous soyez un aventurier chevronné ou un novice curieux, ce... [click here for more] |
Master Frank |
![WargamePaper_Mega Pack 01 [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/21955/448410-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Bandit Captain - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figurines and Cards Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.75 Format: PDF
Bandit Captain - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Description :
This kit allows you to customize and assemble
4 x Paper miniatures with back... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
$27.90 $20.90
 Ces cartes réalisées par l’artiste de fantasy Bob Greyvenstein, représentent une partie d’une Forêt enchantée, riche en inspiration grâce à ses accidents de terrain : falaises, chemins, petite colline rocheuse, entrée d’un ravin, portion d’étang, ruisseau franchi par un pont, cercle de sorcières, colossale statue de pierre, vieux chêne majestueux, et autres.
Ce titre comprend deux... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |