SolCorps: Colonial War is a gonzo homebrew tabletop game set in a dystopian future where corporations exploit the solar system and war for resources and control of humanity.
MechHeads 2201 is a supplement for SolCorps: Colonial War that provides two major new elements for the game: Pilots for Mechs, and Mechs manufactured by independent companies... [click here for more]
Ceci est le livre de règles du jeu de figurines fantastiques Myrrhe & Marauds.
Des bandes de maraudeurs s’affrontent dans les ruines de cités-temples abandonnées de leurs dieux
Une dizaine de figurines par équipe
Six factions différentes
Utilisez les figurines que vous souhaitez, vivez votre version du Crousteväld
Jeu d’escarmouche avec activations alternées
Une centaine de pages... [click here for more]
The ancient game of Dungeons & Dragons is played for victory. We play to improve and learn. There is no fairness of sport nor soporific of power fantasy, merely the earnest exploration of the possible and the fantastic.
Muster is a friendly introduction to the particular ethos and technique of playing D&D as a wargame, a kriegsspiel. It’s for both players and referees interested... [click here for more]
A collection of four Battle Maps (12 inches x 18 inches Posters) for tabletop role-playing or other miniatures-based adventure games. The maps consist of two grassland maps, a dungeon map, and a rocky ground map. Each map includes a one-inch grid.
Print and Play Battle Maps
Download the PDF version of the 12" x 18" Posters, take the PDFs to your local printer and ask them to print the posters... [click here for more]
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Minerva Monster – Assassin, Cryptids (Mercenary)
This deck also contains one Collectible Trading Card:
Minerva Monster photo by Bryan K. Borgman (card #18)
... [click here for more]
This deck contains Stat Cards for the following characters:
Psychozor – Sharpshooter, The Planet Devourer
Zullbeast – Brawler, Eldritch Horrors
This deck contains a Stat Card for the following:
Poison-Immune – Special Ability
This deck also contains one Collectible Trading Card:
Gourdzilla photo by Bryan K. Borgman (card #15)
Release Date: April... [click here for more]
Welcome Explorers!
Issue 8 is now available for download. This issue brings us a variety of topics including races, ships, equipment, and creatures. We also have a variety of campaign background material, a new comic series, and another story about the exploits of Rodworth Shimout. This issue also includes the second of many articles on converting the Star Frontiers setting to the Stars Without... [click here for more]
A DieDeck is a deck of 100 cards that represent random die rolls for the following dice: 100 sided, 20 sided, 12 si
How to use the DieDeck:
Rules to play Orc-A-Thon using the DieDeck.
Do not forget to add the Add Large Deckbox at checkout, you will want it becasue of the large number of cards. ... [click here for more]