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 The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP Issue #67 was published in October of 2024.
DoB Scenario: Battle of Souda Bay
Mighty Ike’s... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP Issue #66 was published in April of 2024.
HMS Aurora’s Final Course in China
A Missing Cutter
ATG... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
 My aim with these rules was to create something which allowed you to fight larger battles, where each base is a battalion. The rules cover the period pretty much from the development of the magazine rifle onwards, but you can doubtless fudge that. The aim is to allow you to fight several different sorts of game. Yes you can have the clash of regular armies. But you can also have the sort of counter-insurgency... [click here for more] |
Jim Webster |
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP Issue #65 was published in October of 2023.
Harpoon Scenario: Escape from Aden
Fear God... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
 This is a full game covering Naval and Coastal Warfare in the age of the Predreadnought.
The game includes everything necessary to play. All you will need is access to a colour printer, A4 Label Paper and some card.
The portrays conflict in a group of contested islands located between two nations.
Units provided include: Pre-dreadnought Battleships, Armoured Cruisers, Protected... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 February 2025 issue of scratch builder demonstrates how I build my 6mm canvas mesh armies, using a starter approach. This issue also dicusses a very low budget upgrade to a collection of tree monsters from 2022 editions. I go over the procedure for adding a bark like texture and painting. In addition, we discuss making little myconid warriors out of the simplest of materials. RPG corner and game news... [click here for more] |
MJ hobby corner |
The Portable Wargame concept has been evolving since the first book was published in 2017, and a lively community of players has developed. These players share ideas and their own variants of the rules, and this led to the publication of a selection of them in 2022 in the Portable Wargame Compendium. This proved so successful that a second Compendium has now been compiled.
This is the second Portable... [click here for more] |
Eglinton Books |
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP Issue #64 was published in April of 2023.
The Finnish Navy and Border Guard
Guns, Missiles, and Radars in Finnish... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogygame system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP Issue #63 was published in October of 2022.
Table of Contents
The Swedish Navy and Air Force and Annexes... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
Dreadnoughts & Battlecruisers: High Seas Edition is a rule book providing a two-player game of miniature naval combat during the Great War (1914-1918). A special Solitiare Module is included in this edition to allow for solo play. In D&B, Players maneuver their fleets on the tabletop (or floor) to recreate actual and hypothetical encounters. ... [click here for more] |
Minden Games |
$26.95 $19.96
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP Issue #62 was published in April of 2022.
Table of contents:
Harpoon Scenario: Hunt for a Queen ... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
 Soar into the thrilling skies of the First World War, where courage meets cunning in a deadly ballet of wings and gunfire! In this fast-paced air combat game, you'll take command of daring fighter pilots, lumbering bombers, and sharp-eyed scouts, weaving through clouds, evading anti-aircraft fire, and outmaneuvering foes in a relentless struggle for dominance.
The game is designed to be played in... [click here for more] |
Witwise Wargames |
$14.99 $9.99
The Naval SITREP supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
This special double issue of the Naval SITREP, #57-58 was published in October of 2020. It takes the place of the April 2020 issue as well as the October issue, and is sold at a reduced price.
Table of contents:... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP Issue #61 was published in October of 2021. Table of contents:
Tracking Changes in the Rules
Harpoon V Scenario: Pasdaran... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP Issue #60 was published in April of 2021. Table of contents:
Harpoon V Scenario: Bugout (with supporting annex data)
From... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
Can't find a tabletop wargame opponent? This easily-readable guide provides the tools needed to undertake tabletop wargame campaigns without the need for other players. The guidelines presented within are designed to supplement your favorite wargaming rules set (not included). They can be bent or twisted, even broken and reformed, to suit a wargamer's needs. Novices and veterans alike can employ... [click here for more] |
Precis Intermedia |
Forbidden Psalm: The Last War is a stand-alone tabletop miniatures game and rpg setting, inspired by and fully compatible with the MÖRK BORG ttrpg and other Forbidden Psalm miniatures games.
