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Welcome to 1-48COMBAT The most innovative and exciting WWII skirmish tabletop miniatures game in sight!
Take command of a squad of battle hardened troops in the epic battle for Stalingrad with these new fast and emotional rules: intense small scale fighting with few figures for fiery games that lasts less than an hour!
Download the free 1-48COMBAT rules now and join the thousands of other gamers... [click here for more] |
Have you ever found yourself stuck mid-game, searching for a random number between 1 and 100 but unable to come up with one?
Be stuck no more!
The Most Mathematically Correct Lists Presents:
100 numbers between 1 and 100!
Never be at a loss for numbers between 1 and 100 again. This handy reference will undoubtably be useful to both players and game masters as they strive to introduce... [click here for more] |
Troll in the Corner |
Pay What You Want
 Inspire your Covenanting armies with this flag! Copied from a surviving artifact, this flag was carried by the Covenanters at Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge (1679) as they battled the forces of Charles II. The flag was then used by the Cameronian Regiment during the battle of Dunkeld (1689) against the Jacobites. Available in four common scales: 1/72, 28mm, 40mm, and 54mm. ... [click here for more] |
Through All Ages LLC |
 Inspire your Covenanting armies with this flag! Copied from a surviving artifact, this flag was carried by the Covenanters at Bothwell Bridge (1679) as they battled the forces of Charles II. It was captured by a cavalry unit under Lord Rollo. Available as 2 high-quality PNG images in a zip folder. ... [click here for more] |
Through All Ages LLC |
 A full list of MicroMark organisation charts available for the Russo-Japanese War, WW1, Balkans War, Spanish Civil War and the Gran Chaco Wars, plus other interwar armies.
As the total collection amounts to 2200 lists it is going to take a while to upload them all - if you see lists in the catalogues you wish to purchase but that are not up yet on the site, email me and I'll get them uploaded, probably... [click here for more] |
MicroMark Army Lists |
A full list of all the MicroMark army list organisation charts available for WW2, including many neutrals.
Updated to December 2024, including sales sheet ADD65.
Includes lists for Blitzkrieg Commander rules. ... [click here for more] |
MicroMark Army Lists |
A full list of the MicroMark modern army list organisation charts available covering:
Cold War, India-Pakistan 1965, 1971, Vietnam, Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, Arab-Israeli Wars 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982+, and lots of lists for armies that haven't actually been at war for those what-if scenarios.
As the total collection amounts to 2200 lists it is going to take a while to upload them all - if you... [click here for more] |
MicroMark Army Lists |
 This is a bundle of two flyers from Lowry Enterprises in 1973, and the program booket for DEWCON (Down East Wargamers Convention). These are offered for free as peek into the world of that time. ... [click here for more] |
Fox Den |
Complete listing of all the Napoleonic and 19th Century organisation charts in the MicroMark collection.
As the total collection amounts to 2200 lists it is going to take a while to upload them all - if you see lists in the catalogues you wish to purchase but that are not up yet on the site, email me and I'll get them uploaded, probably within 24 hours ... [click here for more] |
MicroMark Army Lists |
 Complete listing of all the Napoleonic and 19th Century organisation charts in the MicroMark collection.
As the total collection amounts to 2200 lists it is going to take a while to upload them all - if you see lists in the catalogues you wish to purchase but that are not up yet on the site, email me and I'll get them uploaded, probably within 24 hours ... [click here for more] |
MicroMark Army Lists |
 This is a scenario for use with the 'Through the Mud and Blood' divisional scale rule set by Dobbies Hobbies. This scenario could be adapted for any large scale Great War rule set.
This scenario will represent the initial attacks made by the 1st Canadian Division towards the Black and Red Lines. Will you be able to capitalize on the shattered German lines or will your attack bog down in the Mud and... [click here for more] |
Dobbies Hobbies |
Pay What You Want
Another theatre specific catalogue, this time showing all currently available organisation charts for the 1st Gulf War 1990-1991, extracted from the moderns catalogue.
Updated lists will are planned for the 1st Gulf War. ... [click here for more] |
MicroMark Army Lists |
 Battle Group Roster for the 1st Panzer Division, May 1940
Battle Group Roster for use with Combat HQ: Total War and Germany 1939-45. ... [click here for more] |
Wargames Design |
This is a story taken from Another Day In Paradise and is a teaser only but a good short story I think...
Available in PDF, Kindle and .epub (Nook) formats ... [click here for more] |
Eric Johnson |
A simple cottage for 28mm fantasy games. Print onto A4 card and colour with pens,paint or inks to suit your existing terrain. ... [click here for more] |
Mammoth Miniatures |
Pay What You Want
These are 28 mm miniatures paper cut-out counters that counters and templates suitable for use with your own games or other naval games that uses 28mm miniatures. They can also be used as counters in normal hex and counter game.
