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 Hex based terrain boards with hill and road features for creating a 3d battlefield.
Each tile is a large hexagon made up of smaller 1.93 inch (49 mm) hexagons. This is the largest Hexagon tile that can fit on a 220 mm print bed. If you have a larger print bed you can scale them by 103.6% to achieve 2 inches.
Hills slope up in 5 and 10 mm increments. Tile risers can be used to raise any tile by 10... [click here for more] |
Two Inches of Felt |
 Hex based terrain boards with hedgerow features for creating a 3d battlefield.
Each tile is a large hexagon made up of smaller 1.93 inch (49 mm) hexagons. This is the largest Hexagon tile that can fit on a 220 mm print bed. If you have a larger print bed you can scale them by 103.6% to achieve 2 inches.
I also sell tree models that are designed for these terrain boards.
Other HexTile Packs:
Hills... [click here for more] |
Two Inches of Felt |
 Includes 8 different variations of 1-4 Fir Trees
Easily printed on an FDM printer with no supports and 10% infill.
I usually print at 0.24 layer height and 1-2 line width for walls.
The scale is suitable for 6mm and 12mm as is, could be scaled to 2mm and 15mm.
Painted trees with 12mm M4 Sherman for scale:
All 8 unique sculpts unpainted:
How looks from above:
... [click here for more] |
Two Inches of Felt |
 You've ever dream of playing big scale battles with rich sceneries and city ! With these 28 buildings, you will be able to build a huge city with enough variation on the board !
... [click here for more] |
Thenainblanc Studio |
 Includes 8 different variations of a deciduous woodlands.
Easily printed on an FDM printer with no supports and 10% infill.
I usually print at 0.24 layer height and 1-2 line width for walls. Takes <1 hr per piece on my neptune 4.
The scale is suitable for 6mm and 12mm as is, could be scaled to 2mm and 15mm.
Painted woods with 6mm panzer IV for reference:
All 8 unique sculpts unpainted:
Closeup... [click here for more] |
Two Inches of Felt |
 Includes two rectangle orchards and 2 square orchards for both 6mm and 10mm/12mm. Also includes five 2 inch hexagon orchards for 6mm.
6mm square/rectangle:
6mm hexagon orchards:
Model Renders:
... [click here for more] |
Two Inches of Felt |
Includes 9 different variations of a spreading spruce tree.
Easily printed on an FDM printer with no supports and 10% infill.
I usually print at 0.2 layer height and 2 line width for walls. Takes 4-6 hours each.
1/100 scale sherman for scale.
Copy URL ... [click here for more] |
Two Inches of Felt |
 A range of aige of sail ships , there is a single zip file containing all the models in the collection ... [click here for more] |
Twylite Games |
$20.80 $15.68
 Create flexible 2mm town and village landscapes with your 3D printer using these .stl terrain tiles
Mediterranean village and town dwelling tiles
North European village and town dwelling tiles
Civic tiles - Coliseum, Forum, Citadel, Temple, Church
City walls and gatehouse (square and round towers)
all tiles are 40mm x 40mm
Free updates and additions will be supplied as the range... [click here for more] |
CC Publishing |
$2.50 $1.87
Printable 3D cube heads (in a weathered and crumbling stone finish) for use with 28mm wargames figures. Cubes include a little nubbin for easy attachement to a range of figures.
Included are unsupported & supported files for a set of 12 CUBE HEADS to suit 28mm scale infantry and 3 BIG CUBE HEADS that are slightly larger and would work well with Ogre sized units at that scale.
THE... [click here for more] |
Apocrypha_Now |
 You are buying the complete range of my 3d designed 6mm wargame buildings and villages in stl file format , i have also put the individual houses i have created into the downloads as a seperate zip file except for the Southern Europe range which requite a little more work to make them individual and the Japanese castle as that would require a massive download for buyers all . Most are on a 100mm by... [click here for more] |
Twylite Games |
$32.50 $31.81
 At last tiny armys that you can print on a SLA! representing tricorn and bicorn units 20x10mm bases that even have a texture! These are test printed with no supports on a anycubic photon and because they are so low you can print a lot pretty quickly!
use them for your 3mm needs. designed around a generization of the american revolutionary war.
generals,... [click here for more] |
Think Fox social |
Pay What You Want
Russian Village Church
Voxel House is launching its line of buildings and ruins from the Second World War for its Wargame Iron Cross system. Our buildings are made for 1/100 (15 / 18mm) scale and can also be used on the 1/200 or 1/285 scale. All of our buildings come in parts, enabling assembly as a one-piece 3D kit or print.