Forbidden Psalm is a 28mm miniatures agnostic game. You can use ANY suitable miniatures you already own, or build custom minis for this game. Solo Play and Coop rules are included. All content is... [click here for more] |
OptimisticNIL |
 Welcome to the final issue of the yearly magazine scratch builder monthly. Join the author in a variety of creative projects for war gaming, or RPG. Whether you are a seasoned crafter or just starting out, scratch builder has somethign for everyone.
This issue we explore the creation of a spider walker with nothing but a small box, some canva mesh and lots of imagination. Most crafting is done with... [click here for more] |
MJ hobby corner |
 Dread Not! is a fast paced tabletop game which can be used to recreate the large fleet engagements from the Great War. Dread Not! gives you the option to fight large engagements without bogging down like many other Naval games.
Dread Not! covers both the British Royal Navy and the German Imperial Navy with both navies having their own unique play style. Included are a multitude of different ship classes... [click here for more] |
Dobbies Hobbies |
The Battle of Vimy Ridge, April 9th to April 12th 1917, was part of the Battle of Arras in north-eastern France and took place during World War One. It was the first time that the four Divisions of the Canadian Corps fought together as one and is arguably Canada’s most celebrated military victory. The Ridge itself was a crucial strategic location and previous attempts by the British and French to... [click here for more] |
Mike Lambo |
$16.99 $9.99
This book has been written in direct response to the feedback from readers of ‘The Portable Wargame’, and includes three sets of rules – Ancient, enhanced Early and Mid-Twentieth Century, and Air Combat – and chapters that look at Army Lists, Mini-campaigns, and Scenarios. All the rules have been designed to be used with a gridded tabletop made up of squares or hexes.
This book contains chapters... [click here for more] |
Eglinton Books |
$5.78 $5.63
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP Issue #57 was published in October of 2019. Table of contents:
Nanchang is a Museum Ship
Harpoon V Scenario:... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
 The Fog of no man’s land has retreated, revealing the horrors of Trench 71.
The fate of the poor souls taken is finally revealed as your crew makes its way through the twisted, tormented paths of the trench. Play across a narratively connect four Scenario mini-campaign as your crew engages with the deadliest events yet to come to The Last War.
Trench 71 is a miniatures game... [click here for more] |
OptimisticNIL |
Eindekker: The Fokker Scourge, 1915 is a solitaire wargame covering fighting in the air over the Western Front in France in the Fall of 1915. In this game, you play the role of a famous German fighter pilot (Max Immelmann or Oswald Boelcke) flying a Fokker Eindekker EI. The game system handles the Allied side. Play takes place over a period representing one week, with you aiming... [click here for more] |
Minden Games |
$16.95 $10.96
 Scratch builder monthly is mj hobby corner's magazine describing very low budget terrain and model building for wargames or RPG. Projects are presented with a variety of photos and project descriptions, tools used and game examples.
This month we explore star ship construction and lay the ground work for some future bio-army ideas. All designs are very subjective, however, focus is given to the technique... [click here for more] |
MJ hobby corner |
This issue comes with a spiffy new, man-to-man solitaire game from one of the best solitaire designers in the industry, Gottardo Zancani. Titled Rattenkrieg, the game simulates up close and personal combat in Stalingrad, circa 1942. Rattenkrieg features a robust AI bot, and an innovative way, based on the actual size of the counter, to calculate to where a unit may move.
Of course the gaming doesn't... [click here for more] |
Flying Pig Games |
Easy to build: This paper model kit is easy to assemble, requiring just cardstock paper sheets to print on (110 lb. or 199gsm recommended), scissors, hobby knife, paper glue, aluminum ruler and cutting mat. It may look complicated, but every part of the Inventor's House is simple to assemble on its own, and putting it together is just a matter of building up the simple shapes into... [click here for more] |
Dave Graffam Models |
Easy to build: This paper model kit is easy to assemble, requiring just cardstock paper sheets to print on (110 lb. or 199gsm recommended), scissors, hobby knife, paper glue, metal ruler and cutting mat.
