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Across A Deadly Field – Regimental Rules for Civil War Battles

Across A Deadly Field – Regimental Rules for Civil War Battles

Up until now, ACW games have either taken a regimental approach for a more tactical game or a brigade-level view for a more grand tactical game – and gamers have plenty of both regimental or brigade level ACW rule sets to choose from. However, both approaches have drawbacks. The pure regimental approach – such as in Johnny Reb – can make it difficult to fight a very large battle, while the brigade...   [click here for more]
Osprey Publishing  $39.95 $11.21

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Jane's The Imperial Japanese Navy

Jane's The Imperial Japanese Navy

Fred T. Jane has become a legend in military circles. His research into naval affairs allowed him to produce "the" reference materials for all things navy related. This book from 1904, traces the Japanese Navy from the earliest period up to the time of the outbreak of the war with Russia in February 1904. It then deals with the dockyards, armament, equipment and personnel. ...   [click here for more]
Felbrigg Herriot  $3.65

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  Blood on the Blade - 2nd Edition