The Units are provided as PDF files for various color options, you can print and cut then fold to form your naval... [click here for more] |
Obscure Battles |
Pay What You Want
 Battle Group Roster for the 2nd Panzer Division, May 1940
Battle Group Roster for use with Combat HQ: Total War and Germany 1939-45. ... [click here for more] |
Wargames Design |
 Free template for a 12” measuring tool for solo games of Brigadier General. By no means are you bound to paint your baton these colors I picked them to help differentiate each section. The colors represent the various shooting ranges of units for models from 3mm to 6mm scale.
Demo Blog: http://brigadier-general-wargame.blogspot.com/
Forums: http://brigadiergeneral.freeforums.net/ ... [click here for more] |
Bat Cave Miniatures |
 Battle Group Roster for the 3rd & 4th Panzer Divisions, May 1940
Battle Group Roster for use with Combat HQ: Total War and Germany 1939-45. ... [click here for more] |
Wargames Design |
 Battle Group Roster for the 5th Panzer Division, May 1940
Battle Group Roster for use with Combat HQ: Total War and Germany 1939-45. ... [click here for more] |
Wargames Design |
Six free sample tiles taken from...
Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Large Geomorph Tiles (25/28/30mm scale)
... [click here for more] |
Inked Adventures |
In preparation for the release of the Compact & Worn Starship Deck Plans 6×6 Tiles (PDF and pre-print tiles) [Edit: now available click here], we are providing this free sampler PDF which contains a starship tile designed for use with 25-27mm figures using the 1inch=5ft scale, plus a “hangar floor” tile and cargo crates.
All of the art is hand drawn (mostly pen... [click here for more] |
Inked Adventures |
Set of 10 print and play fantasy 28mm 8Radgames Paper Miniature Demo Set.
Included 3 formats
1.Colour with thick black outline.
2.Colour with thin black outline.
3.Line art.
Plus basic stands in gray, green, plain and line art. ... [click here for more] |
8radgames |
A Billion Suns is an innovative tabletop miniatures wargame of interstellar spaceship combat for 2-4 players. These free quick start rules are intended to introduce you to the game and teach the basics.
Three classes of spaceship are available In these quick start rules. Many more feature in the full game, from wings of recon ships to colossal planet-smashing battleships.... [click here for more] |
Planet Smasher Games |
Human Continent, North 364 NHE 7:00 AM : A group of the orc army began a series of skirmishes on the human continent in search of revenge for an attack on lands belonging to the orc kingdom. An army group commanded by Baldik “Rockhand” is about to take a human city, but a raging river is its barrier. A bridge that allows the crossing is the only option and he will cross it at... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
"A Clear and Present Madness" is a free expansion for "Warfare in the Age of Madness" and focuses on late 20th and early 21st century conventional and asymmetric warfare adding new elements, new, battlefield threats, new traits, new actions, new gear, and new game play. It also introduces an expanded and more flexible force creation system that includes three levels of play and force specialization.... [click here for more] |
Visceral Impact Studios |
A Country in Turmoil are for wargaming battles in Bishops’ Wars (1639-1640), The Irish Confederate Wars (1641-1653) and The English Wars (1642-1652), in a casual and engaging manner. A typical game can be completed within 2 hours and the rule mechanics are very easy to grasp. After a couple of turns players will usually find themselves comfortable with A Country in Turmoil.
The rules are scale agnostic... [click here for more] |
Nigel Emsen |
Pay What You Want
A free, simplified introductory set of FFT3's rules.
Gives you the minimum information needed to fight a late 1980s mechanized battle between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, so you can see just how fast the rules play and how easy they can be to learn. The full rules are of course more detailed and have greater depth, as well as a wealth of data and army lists.
If you try it and like it, the full rules... [click here for more] |
A Fistful of Games |
A free, very simplified introductory set of FFT3's rules.
Gives you the minimum information needed to fight a late 1943 mechanized battle between Germany and the US or Soviet Union, so you can see just how fast the rules play and how easy they can be to learn. The full rules are of course more detailed and have greater depth, as well as a wealth of data and army lists.
If you try it and like it,... [click here for more] |
A Fistful of Games |
A free, more comprehensive sample of all the crunchy goodness packed into A Fistful of TOWs 3's 461 pages.
We posted this because the built-in preview on Wargame Vault doesn't give an adequate overview of what the interior of A Fistful of TOWs 3 contains.
Please be aware that in addition to the PDF here on Wargame Vault, we also have released two print versions--a coil-bound edition and a hardback... [click here for more] |
A Fistful of Games |
 A Means of Peace is a free supplement to my Napoleonics ruleset He Did What Heroes Do. Even with some changes in technology, armies in the American Civil War were remarkably similar to their European counteparts from the start of the century. The game continues to focus on command and control; you will still be ordering around divisions but the nature of the fighting is even more brutal. ... [click here for more] |
RCVaughan |
What's worse than clowns? CLOWN ZOMBIES!
Two days ago, you scavenged an old school walkie-talkie. Since then, you have been conversing through the static with two guys named Will and Theo. They claim to be holed up in a Coast Guard base with a few more “righteous dudes”. The base is totally secure and they have fresh water, supplies, and some weapons. They could use help defending against... [click here for more] |
Dave Bezio's Grey Area Games |
Your platoon has clawed its way forward under heavy fire---but can they make it the last few yards and kick the enemy off the hill?