Russian Village Church for your game scenario, Common... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
$5.99 $2.99
 The most common type of home in Early New England villages were one or two room cottges. These were later often expanded into larger residences by adding a second floor, or additional rooms. This model represents a typical small cottage in its initial form. Similar homes were build later as the frontier opened to European settlement.
The roof can be either permanently attached, or left loose to allow... [click here for more] |
Alex MacDonald |
 More affluent members of early New England settlements could afford to build larger homes. Two stories with several rooms on each floor was common. This model represents such a home. Similar houses were built well into the 19th century and could be found further west as well.
The roof can be either permanently attached, or left loose to allow placing figures insided. There is also a removable second... [click here for more] |
Alex MacDonald |
DRAGONLOCK™ Ultimate an interlocking terrain system that allows you to create fully modular, multi-level 28mm scale dungeon terrain for your RPG or wargame on your home 3D printer. Individual pieces links to neighboring pieces with our exclusive Dragonbite™ clips. Each set is delivered as a downloadable .stl file, and once you have the set, you can print as many pieces as you like... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
$9.99 $5.99
 Solid log Blockhouses like this served as the primary defense in small towns in early America. Heavy construction and few, small openings made these structures very difficult to attack by enemies with no heavy weapons.
The roof and upper floor can be either permanently attached, or left loose to allow placing figures insided. This building is printed in several pieces, and designed for a print bed... [click here for more] |
Alex MacDonald |
 A typical small house of the type built by the early settlers of New England. This could be used for any small dwelling up to the early 1900s. The time and effort needed to make planks out of trees by hand resulted in making homes just large enough for the family to get out of the weather. They genreally had little furniture, and were of modest, simple construction. Up to a dozen people might dwell... [click here for more] |
Alex MacDonald |
 STL-48ASR03 Ruined rural outbuildings SUPER DETAILED 28mm 1:56 / 1:48
STL-48ASR03 Ruined rural outbuildings and yard walls for WW2 Belgium and France. Amazing detail, historical accuracy and overall quality!
Designed for 1:48 - 1:56 (28mm) but easily scalable from 15mm to 1:32 (we tested that!)
25 unique parts making up: 1 x ruined stone lean-to (8 parts) 1 x Wooden shed (3 parts)... [click here for more] |
 This set contains enough part to make many house for the south american wars or for the colonial era. These are perfectly scaled for 15mm gaming and could be rescaled easely for 10mm or 28mm gaming. You will get :
2 different 1st floors
3 different second and 3rd floors
2 different roofs files
... [click here for more] |
Thenainblanc Studio |
 This set contains enough part to make many house for the south american wars or for the colonial era. These are perfectly scaled for 15mm gaming and could be rescaled easely for 10mm or 28mm gaming. You will get :
2 different 1st floors
3 different second and 3rd floors
2 different roofs files
... [click here for more] |
Thenainblanc Studio |
 Includes all necessary files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.)
This parts are included:
Minimum printbed needed... [click here for more] |
$8.95 $4.95
STL files to 3D print scenery for wargames and roleplaying games on any 3D printer !
You will get a link to download an archive containing STL files that will allow you to print 4 different houses, just load them in the software provided with your 3D printer and print them as many times as you like !
The STL files are printable on any 3D printer, we recommend using... [click here for more] |
Via Ludibunda |
Pay What You Want
DRAGONLOCK™ Ultimate an interlocking terrain system that allows you to create fully modular, multi-level 28mm scale dungeon terrain for your RPG or wargame on your home 3D printer. Individual pieces links to neighboring pieces with our exclusive Dragonbite™ clips. Each set is delivered as a downloadable .stl file, and once you have the set, you can print as many pieces as you like... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
$9.99 $5.99
 An add-on for the Vauban fortress basic set, with 5 types of bastions, an adapter matching to the rectangular fortress set, and courtine extensions allowing to increase the width of the parapet walk (you need theCourtine extension set).