15mm to 30mm scale: This model set is designed at the popular 28mm-30mm gaming scale, and can be shrunk down to 15mm, 20mm or 25mm scales by simply adjusting the... [click here for more] |
Dave Graffam Models |
 Wargaming World Solo delivers an absorbing solo player wargame which pits you against a unique opponent - the “Virtual You”. The flexibility and original design allows you to play any period, with examples included between the Norman Conquest and the Vietnam War to get you started. Wargaming World Solo is designed to allow you to play at a scale and budget which meets your needs and is equally... [click here for more] |
Partizan Press |
The idea behind this set of rules, aimed at smaller scale figures, is relatively simple. It is to place the player in the position of Battalion Commander. The idea is to cover the period from the First World War to tomorrow. They’re designed to be played with 6mm figures but obviously work for 2mm, 6mm, 10mm, and I know people who’ve used them with multiple based 15mm figures.
Because of this... [click here for more] |
Jim Webster |
 A campaign system and tactical rules for pre-dreadnought naval warfare
By David Manley
A mini campaign covering the potential clash between Imperial Germany and the United States of America over Venezuela and the Kaiser’s desire to find his “place in the sun”. Also included is a brief history of the run-up to the campaign (and how it was averted), the latest... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |
This book follows on from ‘The Portable Wargame’ and ‘Developing The Portable Wargame’ to cover naval wargames that can be fought on a gridded tabletop. The book contains six sets of rules (three of which are from the ‘Portable Naval Wargame’ stable), four explanatory battle reports, and a chapter that explains ‘How to …’ build simple model American Civil War ironclads. Aimed mainly... [click here for more] |
Eglinton Books |
$7.48 $7.35
Here comes lucky number thirteen. Yaah! #13 that is. This issue comes jammed with the usual number of entertaining articles, a damn fine game, and wait for it… scenarios and variants are back.
First up is the The Battle of Hue! A solitaire game designed by Jay Ward and based on his popular Tiny Battle Publishing title, The Battle for Ramadi. The Battle for Hue! Allows gamers to control the forces... [click here for more] |
Flying Pig Games |
$18.00 $9.00
ADMIRAL OF THE FLEET (AOTF) is a fast-play system for naval miniatures wargames focusing on medium to large surface fleet actions during the 1880-1945 period.
Looking for a fast-play but realistic tabletop simulation that combines a unique command/signaling system with combat that is as exciting and unpredictable as naval warfare really was? Bored with just moving ships about the... [click here for more] |
DER TAG, 1916, 2nd ed. is a solitaire, strategic level game covering the North Sea campaign of World War I between the fleets of Great Britain and Germany set during the pivotal period of the First World War at sea. The player takes the British, and the game system handles the German side (optional rules allow you to reverse roles if desired). It is an “experience” game,... [click here for more] |
Minden Games |
$13.95 $9.95
The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREP Issue #56 was published in April of 2019. Table of contents:
Naval Combat Systems in Harpoon ... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
WWI/Pre-Dread Core Rules
Naval Thunder: Clash of Dreadnoughts is an exciting, fast paced naval miniatures wargame that brings all the excitement of big-gun naval combat to your tabletop.
Newcomers will appreciate how straight-forward and easy to learn the basic system is, while naval wargaming veterans can take advantage of the optional rule system to add additional layers of detail to the game.... [click here for more] |
Steel Dreadnought Games |
Easy to build: This paper model kit is easy to assemble, requiring just cardstock paper sheets to print on (110 lb. or 199gsm recommended), scissors, hobby knife, paper glue, aluminum ruler and cutting mat. Assembly time is about an hour.
15mm to 30mm scale: This model is designed at the popular 28mm-30mm gaming scale, and can be shrunk down to 15mm, 20mm or 25mm... [click here for more] |
Dave Graffam Models |
Great War Salvo! 3rd Edition is a strategy, solitaire, tactical naval wargame that enables players to recreate early World War I naval battles between individual British and German warships on the table top. This is the new, latest edition of this game system. (For those owning the 2nd ed., see below for what's new in this edition.)