Find out with a Sergeant’s War, a WWII minatures game which emphasizes morale, unit quality, and small-unit leaders. A typical force is a platoon of infantry backed up with heavy weapons and armor. Units of maneuver are individual... [click here for more] |
The Dog's Brush |
In early 2019, Spectrum Games will release our first miniatures game, Urban Manhunt. This fast-playing "future sport" game offers an entirely different dynamic compared to the direct "player's group attacking the other player's group" set-up that miniatures gamers are accustomed to.
Urban Manhunt was designed to be not only a lot of fun, but also incredibly minimal in the monetary investment required... [click here for more] |
Spectrum Games |
 A small 4 player scenario for Legends of the Old West. ... [click here for more] |
Scale Creep Miniatures |
A Truthful & Unique Account of the Napoleonic Armies of Mars is another introductory booklet to the Napoleon and the Armies of Mars rule-book. Along with the Construction Guide and the Vehicle Design Guide, players will now have enough information to allow them to create and design their own Martian war-machines and organise their infantry forces for the heroic... [click here for more] |
AB One Games |
free sample of MicroMark Army List A1A, American Armoured Divsion 1944-1945.
Now updated in a lot of areas, with much more accurate information.
Updated the Armoured Infantry Battalion data September 2023. ... [click here for more] |
MicroMark Army Lists |
Have you ever wondered what Federation & Empire is all about? This booklet is designed to tell you more about the wide-ranging game that so many now enjoy. While you cannot play Federation & Empire with the information you will find here, you can make an informed choice about whether you would enjoy the game.
Here you will find an explanation of what the game entails and... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
 This product is a complimentary Excel spreadsheet for players to reference which Aircraft Performance Displays (APDs) are available in the various Above the Clouds products. ... [click here for more] |
GT Publishing |
Free Sample File, illustrating a small engagement.
Above the Clouds! is a set of air-combat miniature wargame rules for fighting large air battles from the late 1930s through the 1950s.
The rules are intended to produce a free-flowing and fast game to represent air combat. Although air warfare is a very technical form of combat, rules which focus too much on the technical... [click here for more] |
GT Publishing |
Accelerate and Attack! Aeons of War is a starship combat wargame design for fleet actions from Aotrs Shipyards.
This free pack contains:
Markers and QR PDF with the Quick Reference sheet, the Speed Category Summary table (and move group table for the reverse side), the speed category markers, the cloak and stealth markers
Ship markers for the Vivrathk and Stone Portal sample fleet in high fidelity... [click here for more] |
Aotrs Shipyards |
Alone, Forgotten & Hunted behind Nazi lines the survivors of Charlie Company are trapped in the "Forest of Fear".
Achtung! Cthulhu - Charlie Company : Forest of Fear #1 is the Beta test and first episode in a fun new free photographic web comic featuring miniatures, terrain and Cthluhu horror. Have you ever thought of grabbing all those miniatures and taking some awesome pictures? Well having... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
Learn all about the Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish game, with this FREE full colour catalogue, featuring background information, forthcoming releases and full colour photography, showing all the brand new Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish line. Comes with an additional Free download of Tales of the Crucible, with exclusive art and back story introducing you to the six hero characters for the Skirmish game.
Set... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
To celebrate the recent launch of the Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics videogame on Kickstarter, we've decided to make Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish wargame free to everyone! Head on over to Kickstarter and search for Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics to bring the Secret War to your PC and unlock rewards, bonus heroes and a whole wealth of Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics goodies!
Set around... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
Are you ready to fight some of the Secret War’s greatest battles? The first part of this FREE tome contains seven missions from Secret War Operations, a series of training and tutorial missions designed to help owners of the core rule book acquaint themselves with the mechanics of Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish.
Herein you’ll use the missions to learn... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
This special is design to help you in your search for gifts to get your gaming friends this holiday season....or perhaps what to get for yourself if Santa forgets to bring you ACW goodies to play with in the New Year.
"I have download it and just given a look at the articles. The magazine appears to be the work of people who love the period." - Andrea, Italy
... [click here for more] |
Raven Banner Games |
 A4 and Letter sized sheets of Union and Confederate naval flags scaled to 1/600 ... [click here for more] |
Long Face Games |
ACW supplement for Smooth&Rifled ... [click here for more] |
Dadi&Piombo |
Tranquility Sea, Monn April 1974, 1:00 PM - The Lunar Pirates are American and Russian defectors who disagree with the moon exploration policy. They aim to establish an independent state and will stop at nothing to achieve it, including raiding supply ships from both nations on the moon. These raiders constantly attack patrols or supply missions to acquire resources and weapons. An American patrol... [click here for more] |
Voxelhouse |
ADD49 Sales sheet, new releases for March-April 2011
Includes obscure Italian Napoleonics, Ogaden War 1977-78, Turkish invasion of Cyprus 1974, Yemen army 1990s, US 2nd Armoured Division in NW Europe 1944-45. ... [click here for more] |
MicroMark Army Lists |