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FG&DN 2nd Edition Jumpstart

FG&DN 2nd Edition Jumpstart

This free Fear God & Dread Nought 2nd edition Jumpstartbooklet includes a learning scenario and an abbreviated rules set that allows players to try out the rules. It is not a complete rules set. ...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group   FREE 

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Harpoon V Expanded Critical Hit Tables

Harpoon V Expanded Critical Hit Tables

            This free publication supports the Harpoon V modern naval tactical rules set. It provides a detailed breakdown of each column of the Critical Hit Table, using a D100 roll instead of a D20. Each ship type has a separate page, and details of each casualty are included.             This is a straight implementation of the Harpoon V rules, with the exception...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group   FREE 

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Harpoon V Expanded Critical Hit Tables (Chinese Language)

Harpoon V Expanded Critical Hit Tables (Chinese Language)

Harpoon Expanded Critical Hit Tables               This free publication supports the Harpoon V modern naval tactical rules set. It provides a detailed breakdown of each column of the Critical Hit Table, using a D100 roll instead of a D20. Each ship type has a separate page, and details of each casualty are included.             This is a straight implementation...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group   FREE 

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Harpoon V Expanded Critical Hit Tables (Japanese Language)

Harpoon V Expanded Critical Hit Tables (Japanese Language)

この無料の冊子は『Harpoon V modern naval tactical rules set』をサポートします。クリティカルヒットテーブルの各列の内訳を、D20の代わりにD100の出目を用いて詳細に解説しています。各艦種には個別のページがあり、各死傷者の詳細が記載されています。 これはHarpoon Vのルールをそのまま実装したものですが、(2021年3月現在)ルールの次回のアップロードで組み込まれる変更点と時代(1955年以前)に建造された船の代替スキームを提供する非公式の「ハウスルール」を除いては、そのままとなっています。...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group   FREE 

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Harpoon V Jumpstart

Harpoon V Jumpstart

This Jumpstart is a free introdution to the new fifth edition version of Harpoon. It includes a rules summary and a sample scenario, diagrammed and heavily annotated to explain play. The summaries cover the basics of game play and important changes from earlier editions of the game. We encourage you to download it, share with anyone who might be interested, and please email us at   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group   FREE 

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Harpoon V Jumpstart (Chinese Language)

Harpoon V Jumpstart (Chinese Language)

Harpoon Jumpstart   The Jumpstart is a free introduction to the new fifth edition version of Harpoon. It includes a rules summary and a sample scenario, diagrammed and heavily annotated to explain play. The summary covers the basics of game play and important changes from earlier edition of the game. We encourage you to download it, share with anyone who might be interested, and please email...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group   FREE 

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Harpoon V Jumpstart (Japanese Language)

Harpoon V Jumpstart (Japanese Language)

このジャンプスタートは、新第5版『ハープーン』の無料の入門書です。ルールの概要とサンプルシナリオが含まれており、プレイを説明するために図解と大量の注釈が施されています。要約では、ゲームの基本的な遊び方や、旧版からの重要な変更点をカバーしています。また、ご質問やご意見がありましたら、 までメールをお送りください。...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group   FREE 

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Naval SITREP Index

Naval SITREP Index

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by ATG. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.       This version of the index covers the issues currently available at The Wargame Vault, #14 (April 1998) through # 67 (October 2024). As new issues are added, this index will be updated. ...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group   FREE 

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Persian Incursion Sample Rules

Persian Incursion Sample Rules

Persian Incursion explores the political and military effects of an Israeli air campaign against Iran to prevent them from building a nuclear weapon. It uses rules adapted from Harpoon to resolve the military action. But its goal is to look beyond the military action by modeling the political and intelligence actions and consequences of a potential political conflict by including a card-based...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group   FREE 

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