With this extension, you'll get a really mighty fortress in every size you want.
Al STL-Files in 25mm and 28mm scale. ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
 This set contains enough part to make many house for the south american wars or for the colonial era. These are perfectly scaled for 15mm gaming and could be rescaled easely for 10mm or 28mm gaming. You will get :
2 different 1st floors
3 different second and 3rd floors
2 different roofs files
... [click here for more] |
Thenainblanc Studio |
 Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.)
This parts are included:
Minimum printbed needed is 15 x 15 cm and 15 cm high. Scale is for 28mm Miniatures (approx 1/48) you can rescale it:
Example Scale... [click here for more] |
 This set contains a long courtine with an artillery embrasure matching to the Fortress in Vauban's star shape style, comes in two versions with different inner wall.
The set consists of STL-Files, made for 3D printing, to be used for table-top-gaming scale 28mm and 25mm (1:64 and 1:72) ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
 This set contains a so called "Ravelin" matching to the Fortress in Vauban's star shape style,
Ravelins are used to protect the wall, "Courtines" of a fortress. Of course it can perfectly used as bastion in ACW or other scenarios
The set consists of STL-Files, made for 3D printing, to be used for table-top-gaming scale 28mm and 25mm (1:64 and 1:72) ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
 This building will make a fine addition to any Mediterranean city or town for your miniatures. The roof can be either permanently attached, or left loose to allow placing figures insided. It is printed in several pieces, and designed for a print bed of 200x140 mm or larger. ... [click here for more] |
Alex MacDonald |
 These buildings will make a fine addition to any Mediterranean city or town for your miniatures. The roofs can be either permanently attached, or left loose to allow placing figures insided. They printed in several pieces, and designed for a print bed of 200x140 mm or larger. ... [click here for more] |
Alex MacDonald |
 STL-48ASR01 Ruined rural stables SUPER DETAILED 28mm 1:56 / 1:48
STL-48ASR01 Ruined rural stables for WW2 Belgium and France. Amazing detail, historical accuracy and overall quality!
Designed for 1:48 - 1:56 (28mm) but easily scalable from 15mm to 1:32 (we tested that!)
24 unique parts including: 3 x gable wall 6 x external wall sections 1 x internal wall 1 x upper floor... [click here for more] |
 STL-48ASR02 Ruined rural farmhouse SUPER DETAILED 28mm 1:56 / 1:48
STL-48ASR02 Ruined rural farmhouse for WW2 Belgium and France. Amazing detail, historical accuracy and overall quality!
Designed for 1:48 - 1:56 (28mm) but easily scalable from 15mm to 1:32 (we tested that!)
37 unique parts including: 2 x multi part gable wall 6 x external wall sections 2 x internal walls ... [click here for more] |
 This set contains a scale model of a coastal battery, modular build with end and depot segments, together with a French Gribeauval 16 lb gun on its carriage. It is matching to the other fortress sets
its contents STL-Files, made for 3D printing, to be used for table-top-gaming a scale 28mm and 25 mm (1:64 and 1:72) ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
 STL files to 3D print scenery for wargames and roleplaying games on any 3D printer !
You will get a link to download an archive containing STL files that will allow you to print 4 different houses, just load them in the software provided with your 3D printer and print them as many times as you like !
You can mix and match some parts with the designs from the Village... [click here for more] |
Via Ludibunda |
Pay What You Want
 Some extensions to increase the with of the parapet walk, straight and edged ones.
Both matching to the Vauban fortress courtines and bastions, to get more room for artillery or manning of the walls.
STL-Files, both in 28mm (1:64) and 25mm (1:72) for 3D printing, ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
DRAGONLOCK™ Ultimate an interlocking terrain system that allows you to create fully modular, multi-level 28mm scale dungeon terrain for your RPG or wargame on your home 3D printer. Individual pieces links to neighboring pieces with our exclusive Dragonbite™ clips. Each set is delivered as a downloadable .stl file, and once you have the set, you can print as many pieces as you like... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
$9.99 $5.99
 With this set you'll get PDFs to define some basic napoleonic regiments cards to play CTE or other table top games. In addition artillery-cards to control the loading status of yout artillery pieces
You need to cut the and glue, if you wis to stick on magnetic tapes (not included) to use a whiteboard.