The game consists an illustrated, color... [click here for more] |
Minden Games |
$23.95 $12.95
The Naval SITREPis published twice a year by the Admiralty TrilogyGroup. It supports the Admiralty Trilogygame system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.
The Naval SITREPIssue #54 was published in April of 2018. Table of contents:
North Korea’s Armed Forces ... Just in Case
Annex A - North Korean Ships... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
World War Tesla™ is an alternate-history wargame by James M. Ward (author of TSR's Gamma World, Deities & Demigods, and Metamorphis Alpha) and Thomas A. Tullis, where Nikola Tesla’s more radical ideas such as death rays and force fields have come to fruition, changing... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
$19.99 $10.00
A campaign system and tactical rules for pre-dreadnought naval warfare
By David Manley
A mini campaign covering the Russo Japanese War from the initial surprise attack on Port Arthur through to Tsushima and beyond. Also included is a brief history of the naval campaign and the “Broadside and Salvo” fast play pre-dreadnought rules and a complete set of ship... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |
 This volume of the AOTF NAVAL ANNUAL Series provides over 500 pre-formatted, printable ship logs. It covers the many ship classes of the 1907-1921 period for the navies of Argentina, Austria-Hungary, Brazil, Chile, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, and the United States. The ship logs are divided... [click here for more] |
Fear God & Dread Noughtis the Admiralty Trilogy Group’s tactical game covering war at sea from 1906 - 1925. Players can use ships, aircraft, and submarines to fight historical battles or experiment with “almost happened” or “what if” scenarios. While comprehensive, the rules are easy to follow for both experienced gamers and those new to naval gaming. They cover not only gunnery... [click here for more] |
Admiralty Trilogy Group |
Based on LFG's "Broadside and Salvo", Si Vis Pacem is a set of fast play naval wargaming rules designed to enable the largest battles of World War One, including Jutland, to be played and finished in a day.
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum (“If you desire peace, prepare for war”) was the motto of the Royal Navy at the time of the Great War ... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |
 Weltkrieg, 1914: Solitaire World War I Wargame is a solitaire game simulating the opening six weeks of World War I, at the grand strategic level. The player takes the German side in the game, and distributes his armies among the main theaters of the war to make attacks and advances to bring about the end of the war quickly, hopefully with favorable results. The object of the game... [click here for more] |
Minden Games |
$23.95 $16.95
In a time almost forgotten, the world was whole. From their seats at Avantir, the council of Wizards shared their gift of magic with the world, founding the great magical colleges. It was a time of wonder, prosperity, and progress. In their hubris, the council failed to consider the costs of their actions. They failed to realise that their powers were finite, until, rather predictably, it was too... [click here for more] |
Jack Edwards |
Pay What You Want
Game rules + full game. In English and Spanish
Solo war game in roll and write mode. OBJECTIVE: The player must lower the enemy's morale to 0 to obtain victory, while your enemy will try to cross the second defensive line or will also try to lower the player's morale to win.
What does it take to play?
Just the printed sheet (it is recommended that the... [click here for more] |
Solitary Division |
$3.00 $1.50
Special Ops is Multi-Man Publishing's magazine that provides coverage of MMP's line of products. Each issue has multiple articles covering several of MMP's product lines as well as ASL/ASLSK scenarios.
These are just the magazines, no game is included in the PDF version (only the physical print edition includes the game).
Articles for this issue:
WHAT... [click here for more] |
Multi-Man Publishing |
Easy to build: This paper model kit is easy to assemble, requiring just cardstock paper sheets to print on (110 lb. or 199gsm recommended), scissors, hobby knife, paper glue, aluminum ruler and cutting mat. It may look complicated, but every part of the Willow Brook Inn is simple to assemble on its own, and putting it together is just a matter of building up the simple shapes into... [click here for more] |
Dave Graffam Models |