Units for France, Britain and Preussen included, both in English and German ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
 In this set you'll get big and small flagstaffs to be uses in CTE or other table-top games
STL-Files for 3D printing,
big flagstaffs and marker flags for the Napoleonic age, (France, Pussia, Austria, Britain)
small flagstaffs and marker flags for numering unites ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
![Endless: Fantasy Tactics - Dragoon [F] (STL)](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2597/310001-thumb140.jpg) On The Lamb returns!
The Dragoon has always been our most popular miniature, and now she is back in 3D printable format.
We reccomend using a resin printer for the best results. ... [click here for more] |
On The Lamb |
 STL files to 3D print scenery for wargames and roleplaying games on any 3D printer !
You will get a link to download an archive containing STL files that will allow you to print some Drow or Dark Elves buildings just load them in the software provided with your 3D printer and print them as many times as you like !
The STL files are printable on any 3D printer, we... [click here for more] |
Via Ludibunda |
Pay What You Want
 On The Lamb returns!
The Badger-At-Claw for Brushfire was our first miniature released 10 years ago, for its anniversary we have recreated it as a digital sculpt allowing you to print it off at home. We hope this will be the first of many digital rereleases for both Brushfire and Endless.
We reccomend using a resin printer for the best results. A supported version... [click here for more] |
On The Lamb |
A model of a Coehoor mortar, used from 1750 till ACW in various roles as ship's armament, fortification or siege weapon.
It is a very little object, and the printing result in scale 25mm was not confidently.
But maybe your printer allows printing or your scale is bigger, so try it - it's free! ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
![Endless: Fantasy Tactics - Chibi Dragoon [F] (STL)](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2597/310002-thumb140.jpg) On The Lamb returns!
A chibi edition of our female Dragoon was created in response to fan demand, and now she is back in a 3D Printable format.
We reccomend using a resin printer for the best results. ... [click here for more] |
On The Lamb |
 This set contains a French 16lb Gribauval garrison cannon on a garrison carriage
its contents STL-Files, made for 3D printing, to be used for table-top-gaming scale 28mm and mm (1:64 and 1:72)
dimension 1/72 about 3cm x 7cm, 28mm 3,4cm x 8cm ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
 Hex based terrain boards with village and farm terrain for creating a (1/285, 6mm) 3d battlefield.
Each tile is a large hexagon made up of smaller 1.93 inch (49 mm) hexagons. This is the largest Hexagon tile that can fit on a 220 mm print bed. If you have a larger print bed you can scale them by 103.6% to achieve 2 inches.
There 7 different tiles using 6 different building models. Roofs are printed... [click here for more] |
Two Inches of Felt |
 Marker-carriers for whiteboards for 3D printing
& 3D STL data for (included) matching washers
& Microsoft PowerPoint Templates to gererate your own Unit-reference cards
to be used for table-top games as CTE. ... [click here for more] |
Xerbath |
![modular arabic buildings (stl file) [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/12025/247031-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. modular arabic building set (stl file) Regular price: $8.95 Bundle price: $6.00 Format: ZIP File This model set comes with a complete and a ruined building.
Includes all necessary STL files to print the model on your own 3D printer. (No physical model included with your order.)
This parts are included:
... [click here for more] |
$17.90 $12.00
![Modular South America/Colonial City [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/18196/334244-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Modular South America/Colonial House 1 Regular price: $8.99 Bundle price: $7.19 Format: STL (3D Model) This set contains enough part to make many house for the south american wars or for the colonial era. These are perfectly scaled for 15mm gaming and could be rescaled easely for 10mm or 28mm gaming. You... [click here for more] |
Thenainblanc Studio |
$26.97 $21.58
 You've ever dream of playing big scale battles with rich sceneries and city ! With these 29 buildings, you will be able to build a huge city with enough variation on the board !
These are suitable for 18th century to WW2 era wargaming table. You will find many different houses and churches in this bundle
... [click here for more] |
Thenainblanc Studio |